
photo of Inka Barnett

Dr Inka Barnett

Post:Fellow (Institute of Development Studies)
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Dr Inka Barnett

Research Fellow, Health and Nutrition Cluster

Institute of Development Studies

Library Road



 Tel: +44 (0)1273 605763




Email: i.barnett@ids.ac.uk



Dr Inka Barnett is a nutritionist (LSHTM) and epidemiologist (University of Cambridge) with over 12 years of experience in global health research projects in Asia and Africa. She is specialised on mixed method impact evaluations of health projects and led/co-led several major evaluations including the multi-country ‘External evaluation of DFID/GSMA’s mobile phone technology based nutrition and agriculture advisory services in Africa and South Asia’, the ‘Evaluation of real-time nutrition monitoring in Indonesia (for DFID)’ and the ‘Impact Evaluation of the DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh’. Inka also convenes the Impact Evaluation Module for MA students at IDS. Her key research interests have been the child nutrition and behaviour change interventions.



2009 – 2012                         PhD in Epidemiology (3-year ESRC-scholarship),
University of Cambridge    

2006 – 2007                         MSc in Public Health Nutrition,
LSHTM, University of London

2001 – 2004                         MSc Nutritional Sciences (with distinction),

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn, Germany

1998 – 2001                         BSc Nutritional Sciences (with distinction),
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn, Germany


2012 – Present                     Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, UK
PI for several studies and MA module convenor


2007 – 2012                         Health Research Officer, Young Lives study, University of Oxford, ODID, UK

2005                                       Research Consultant, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Pretoria, South Africa

2003 – 2004                         Research Associate, University of Bonn and Direction de Hydraulique, Cotonou, Benin

2002                                       Nutritionist, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

2001                                       Research Assistant, Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Department of Global Nutrition, Bonn, Germany

2000                                       Research Assistant, Nutritional Psychology, University of Göttingen, Germany




2016       Barnett, I.; Yosellina; Sulistyo, S. et al., Mixed-Method Impact Evaluation of a Mobile Phone Application for Nutrition Monitoring in Indonesia, IDS Evidence Report 200, Brighton: IDS.

2015       Barnett, I. ‘Mobile Phones for Nutrition Surveillance: Strong Potential, Little Evidence’ in L. J. Haddad, C. Hawkes, E. Achadi, A. Ahuja, M. Ag Bendech, K. Bhatia, et al. (eds), Global Nutrition Report (GNR), Washington: IFPRI.

2015       Haddad, L.; Cameron, L. and Barnett, I., ‘The double burden of malnutrition in SE Asia and the Pacific: priorities, policies and politics’, Health Policy and Planning 30(3): 1193-200.

2014       Barnett, I. and Edwards, D., Mobile phones for Real-time Nutrition Surveillance: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities for Data Presentation and Dissemination, IDS Evidence Report 75, Brighton: IDS.

2014       Barnett, I.; Befani, B.; Sulistyo and O'Leary, M., A Mixed-Method Impact Evaluation Design of a Mobile Phone Application for Nutrition Service Delivery in Indonesia, IDS Evidence Report 79, Brighton: IDS.

2014       Barnett, I.; van Sluijs, E.; Ogilvie, D. and Wareham, N.J., ‘Changes in household, transport and recreational physical activity and television viewing time across the transition to retirement: longitudinal evidence from the EPIC-Norfolk cohort’, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 68(8): 747-53.

2014       Barnett, I. and Nisbett, N., An Analysis of Maharashtra’s Decline in Childhood Stunting: Stakeholder Perspectives. In Maharashtra's Child Stunting Declines: What Is Driving Them? Findings of a Multidisciplinary Analysis, Brighton: IDS.

2013       Barnett, I. and Gallegos, J., Using Mobile Phones for Nutrition Surveillance: A Review of Evidence, IDS Evidence Report 1, Brighton: IDS.

2013       Barnett, I., Guell, C. and Ogilvie, D., ‘How do couples influence each other’s physical activity behaviours in retirement? An exploratory qualitative study’, BMC Public Health 13: 1197.

2013       Morrow, V.; Barnett, I. and Vujcich, D. ‘Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Injuries to Adolescents Growing Up in Poverty in Ethiopia, Andhra Pradesh (India), Vietnam and Peru: A Mixed Method Study’, Health Policy and Planning 29.1: 67-75.

2012       Barnett, I.; Guell, C. and Ogilvie, D., ‘The Experience of Physical Activity and the Transition to Retirement: A Systematic Review and Integrative Synthesis of Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence’, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9.97: 1-10.

2012       Barnett, I.; Sluijs van, E. M. F. and Ogilvie, D., ‘Physical Activity and the Transition to Retirement: A Systematic Review’, American Journal of Preventive Medicine 43.3: 329–336.

2011       Barnett, I.; Ariana, P.; Petrou, S.; Penny, M. E.; Boyden, J.; Dorman, P. and Plugge, E. ‘Cohort Profile: The Young Lives Study’, International Journal of Epidemiology 5.5: 1-8.

2011       Barnett, I.; Guell, C. and Ogilvie, D., ‘Physical Activity and the Transition to Retirement: A Mixed Method Systematic Review’, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 65.A34.