
photo of Roger Moore

Prof Roger Moore

Post:Emeritus Professor (School of Global Studies)
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Roger completed his undergraduate degree in physical geography in 1984 (Βι¶ΉΣ³»­), and his PhD in 1988 (King’s College, London). He joined Geomorphological Services Ltd (GSL) in 1988 working on international development and UK-based commercial work in applied geomorphology. In 1990, Roger joined Rendel Geotechnics, part of the High Point Rendel group, where he continued his applied geomorphology work for UK central and local government, and a variety of civil engineering projects around the world. In 1997, Roger joined Halcrow Group Ltd and worked in Hong Kong for 3 years working with the Hong Kong Government’s Geotechnical Engineering Office on two landmark projects, the Landslip Investigation Consultancy, and the Natural Terrain Hazards and Risk Area Studies; both of these commissions were aimed at developing assessment methods for reducing the impact and risk of slope instability and landslides in Hong Kong and the New Territories. Roger returned to the UK in 2000 and has developed and led a team of engineering geomorphologists, the largest group of its kind in commercial practice in the UK. The team undertakes applied geomorphology work in the UK and overseas for governments, agencies, developers and operators. Since 2008, Roger has been in discussion with Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ regarding collaboration in research, consultancy and the development of a unique MSc / CPD programme in applied geomorphology to support industry. Roger was appointed Professor of Applied Geomorphology at Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ in November 2010. He fulfills this role on a part-time basis in parallel with his position at CH2M (formerly Halcrow). 

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Roger has three principal objectives and roles:

  1. Lead the innovative design, development and delivery of an MSc/ CPD programme in Engineering Geomorphology
  2. Play a role in the development and implementation of School research strategies, and lead and co-ordinate research activity in applied geomorphology
  3. Play a lead role in identifying and exploring opportunities for enterprise activity, knowledge exchange income and consultancy

Community and Business

Roger is director of global technology for the tunnels and earth engineering group at CH2M (formerly Halcrow Group Ltd). He also serves as editorial board member for the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Journal of Landslides and Geotechnique. He is Fellow of the Geological Society London and the Institution of Civil Engineers representing the interests of professionals in ground engineering and geomorphology. He is member of the accreditation panel for the Geological Society and serves on a number of steering committees and research networks listed below.

  • Natural Environment Research Council Theme Action Plans (2012-2015) and Skills Needs Review Group (2009-2010)
  • EPSRC iSMART (2013-2016): Infrastructure Slopes Sustainable Management and Resilience Assessment; consortium of UK universities and industry stakeholders to apply scientific understanding to inform advanced inspection, monitoring, maintenance and repair regimes
  • CLIFFS (2005–2008): Climate Impact Forecasting for Slopes; an EPSRC-funded network based at Loughborough University to bring together academics, R&D agencies, stakeholders, consultants and climate specialists to improve forecasting of slope instability
  • CRANIUM (2003-2006): Climate Change Risk Assessment: new impact and uncertainty methods – EPSRC funded research programme to address the possible impacts of climate change on the built environment, transport and utilities
  • EU Life RESPONSE (2003-2006) - Regional scale assessment of coastal hazards and risk to aid decision-making across EU member states.

Selected publications

Publications (books/guides)

R Moore, RG McInnes: Living with ground instability and landslides: understanding the risks, empowering communities, building resilience – a global good practice guide. CH2M HILL, Sep 2014.

R Moore, RG McInnes: Cliff instability and erosion management in Great Britain: a good practice guide. Published by Halcrow Group Ltd, 2011.

RG McInnes, R Moore et al: The Undercliff of the Isle of Wight – a guide to managing ground instability. Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment. Cross Publishing, Chale,Isle of Wight. 2007.

EM Lee, R Moore et al: Coastal Planning and Management: A Review of Earth Science Information Needs, ISBN 0 11 7531111, HMSO,London, 1997.

EM Lee, R Moore & AR Clark: Landslide Investigation and Management in Great Britain: A Guide for Planners and Developers, ISBN 0 11 753180 4, HMSO,London, 1996.

R Moore, EM Lee & AR Clark: The Undercliff of the Isle of Wight: a Review of Ground Behaviour, ISBN 1 873295 70 7. Cross Publishing, Newport, Isle of Wight, 1995.

EM Lee and R MooreCoastal Landslip Potential Assessment: Isle of Wight Undercliff, Ventnor. Department of the Environment, Research Contract PECD 7/1/272, 1991.

Technical Papers

R Moore & R G McInnes: the Impacts of Landslides on Global Society: Planning for Change. Landslides and Engineered Slopes. Experience, Theory and Practice – Aversa et al. (Eds), Vol 3; 1461-1468. 2016.

R Moore & R G McInnes: Ground Instability and Landslide Management: Raising Awareness and Increasing Capacity for Change within Affected Societies. Landslides and Engineered Slopes. Experience, Theory and Practice – Aversa et al. (Eds), Vol 3; 1469-1476. 2016.

R Moore, M Stannard & G Davis: East Cliff, Lyme Regis, UK: balancing the needs of coastal protection, landslide prevention and the environment.  Landslides and Engineered Slopes. Experience, Theory and Practice – Aversa et al. (Eds), Vol 3; 1477-1484. 2016.

J Barlow, R Moore and D Gheorghiu: Reconstructing the recent failure chronology of a pre-existing multistage landslide complex using cosmogenic isotope concentrations: St Catherine’s Point, UK. Geomorphology 268; 288–295. . 2016

R Moore and G Davis: Cliff instability and erosion management in England and Wales. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 19(6), 771-784. DOI 10.1007/s11852-014-0359-3. Springer. 2015.

O Dabson, J Barlow, R Moore: Morphological controls on submarine slab failures. Lamarche et al. (eds) Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences: 7th International Symposium. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 41, Springer. 2015.

G Davis, R Moore, J Cartright, D Daskalopoulos and N Browning: East Cliff, Lyme Regis: the challenges of coastal protection and slope stabilisation of an historic town and community within a World Heritage and SAC site. A Baptiste (ed) Coastal Management: proceedings of the international conference, Amsterdam, 8-9 September 2015, p739-748. ICE Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-0-7277-6114-9.

R Siddle, S Rowe and R Moore: Adaptation to Property Loss due to Coastal Cliff Instability and Erosion: Case study into the Knipe Point Cliff Retreat Pathfinder Project. A Baptiste (ed) Coastal Management: proceedings of the international conference, Amsterdam, 8-9 September 2015. ICE Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-0-7277-6114-9.

J Carey, R Moore and D Petley: Patterns of movement in the Ventnor landslide complex, Isle of Wight, southern England. Journal on Landslides, 12(6), 1107-1118. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-014-0538-1. 2014.

N Dixon, R Moore, M Spriggs, A Smith, P Meldrum & R Siddle: Performance of an acoustic emission monitoring system to detect subsurface ground deformations at Flat Cliffs, North Yorkshire, UK. Proceedings of the IAEG, Torino, G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, p117-120. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Sep 2014.

R Moore, RG McInnes: Landslides and climate change – innovative approaches to planning policy and stakeholder engagement in England. Proc. of the 11th International and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Banff, Canada, Vol. 1; 395-400. June 2012.

JL Moss, J Cartwright, R Moore: Evidence for fluid migration following pockmark formation: Examples from the Nile Deep Sea Fan. Marine Geology, Volumes 303-306, pp. 1–13, 2012.

G Hough, J Green, R Moore, P Fish, A Mills: A geomorphological mapping approach for the assessment of seabed geohazards and risk. Marine Geophysical Research, Volume 32, Issue 1-2, pp. 151-162. 2011.

R Moore, J Rogers, A Woodget & A Baptiste: Climate change impact on cliff instability and erosion in the UK. FCRM>10, Proceedings of the EA Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, 079, 2010.

R Moore, JM Carey & RG McInnes: Landslide behaviour and climate change: predictable consequences for the Ventnor Undercliff, Isle of Wight. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 43 447-460. 2010.

R Moore, N Usher & T Evans: Integrated multidisciplinary assessment of West Nile Delta geohazards. 6th International Conference, Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge,London, 2007.

R Moore, M Turner, M Palmer & J Carey. The Ventnor Undercliff: a new ground model and implications for climate change induced landslide behaviour and risk. Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change, Ventnor,Isle of Wight. p365-375, 2007.

R Moore, J Carey, AJ Mills, SW Martin, SK Trinder, L Kerry, G Leask & A Simmons. Recent landslide impacts on the UK Scottish road network: investigation into the mechanisms, causes and management of landslide risk. Proceedings of the International Conference on Slopes, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. P223-237. 2006.

R Moore, J Carey and P Fish: Landslide geomorphology at Cayton Bay, North Yorkshire. Journal of the Yorkshire Geological Society. Vol 56; Part 1, pages 5-14. 2006.

R Moore, SR Hencher & EM Lee: Debris flow risk to pipeline facilities in mountainous terrain: a quantitative risk assessment approach. Geopipe, International Conference on terrain and geohazard challenges facing onshore oil and gas pipelines. P271-282. 2004.

R Moore, P Fish, A Koh, D Trivedi & A Lee: Coastal change analysis: a quantitative approach using digital maps, aerial photographs and LiDAR. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Management, Brighton. P197-211. 2003.

R Moore, P Fish, M Glennerster & A Bradbury: Cliff behaviour assessment: a quantitative approach using digital photogrammetry and GIS. Proceedings of the 38th DEFRA Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, 08.3.1-08.3.13, 2003.

R Moore, S Hencher & N Evans: An approach for area and site-specific natural terrain hazard and risk assessment. In KKS Ho & KS Li (eds) Geotechnical Engineering: Meeting Society’s Needs; Proceedings of the 14th South East Asian Geotechnical Conference Vol 1; 155-160, Hong Kong, 2001.

R Moore: The geology and geomorphology at Birling Gap, East Βι¶ΉΣ³»­: the scientific case for geo-conservation. Proceedings of the 36th DEFRA Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, 02.3.1-02.3.12, 2001.

D Brunsden& R Moore: Engineering geomorphology on the coast: lessons from West Dorset. Geomorphology No. 834; 1-19, 1999.

R Moore, AR Clark & EM Lee: Coastal cliff behaviour & management: Blackgang, Isle of Wight. In: Maund JG & Eddlestone M (eds) Geohazards in Engineering Geology, Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 15, 49-59, 1998.

R Moore & D Brunsden: A physico-chemical mechanism of seasonal mudsliding, Geotechnique, vol. XLVI (2), 259-278, 1996.

R Moore, AR Clark & R McInnes: Landslide response & management: Blackgang, Isle of Wight, Proceedings of the 30th MAFF Conference of River & Coastal Engineers,KeeleUniversity, p6.3.1-6.3.23, 1995.

R Moore, D Billing & TM Dibb: The distribution and causes of mass movement in Aurora Province, Philippines. Proceedings of 6th Int Symposium on Landslides, Christchurch, New Zealand, February 1992, 1023-1029, 1992.

R Moore, EM Lee & F Longman: The impact, causes and management of landsliding at Luccombe Village, Isle of Wight, In R J Chandler (ed) Conference on Slope Stability Engineering, Shanklin, Thomas Telford, P225-230. 1991.

R Moore: The mineralogical and chemical controls upon the residual strength of pure and natural clays. Geotechnique, 41 (1), 35-47, 1991.

R Moore: Landslide geochemistry. In: Landslides of the Dorset Coast, (ed) R J Allison, BGRG Special publication, 1990.

J Chandler & R Moore: Analytical photogrammetry: a method for monitoring slope instability, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 22: 97-110, 1989.