
Centre for Coastal Research (CCR)

People and contacts

Our profile links academic research with its applications via our strong relationship with engineering geology and applied geomorphology industrial practitioners

Dr John Barlow, Geography

Mr Tim Cane, Geography Laboratories

Dr Jon Carey, CH2MHill

Dr Richard Charman, Associate Researcher, Geomorphologist for Kent and South London, Environment Agency.

Dr  Jerome Curoy, Geography

Mr Martin Eade, Visiting Practitioner, Coastal Engineer, Brighton and Hove City Council.  W:

Amanda and DavidDr Paul Fish, CH2MHill

Jamie Gilham, Geography

Amanda Holland, Geography

Prof Mark Lee, Independent Consultant

Dr Andy Mills, CH2MHill

Prof Roger Moore, Geography

Prof David Norbury, Independent Consultant

, Associate Researcher, Coastal Engineer, Havant Borough Council  E: david.picksley@havant.gov.uk

Dr David Robinson, Geography

Mr Ian Thomas, Visiting Practitioner, Project Manager, Pevensey Coastal Defence Ltd  W:

Prof Richard Tol, Economics

Dr Yi Wang, Geography

Our research has fostered links with the following organisations who have been/are partners or consultants in our projects

Business and enterprise

ABPmer (Associated British Ports Marine Environmental Research Ltd), Royal Haskoning Ltd, CH2MHill Ltd., HR Wallingford Ltd., Pevensey Coastal Defence Ltd., Compass Hydrographic Ltd

Government organizations

Channel Coastal Observatory (CCO), Environment Agency, Natural England, British Geological Survey, East Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ County Council, Brighton and Hove City Council, Dover District Council, Hastings Borough Council, Lewes District Council, Wealden District Council, Rother District Council, Canterbury City Council, Worthing District Council, Havant Borough Council, South Downs Coastal Group, South East Coastal Group, Port Authority of Dunkirk.


Kent Wildlife Trust, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Wildlife Trust, The National Trust, The Railway Land Trust; Conseil Régional de Haute Normandie, Conseil Général de la Seine Maritime, SMACOPI (Syndicat Mixte pour L’Amenagement de la Cote Picardie) ;

Collaborating universities and research institutions

University of Durham, University of Oxford, University of Southampton, Portsmouth University, Plymouth University, Lancaster University, British Geological Survey, UK; Université du Littorale, University of Caen (Centre National de Reserche Scientifique; CNRS), University of Breste (CNRS), France; Flanders Hydraulic Research Institute, Research Institute for Nature and Forest, University of Gent, Belgium; Bureau for Beach and Dune Research,  Delft University, Netherlands; University of the Balearic Islands, Spain; University of Lisbon, Portugal; University of Karlstad, Sweden; University of Trieste, Italy; University of Padua, Italy; Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic development (ENEA); Trent University, Canada; University of Melbourne, Australia; University of Otago, New Zealand