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Harvey Matusow Archive I: Un-American activities (1950-55)

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Official Papers

Ohio Un-American Activities Commission.

Report 1951-52. Columbus: 1953. Published edition. Testimony of H.M.M. 25.02.52 pp.99-126. 1/1

[Another copy] 1/2

State Industrial Commission of Texas to investigate alleged communist domination of certain labor organisations, Austin 04-06.l2.53

Proceedings ff. 63-105: testimony of H.M.M. 04.12.53. Ts. photocopied. File includes carbon duplicate t.s. copy of sworn affidavit 18.01.54. 1/3

Question and answer sheet. ff.22, 3, 5. Ts. with ms. corrections On labour unions. 1/4

Related Papers 1946-53. 4 files t.s. papers. Contain duplicated and photographic copies of documents from the House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities, the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, the Congress of Industrial Organisations, and from other sources, copies of newspaper-cuttings, etc., relating to:
the Distributive, Processing and Office Workers Union, David Livingston, Arthur Osman and Jack Paley. Includes Communism vs. democracy : a short history of the DPOWA 1/5,
the International Fur and Leather Workers Union and Ben Gold. 1/6,
the International Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers Union. 1/7,
other 1/8

Subversive Activities Control Board

Official report of proceedings : J. Howard McGrath, Attorney General of the U.S. v. The Communist Party of the U.S.A. Docket no.51-101. ff.11002-23, ff.11155-63 : excerpts from testimony of H.M.M. on direct examination and on cross-examination 10.03.52. Ts copies 2/1

Official report of proceedings : Herbert Brownell. v. Labor Youth League. Docket no.102-53. ff.489-730: testimony of H.M.M. 09.10.53. Duplicated ts. 2/2

Herbert Brownell.. v. Labor Youth League. Docket no.102-53. Report of the Board 15.02.55. pp.iii, 57, xxi. Duplicated ts. 2/3

Official report of proceedings. Herbert Brownell..v. National Council of American-Soviet Friendship Inc. Docket no. 104-53. ff. 1636-1791 : testimony of H.M.M. Duplicated ts. 2/4

Official report of proceedings. Herbert Brownell..v. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Docket no.108-53. ff.1690-1852 : testimony of H.M.M. 07.06.54, 08.06.54. Duplicated ts. 2 vols. 2/5-6

Herbert Brownell...v. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Testimony of H.M.M. 07.06.54. ff.9. Pencilled notes by H.M.M. 2/7

Petition. Herbert Brownell...v. Council on African Affairs Inc. Docket no.110-53. On petition for an order requiring the Council ... to register with the Attorney General. ff.10. Duplicated ts. 2/8

Petition. Herbert Brownell..v. International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. On petition for an order determining that the International Union ... is a communist infiltrated organisation. ff.6. Duplicated ts. 2/9

Other Papers:
Draft affidavit. ff.4. Ts. By H.M.M., admitting perjury. 2/10
Witness sheet on H.M.M. ff.16. Photocopied ts. A question and answer sheet. 2/11

U.S. Congress

Congressional Record. Vol. 97 no.198 20.10.51. Headline : Communist spies misused Committees of Congress. 3/1

Congressional Record. Vol. 100 nos.168-81 08.11.54-14.12.54. Contain reports on Senate resolution to censure Sen. J. McCarthy. 3/2

Congressional Record. Vol. 101 nos.116-124 11.07.55-22.07.55. Index. Contains references to H.M.M. 3/3

U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Un-American Activities

Hearings 06.02.52 Official report: evidence of H.M.M. ff.117. Duplicated ts. 4/1

Hearings 07.02.52 Official report: evidence of H.M.M. ff.58. Duplicated ts. 4/2

Hearings 06-07.02.52 pp.3273-3343 : Communist activities among youth groups, based on testimony of Harvey M. Matusow. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1952. Published version. 4/3
[Another copy] 4/4
Galley proof 4/5
Related Papers. 1 file ts. papers. Contains: Questions to be propounded to H.M.M. ff.19 and notes towards testimony of H.M.M. 4/6

Hearings 17-18.06.53 pp.1739-1841 : Investigation of Communist activities in the Columbus, Ohio, area. Washington : U.S.G.P.O. , 1953. Published version. 4/7

Hearings 12.07.54 pp.5839-5849 : Communist activities among youth groups, based on testimony of Harvey M. Matusow. Part 2. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1954. Published version. 4/8

Related Published Papers
Annual report 1951. pp. iii, 30. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1952. 4/9
Annual report 1952. pp. iii, 89. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1952. 4/10
Guide to subversive organisations and publications. House document 137. pp. ii , 166. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1951. 4/11
100 things you should know about communism. House document 136. pp. ii , 166. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1951. 4/12

U.S. House of Representatives. Special Committee of the Committee on Military Affairs, to investigate communists...

Hearing 27.02.45. Report of proceedings vol. 2 ff.3589-3663 : testimony of Hon. John J. McCloy and Maj.-Gen. Clayton Bissell. Photocopied ts. 4/13

Hearing 13.03.45. Report of proceedings vol. 3 ff.125-218 : statements of Maj.-Gen. Clayton Bissell and Maj.-Gen. William J. Donovan. Photocopied ts. 4/14
Letter : Maj.-Gen. Bissell to chairman S.C.M.A.C. 19.03.45 ; with 2 enclosures. Photocopied ts. 4/15
Hearing 24.05.45. Executive session. Report of proceedings vol. 11 ff.705-56 : statement of Maj.-Gen. Clayton Bissell, etc. Photocopied ts. 4/16
ff. 1-6 : letter : John J. McCloy to chairman S.C.M.A.C. 22.05.45 ; etc. Carbon ts. copy. 4/17

Hearing 18.07.45 ff.1-10: submission of H. Ralph Burton, general counsel to the Committee. Photocopied ts. Notes on known communists in U.S. Army. 4/18

U.S. Senate

Reports no.823-5 12.07.55, Resolutions S.129-31: Proceedings against Joseph Starobin, Harry Sacher and Harvey M. Matusow for contempt of Senate. Printed versions. File includes covering letter. 5/1

U.S. Senate. Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations

Hearings State Department information program (information centers) : testimony of H.M.M. 06.05.53, etc. Galley proof, with covering letter. 5/2

Statement of Harvey Marshal Matusow. ff. 6. Draft? Ts. copy. 5/3

U.S. Senate. Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections to the Committee on Rules and Administration

Investigations of Senators Joseph R. McCarthy and William Benton. Report. pp. iii, 400. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1952. Published version. 5/4

U.S. Senate. Subcommittee to investigate the administration of the Internal Security Act and other internal security laws, Committee on the Judiciary

Hearings 1951-52. 7 vols. Washington: U.S.G.P.O. 1952. Published version:
Communist domination of union officials in vital defense industry - International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers 06-09.10.52. 5/5
Communist tactics in controlling youth organisations 12.04.51, 12.06.51, 16.01.52, 27-29.02.52; 5, 24, 27.03.52 5/6
Espionage activities of personnel attached to embassies and consulates under Soviet domination in the U.S. 09.07.51, 05 & 07.02.52. 5/7
Institute of Pacific Relations part 11 10, 12-13, 19, 21, 25, & 27.03.52. 5/8
Subversive control of Distributive, Processing, and Office Workers of America 23 & 29.08.51, 25-26.10.51, 11, 13-15 & 19-21.02.52, 07.03.52. 5/9
Subversive infiltration of radio, television, and the entertainment industry parts 1-2 27-28.04.51, 25.05.51, 07.06.51, 22.10.51, 01.4.52, 20 & 26.03.52, 23.04.52, 20.05.52. 5/10-11

Hearings 1952 DPOWA. ff. 8. Ts. copy. Statement by H.M.M. ? 5/12

Hearings 21.02.55-02.03.55. Report of proceedings vols. 1-5 : evidence of H.M.M. Duplicated ts. copy
1. ff.1-164 21.02.55 6/1
2. ff.165-431 22.02.55 6/2
3. ff.432-588 28.02.55 6/3
4. ff.589-899 01.03.55 6/4
5. ff. 900-1052 02.03.55 6/5

The Communist Party of the U.S.A.: what it is, how it works; a handbook for Americans. Committee print. pp. v, 100. Washington : U.S.G.P.O., 1955. Published version. 7/1

Strategy and tactics of world communism : significance of the Matusow case. Committee print. pp. iv, 120. Washington : U.S.G.P.O., 1955. Published version. 7/2

The strategy and tactics of world communism : the significance of the Matusow case. Committee print. pp. iv, 1300. Washington : U.S.G.P.O., 1955. Contains record of Hearings parts 1-12 21.02.55-09.05.55 and Report 06.04.55. 7/3

[Another copy] 7/4

[Another copy] Filed with printed books 7/5

Subpoenas. 1 file ts. and printed papers. Contains: subpoenas served on H.M.M. 1951-55 by Subversive Activities Control Board, U.S. District Court (Southern District of New York, Western District of Texas), various subcommittees of Congress, House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities; and official correspondence relating to testimony, provision of evidence, etc. 7/6

Miscellaneous Papers: H.M.M. 1 file ts. papers, some photocopies. Contains: statements, etc. by H.M.M.: affidavit 21.01.50 f.1 carbon ts. copy - on giving evidence to F.B.I. ; statement 19.10.51 ff.22 duplicated ts - on activities during membership of Communist Party 1946-51; People identified with C.P. by H.M. in his testimony before Congressional committees ff.6 ts. H.M.M.'s statement with respect to the Civil Rights Congress ff.12 carbon ts. copy; H.M.M. in relation to the United May Day Committee ff.10 carbon ts. copy; statement ff.4 carbon ts. copy - on C.P. activities 1948-50; Witness sheet ff.7 photocopied ts. - on C.P. activities; Matusow interview ff.2 photocopied ts. - on American Youth for Democracy and the C.P. 7/7

Miscellaneous Papers : Other. 1 file ts. papers. Contains affidavit of Martha N. Edmiston and John J. Edmiston 01.04.55. ff.6. Duplicated ts. copy. 7/8

U.S. District Court. Southern District of New York

U.S.A. v. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn et al. no.C136-7. Stenographer's minutes vol. 6 ff.6565-7179 : testimony of H.M.M., etc. 14.07.52-30.07.52. Duplicated ts. copy. 8/1
Memorandum in opposition to defendants' motion for a new trial, by J. Edward Lumbard and William F. Tomkins. Feb? 1955. ff. 156. Duplicated ts. copy. 8/2
Office memorandum : A.A. Blinder to J.V. Ryan 23.04.52. f.1. Carbon ts. copy. 8/3
Note by H.M.M. ff.2. Ts. On Jefferson School of Social Science. 8/4
U.S.A. v. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn et al. C136-7 08.02.55. Stenographer's minutes. 2 vols. Duplicated and carbon ts. copies.
ff.1-623 08.02.55-16.02.55. 9/1
ff.624-958, 1515-51, 1954-2011 17.02.55-10.03.55. Contain testimony of H.M.M., David L. Atchison and Riley Alvin Taintor. 9/2
Defendants' Exhibits 10-11.02.55. 1 file ts. papers. Contains mainly photographic copies of documents relating to H.M.M. Include : letter of H.M.M. to J. McCarthy 24.08.53 ; Report of communist activities of H.M.M. 19.10.51, with revisions and additions; extracts from diary 1948-52. 8/5
U.S.A. v. Harvey M. Matusow no.C147-345.
Charges of the Grand Jury, July 1955. ff.11. Carbon ts. copy. 10/1
Question, for the examination of jurors...by the defendant 16.04.56. ff.6. Carbon ts. copy. 10/2
U.S.A. v. Harvey M. Matusow 17.09.56-
Exhibits. 1 file photocopied ts. papers. Include: GE3 Teletype message from Scheidt to J.J. McCarthy on meeting of 19.12.51 ; GE4 Letter from S.A.C. to Director F.B.I. 30.01.52 on H.M.M.; GE5 Trial brief of A.A. Blinder 25.01.52 on testimony of H.M.M.; GE6 Notes by A.A. Blinder on meeting of 17.02.51 ; GE7 Notes by H.M.M. 17.02.52 on Jefferson School of Social Science ; GE8 Notes by H.M.M. 18.02.52 on books from University Place bookshop ; GE9 Trial brief of A.A. Blinder 18.02.52 ; GE10 Trial brief on A.A. Blinder 24.04.52 on testimony of H.M.M., with ms. notes by Roy M. Cohn; GE15 Question and answer sheet of Roy M. Cohn 01.05.52-18.06.52 on testimony of H.M.M.; GE16 Trial brief of Roy M. Cohn 10.06.52 on testimony of H.M.M.; and other less substantial pieces - GE13, GE20, GE31-3, and DE G, DE T. Most exhibits relate to case U.S.A. v. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn et al. 1952. File includes lists of exhibits. 10/3
Jury summation in Matusow case ff.1-3. Ts. draft in quadruplicate. 10/4
Notice of appeal 04.10.56, with carbon copies and 2 related letters. 10/5
Selection of jury. ff.3. Ms. notes by H.M.M. 10/6

U.S. District Court. Western District of Texas, El Paso

U.S.A. vs. Clinton E. Jencks no.54013 criminal ?.01.54.
Stenographer's minutes ff.579-703 : testimony of H.M.M. Carbon ts. copy. 10/7
Related Papers. 1 file carbon ts. copies, etc. Contains: affidavit of H.M.M. 20.01.55 ff.5 Memorandum re U.S. v. Jencks ... Judge Thomason's action concerning Nathan Witt ... 14.03.55 ff.2 ; memorandum Opinion rendered by Judge E.E. Thomason 12.03.55 on motion for a new trial f.1; Statement by H.M.M. f.1 10/8
U.S.A. v. Harvey Matusow no.60393 criminal 12.03.55-13.06.55.
Stenographer's minutes. 1 file photocopies of ts. papers. Contains: caption; contempt notice; transcript of proceedings ff.1-53; findings order and sentence; notice of appeal; and other related papers. includes : Order allowing appellant to prosecute his appeal ... 28.07.55; 2 notes by H.M.M. 10/9

U.S. Court of Appeals. District of Columbia Circuit

Communist Party of the U.S.A. v. Subversive Activities Control Board no.11850. Brief for respondent. pp. xiv, 188. Washington: U.S.G.P.O. , 1954. Printed version. 10/10

[Another copy] 10/11

U.S. Court of Appeals. Second Circuit

U.S.A. against Harvey M. Matusow. Appeal from the District Court of the U.S. for the Southern District of New York 05.10.56. Brief and appendix of appellant. pp. iv, 18, 90. Printed version. 11/1
Brief for appellee. pp. iii, 30. Printed version. 11/2
Appendix to appellee's brief. pp. ii, 610. Printed version. 11/3

U.S. Court of Appeals. Fifth Circuit

Clinton E. Jencks versus U.S.A. no.15157. Appeal from the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas 26.10.55. ff.21. Carbon ts. copy. 11/4
Appeal from the judgement of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas denying motion for new trial 26.10.55. ff.14. Carbon ts. copy. With 2 notes. 11/5
Harvey M. Matusow v. U.S.A. no.15527. Appeal from the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, El Paso Division. Brief for appellee. pp. ii , 29. Printed version. 11/6
Opening brief for appellant 29.09.55. ff iii , 16. Duplicated ts. copy. 11/7
[Another copy] 11/8
Judgement 27.01.56 pp. 25. Photocopy of printed version. 11/9

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and others vs. U.S.A. no.442 October term 1954. On petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Petition for rehearing. pp. vi, 48. Printed version. 11/10

U.S. Supreme Court

Harvey M. Matusow vs. U.S.A. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ... to review the judgement ... entered ... on 10.05.57. ff.25. Carbon ts. copy. 11/11

[Another copy] ff.1-4. 11/12

Personal Files

Acheson. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 3 pieces from Congressional Record and Freedom's case against Dean Acheson by F. Wittmer. 12/1

American Legion. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains papers issued by the American Legion, leaflets, press-cuttings and some correspondence with H.M.M. Includes papers: Organisations designated as subversive by the U.S. Attorney General; The Internal Security Act of 1950; Communist tactics in American unions; Communist fronts, their purpose and history; Know your enemy; Report on the Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace, New York City, 1949; issues of the American Legion Magazine, and reprints of some articles; two articles by H.M.M. - Reds in khaki, Communists in khaki. 12/2

Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains papers and notes by H.M.M., press-cuttings, etc. 1950-54. Includes: Report on Antioch College; Communist influences at Antioch College; lists of names. 12/3

Bentley (Arvilla). 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains miscellaneous papers relating to journey of Mrs. Arvilla Peterson Bentley to Nassau 1952 and to marriage to and divorce from H.M.M. 1953. Includes some related correspondence. 12/4

Bentley (Elizabeth). 1 file pr. papers. Contains: cuttings from McCall's Magazine, May-Aug. 1951, of articles by E.B. My life as a spy; some related cuttings. 12/5

Blacklisting Was My Business. 1 file ts. papers. Contains drafts of autobiography [?] by H.M.M. : Outline ff. 8; chapter 21, I came here to talk for Joe ff.18. 12/6

Book Burning. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains 2 letters, press-cuttings and related papers 1950-53. Includes: Primer for Americans; Congressional Record Bibliography on world communism. 12/7

Boy Scouts. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains 5 letters, press-cuttings, leaflets, poster, 1952-54, relating to alleged communist activities among children. 12/8

Bundy. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains papers relating to Capt. Edgar C. Bundy, lecturer. Includes report of meetings 04.08.52 with Sherman Adams and Dwight D. Eisenhower. 12/9

Burdette. 1 file pr. papers. Contains press-cuttings 29.06.55-25.07.55 relating to the testimony of Winston M. Burdett before the Senate Internal Security Sub-committee. 12/10

Caxton. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains correspondence with Arvilla Matusow, H.M.M. and others 25.02.53-23.10.55, trade lists, etc. of Caxton Printers Ltd. of Caldwell, Idaho. Includes verses by Arvilla Matusow. 13/1

Christianform. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains newsletters and related documents 1950-54. Includes papers: The Christianform; For God and freedom; On guard; Slingshot; 2 letters 1954. 13/2

Clark Getts. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains: letters to H.M.M. 1951-53 from Clark H. Getts Inc. , New York lecture agency; letters from clients; publicity leaflets; etc. 13/3

Cohn. 2 files pr. papers. Contain, press-cuttings relating to Roy M. Cohn:

  1. 1954, 1962 Counsel for McCarthy. 13/4
  2. 1963 Indictment for perjury and conspiracy. 13/5

Committee on Un-American Activities. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains 2 press-cuttings relating to Harold H. Velde and 1 letter 19.12.51. 13/6

Communism. Armed Forces. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains correspondence, press-cuttings and drafts of 3 articles by H.M.M. on communism in the armed forces and on the activities of the House Armed Services Committee. Includes pieces relating to H.M.M.'s article Reds in khaki. 13/7

Communism. Education. 1 file pr. papers. Contains press-cuttings, etc.[1952-53?]. Includes Communism in the colleges by J. B. Matthews. 13/8

Communism. Government. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains: notes for 2 pieces by H.M.M. on Sen. McCarthy; cuttings of 3 articles - Communists and the new deal; Communists in the White House, by J.B. Matthews; What price security ? 13/9

Communism. Q[uestions]and A[nswers]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains leaflets, press-cuttings, etc. [1951-54?] on miscellaneous subjects. Includes cuttings on Tito and Stalin. 13/10

Correspondence. Miscellaneous Business. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains 14 letters 12.04.51-24.05.54 relating to business, credit, a visa for the U.S.S.R. , etc. 13/11

Correspondence. Miscellaneous Personal. 1 file ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains: 36 letters, etc. 14.08.52-14.10.55 from acquaintances and others expressing opinions about H.M.M.'s activities, with some replies; and 2 papers relating to H.M.M.'s imprisonment at Lewisburg, Pa. 13/12

Counterattack. 8 files ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contain papers relating to the activities of Counterattack magazine, New York, and to H.M.M.'s work for it. Files 1-3 contain office papers, files 4-8 circulated or published papers.

  1. Communications 27.05.50-05.02.52. Contains confidential reports 14/1
  2. Correspondence: 41 letters 26.08.47-01.05.53, some enclosures, some photocopies. Includes papers relating to Elia Kazan, Larry Johnson, Sam Levenson, the American Legion. 14/2
  3. Lists, Memoranda, Notes 1951-52. Includes 2 pocket address-books and lists of names. 14/3
  4. Counterattack. 21 issues 14.12.51-13.06.52 and publicity material. 14/4
  5. Papers of the Radio Writers Guild, the American Federation of Radio Artists, and the Television Authority. 14/5
  6. Papers of the Veterans Action Committee of Syracuse Supermarkets, 1952. 14/6
  7. Miscellaneous related leaflets, circulars, etc. 1938-55. 14/7
  8. Miscellaneous press-cuttings 1951-62. 14/8

Crouch. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains press-cuttings, correspondence (6 letters, etc. 13.04.52-09.02.53), newsletters, notes by H.M.M. , etc. , on Paul and Sylvia Crouch, the Federation of Former Communists, Nicholas Bela. 13/13

Devin-Adair Co. 1 file ts. papers. Contains draft list of contents and order cards for proposed book by H.H.M. The reds rock the cradle. 15/1

Donner. 1 file ms. , ts. and pr. papers. Contains book-list, circular letters, notes, etc. concerning Robert Donner of Colorado Springs and visit to Colorado by H.M.M. 1953, with related press-cuttings. 15/2

Dufty. 4 files ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contain papers of William Dufty, journalist, of the New York Post c.1948-60, relating particularly to investigations of J. Edgar Hoover, the F.B.I. , the army, etc., and to cases of civil rights.

  1. Correspondence 15/3
  2. Memoranda 15/4
  3. Notes and drafts 15/5
  4. Press-cuttings 15/6

Facts Forum. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 14 issues of Facts Forum News 1953-55, publicity material and related press-cuttings. 15/7

False Witness. 5 files ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contain papers concerning publication of False witness by H.M.M. by Cameron & Kahn, 1955:

  1. Notes. Contains loose cards containing notes used in the composition of False witness ? 16/1
  2. Contracts 1955-56. Contains: contracts between author and publisher; claim for copyright; assignments of royalties (some are copies);and contract relating to surety for bail money 16/2
  3. Foreign Rights. Contains correspondence (123 letters, etc. 22.02.55-01.04.58) concerning foreign rights of publication and sales. Includes statements of royalties, etc. 16/3
  4. Production and Promotion. Contains miscellaneous papers: writing schedule, work-sheet 13.12.54, list of documents, and promotional papers. 16/4
  5. Readers. Contains letters from readers (12 letters 18.03.55-20.04.55), etc. Includes text of sermon by W.H. Melish 27.03.55 and other religious material. 16/5

Greenspun. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains papers concerning Herman Milton Greenspun and associated persons for the House Committee on Un-American Activities 1952. Includes pieces on Bartley Crum, Samuel Lewis and David Wahl. 16/6

J. Edgar Hoover. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains 1 letter from J. Edgar Hoover 12.08.52 and 3 printed pieces. 16/7

Idaho. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains letter about Donald L. West 19.10.52, etc. 16/8

Information Centers. 2 files ts. papers. Contain duplicated lists of authors and their books held in libraries of U.S. Information Centers and notes on the National Union Catalog records of Information libraries. 16/9 & 17/1

Johnson (Larry). 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains press-cuttings, letter, etc. 17/2

Joint Committee Against Communism. 1 file pr. papers. Contains papers of the American Jewish League Against Communism and the Joint Committee Against Communism: leaflets, newsletters, circular letters, press-cuttings, etc. 1949-54. Includes pieces concerning Rabbi B. Schultz. 17/3

Justice. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains correspondence (14 letters 28.04.54-12.05.55) concerning H.M.M. and the Department of Justice and related press pieces. 17/4

Kahn. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains correspondence (71 letters, telegrams, etc. 26.02.55-21.10.62) with Albert E. Kahn. Encloses: Notes by Albert E. Kahn on appearance before Federal Grand Jury, Feb. 8, 9 and 11 1955; The gentle scholar on Alcatraz [i.e. Morton Sobell]; Author admits "Instructions from Moscow". Includes 5 related letters. 17/5

Keep America Free Council, Dayton, Ohio. 1 file ts. papers. Contains constitution and by-laws, news-sheets and related papers. Includes notes on meetings 1952, notes of addresses by H.M.M., lists of names, etc., and papers from Pro America Inc., American Legion, etc. 17/6

Kohlberg. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains circular letters and other pieces issued by Alfred Kohlberg Inc. and America China Policy Association Inc. about U.S. policy in China and the Far East. Includes printed reports of related speeches in Congress. 17/7

Lattimore. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains 3 papers (including note by H.M.M.) and press-cutting on the Institute of Pacific Relations 1943-52. 18/1

Legal Folder: Faulkner and Calamia. 1 file ts. papers. Contains correspondence (93 letters, telegrams, etc. 01.01.55-07.08.62) with Joseph A. Calamia of El Paso, Texas, and Stanley Faulkner of New York, counselors at law, and with various charitable trusts, about H.M.M.'s trails and appeals. Includes bills, statements of account, etc. 18/2

McCarran. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains circular letters, correspondence and press-cuttings relating to the activities of Sen. Pat McCarran and the Senate Subcommittee on the Internal Security Act and to H.M.M.'s services. 18/3

McCarthy. 6 files mainly pr. papers

  1. 1950-51. Contains: A case history of....the official Communist Party Line, issued by the Daily Worker; Let them fall, from the office of McCarthy; Unity can defeat McCarthyism.! by P. Frankfeld. Includes letter on the activities of Harry Bridges 15.10.51; etc. 19/1
  2. 1952. Contains material relating to the election campaign in Wisconsin: address-lists, maps, leaflets, stickers, etc. Include: The McCarthy record, by N. de Toledano; Sen. McCarthy answers some important questions; 1952 Republican platform; McCarthyism, issued by the New York Young Republican Club; broadcast speech of Sen. McCarthy, Milwaukee, 03.09.52; McCarthyism: the fight for America, by J. McCarthy; related press-cuttings and letters from the McCarthy Club (3) and D. Surine (1) 19/2
  3. 1953. Contains press-cuttings and letters from: D. Buckley 02.04.53; Joseph Miller 08.05.53; Harry S. Truman 30.11.53. 19/3
  4. 1954. Contains press-cuttings, issues of Congressional Record, The Progressive, etc. Includes: Proposed resolution re Sen. Joseph McCarthy, issued by New York Young Republican Club; letter of H.M.M. to J. McCarthy 11.07.54 19/4.
  5. Undated Papers. Includes: Senator McCarthy, by K. Colegrove; The kiss of death; Where there's a smell; The party of betrayal; and draft - McCarthy and his enemies, by C. Emmet, part. 2. 19/5
  6. Matusow; The McCarthy period, 1969, and 4 related letters 1952-54. 19/6

J.B. Matthews. 1 file ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains: Operation women, address, 17.02.51; 2 postcards to H.M.M. 1952; guest-list for testimonial dinner; and miscellaneous press-cuttings, including: Reds in our churches, by J.B.M.; Hutchins, hysteria and humbug, by J.B.M.; and Mr Anti-Communist, by H. Rushmore. 18/4

Montana. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains papers (press-cuttings, pamphlets, correspondence, posters) relating to election campaign 1952 and to visits by H.M.M. Includes: pieces concerning Sen. Zales Ecton, Rep. Mike Mansfield, the Farmers Union, Adlai Stevenson and Americans for Democratic Action, etc.; and letters from V.O. Overcash and others. 18/5

National Negro Labor Council. 1 file ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains principally notes by H.M.M. and others on meetings of N.N.L.C. in Cincinnati 1951, on Camp Unity, etc. 20/1

Nevada. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Includes note and press-cutting. 20/2

New Mexico. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Includes press-cuttings and letters from Leo J. Bartoline about the San Cristobal ranch, Taos, etc. , 1952-54. 20/3

New York. 2 files ms. , ts. and pr. papers

  1. 1947-51. Contains miscellaneous papers relating to activities in New York of Communist Party, American Youth for Democracy, American Youth for a Free World, etc. Includes 4 pocket notebooks and photocopies of H.M.M.'s membership cards. 20/4
  2. 1952-55. Contains pamphlets, reports and correspondence. Includes: pamphlets on the appeal of William Fortunato et al. v. New York Times, the Peekskill riots, Port Washington, the Jefferson School of Social Science; duplicated reports on Sarah Lawrence College and on the work of Mobilization for Youth; correspondence relating to H.M.M.'s activities for the N.Y. City Board of Education, and to the case of William Fortunato; and copies of 3 affidavits 1952 by H.M.M. on Leonard Koegel, Abraham Marcus and Leon Winston. 20/5

Newspapers. 2 files ms., ts. and pr. papers

  1. 1944-c.55. Contains correspondence and press-cuttings concerning relations of H.M.M. with the press, broadcasts, etc. Includes copies of affidavit to New York Times 26.09.53 and other sworn statements. 20/6
  2. 1949-50. Contains notes of names and 4 issues of Frontpage: magazine of the Newspaper Guild of N.Y. relating to elections and strike. 20/7

Nixon. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 3 press-cuttings and offprint from Congressional Record 1952-56. 20/8

Ohio. 3 files ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contain correspondence, notes, lists, and printed papers relating to the work of the Ohio Un-American Activities Commission and to the activities of H.M.M. in Ohio 1950-52.

  1. Correspondence: 23 letters 26.10.51-29.09.55. 21/1
  2. Notes: Lists of names and notes on the Communist Party, Peoples Songs Inc. , Dayton Women for Peace, the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, etc. 21/2
  3. Printed Papers: leaflets, press-cuttings, etc. Includes: confidential lists of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities (Akron list, Columbus list, Dayton list); papers on the Communist Party, the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, etc. 21/3

Oppenheimer. 1 file pr. papers. Contains press-cuttings on the case of J. Robert Oppenheimer c.1954-55. 21/4

Oxnam. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains papers relating to Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, 1954: Memorandum on meeting with H.M.M., 2 letters, press-cuttings. 21/5

Puerto Rico. 3 files ms. , ts. and pr. papers

  1. Notes. Notes, jottings, etc. on Puerto Rico, on visit by H.M.M. 1949. 21/6
  2. Leaflets. Leaflets, song-sheets, etc. from various student organisations. In Spanish. 21/7
  3. Press-cuttings. From Spanish and American press 1948-54. 21/8

Rushmore. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Includes copy of letter by H.M.M., copy of affidavit by H.M.M., etc. 22/1

Songs and Verses. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains pieces issued by the Progressive Party, Civil Rights Congress, People's Artists, and verses by Theodore Stanford. 22/2

Stringfellow. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Includes House of Representatives members pass for H.M.M. 1953. 22/3

Texas. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains correspondence, leaflets, press-cuttings, etc. 1953-54. Includes papers relating to the Rosenberg case, Rep. Martin Dies, and H.M.M.'s testimony before the Texas Industrial Commission 1953 (the Jencks case), and a letter from Clinton E. Jencks 15.02.55. 22/4

Utah. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains papers relating principally to visit by H.M.M. during election campaign of 1952: notes for addresses, leaflets, press-cuttings, etc.; 1 letter. 22/5

Washington. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Includes text of broadcast address by H.M.M. in support of Sen. Cain 1952, and 2 leaflets. 22/6

White. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 5 press-cuttings about Harry Dexter White 1953-54. 22/7

Wife and Family. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains correspondence 22.01.53-03.08.57 of H.M.M. and of wife Ellen Baskin with members of their families and some friends. Includes related personal papers. 22/8

Witness. 1 file ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains: press-cuttings concerning Whittaker Chambers, Alger Hiss and other government witnesses 1952-55; and correspondence (7 letters 1952-53) about related articles or addresses by H.M.M. 23/1

Youth. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains correspondence, booklets, press-cuttings. Includes pieces relating to Montgomery County, Ohio, public schools, and to New York Young Republican Club, 1951-54. 23/2

Diaries, 1955

El Paso Diary. 1 file ts. papers. Contains top copy of diary written in El Paso County Jail 16.03.55-04.04.55. ff.36. 24/1

El Paso Diary, etc. 1 vol. ts.. Contains carbon ts. copies of: Nobody wants money. First dictated draft. ff.95; El Paso Diary, covering 21 days in County Jail. ff.30, 6. 24/2

Diary Notes. 3 files mainly ts. papers. Contains notes for diary and related papers 25.02.55-19.10.55. 24/3-5

Miscellaneous Notes. 1 file ms. papers. Contains 8 leaves of brief, disconnected jottings. 24/6


Bentley. 1 envelope. Contains 2 prints (b. & w. , 8 x 10 in. , 12½ x 10½ in.) of Mrs. Arvilla Bentley Matusow, 1953. 25/1

Camp Unity, New York. 1 envelope. Contains 46 prints (b. & w. , most various small sizes) and 12 negatives of meetings at Camp Unity, New York, 1949 + 1943 photos of High School friends 25/2

City College, New York. 1 envelope. Contains 26 prints (b. & w. , 7½ x 9 in. , etc. ) of strike at City College 12.04.49. 25/3

'False Witness'. 2 envelopes, 1 file. Contain prints relating to promotion and sales 1955:

  1. 118 mounted prints (b. & w., 2 x 2 in.) 25/4
  2. 9 prints (b. & w. , 7 x 9 in. , 10 x 8 in. , etc.) 25/5
  3. 12 proof-sheets (b. & w. 8 x 10 in. ) and 10 poster-size proofs (16 x 24 in.) 25/6

Matusow. Personal. 1 envelope. Contains 29 prints (b. & w. , 4½ x 3½ in. , etc.) and 4 proof-sheets (b. & w. , 5 x 7¼ in.) of H.M.M. with family, etc., 1952, 1955. 25/7

Matusow. Public. 1 envelope. Contains 23 prints (b. & w. , 8½ x 11 in. ) of H.M.M. in Dayton, Green Bay, Washington D.C., Salt Lake City, Seattle, El Paso, Dallas, etc. 1951-55. 25/8

May Day Rally, New York. 1 envelope. Contains 17 prints (b. & w. , 3½ x 5 in.) of May Day rally in New York City 1948 25/9, 1 roll negative film (b. & w., 35mm.) 25/10

Ohio. 1 envelope. Contains 9 prints (b. & w., 3½ x 3½ in. , 8 x 10 in. , etc.) and 3 negatives of various public demonstrations. 25/11

Puerto Rico. 2 envelopes. Contain:

  1. 38 official prints (b. & w. , 10 x 7½ in., etc.) relating to agriculture, housing, industry, etc. 1945-48. 25/12
  2. 158 prints (b. & w., 4½ x 3½ in., etc. ) relating to visit by H.M.M. 1949. Includes list. 25/13

5 rolls negative film (b. & w., 35 mm.) relating to envelope 2 above. 25/14-18

Miscellaneous.1 file. Contains 7 prints (b. & w., various sizes) of miscellaneous subjects: J.B. Matthews testimonial dinner 1953, Nancy Thomas, Nathan Witt, etc. 25/19


Twenty-two files contain cuttings, almost all in English, from the American press, metropolitan and provincial, about the activities of H.M.M. and about agencies with which he was involved. The files include some related papers (e.g. press-statements) and some photocopies.


Feb.-Dec. H.M.M. admits former communist connections; alleges communist infiltration of public schools, boy scouts, etc.; Senate Internal Security Subcommittee admits reliance on H.M.M.'s testimony; news reports about H.M.M. 1 file 26/1


Jan. H.M.M. admits perjury in case v. Clinton E. Jencks; Jencks moves for retrial. 1 file 26/2

Feb. H.M.M.'s affidavit admitting perjury, and consequences; Roy M. Cohn; Cameron & Kahn; H.M.M. before U.S. District Court, New York; the Justice Department and Attorney General Herbert Brownell; H.M.M. before Senate Internal Security Subcommittee; New York Board of Education; H.M.M. receives subpoena to appear before U.S. District Court, El Paso, Texas. 9 files: Feb. 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-9 26/3-6, Feb. 10-13, 14-16, 17-19 27/1-3, Feb. 20-23, 24-28 27/4-5

Mar.. H.M.M. before Senate Internal Security Subcommittee; Supreme Court refuses retrial for 13 second-string communists; Mrs. Arvilla O'Toole; H.M.M. convicted of perjury in U.S. District Court, El Paso; Roy M. Cohn; Albert E. Kahn; Herbert Brownell; Douglas Stringfellow; Judge R.E. Thomason rejects Jencks submission for retrial; 'False witness'; H.M.M. sentenced to 3 years in prison.. 4 files: Mar. 1-3, 4-9, 10-19, 20-30 28/1-4

Apr. Opinions of 'False witness'; H.M.M. raises bail before appeal; H.M.M.'s former mental illness; Mrs. Anita P. Willcox; Nathan Witt; H.M.M. before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee; H.M.M. a liar; Trachtenberg and Charney granted retrial; the achievement of H.M.M. 2 files: Apr. 1-19, 20-30 29/1-2

May. Salaried witnesses; national security; Trachtenberg and Charney; New York Young Republican Club; Harry Sacher and 11 jailed communists; Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. 1 file 29/3

Jun.-Dec. Senate Judiciary Committee votes contempt citation against H.M.M.; H.M.M. indicted on charge of perjury; Herbert Brownell; informants; Paul M. Hughes; Senate Internal Security Subcommittee report on communist conspiracy. 1 file 29/4

Jul.-Sept. House Committee on Un-American Activities; investigation of entertainment business in New York. 1 file 30/1


Jan.-Dec. H.M.M.'s appeal against conviction in U.S. District Court of Texas upheld in Court of Appeals; Senate Internal Security Subcommittee continues investigation; Senate resolves to ask Justice Department to bring contempt of Congress proceedings against H.M.M.; H.M.M. on trial for perjury in District Court of New York; Roy M. Cohn's evidence; H.M.M. admits lies; H.M.M.'s suicide plan; H.M.M. convicted of perjury, sentenced to 5 years prison. 1 file 30/2


Appeal of Clinton E. Jencks before Supreme Court; Supreme Court orders government to produce F.B.I. files; orders retrial of Jencks. 1 file 30/3


Please note: this material has been transferred to the South East Film & Video Archive. Please ask staff for further information.


People's Songs Inc. The same merry go round. Great day. Phonodisc 6½ in. 78 r.p.m. 31/1

[Another copy] 31/2


27.01.52, etc Interviews by H.M.M. for the Ohio Un-American Activities Commission. Side 1. Statement of J. Dunn, Side 2. Statement of T. Richy. 31/3

?.03.52 N.B.C. radio station WING, Dayton, Ohio. Out of the red: a programme designed to answer questions on communism. 1 tape 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. Side 1. Two talks by H.M.M. with questions and answers, Side 2. Unrelated material. 31/4

?.04.52 N.B.C. radio station WING, Dayton, Ohio Out of the red ... 1 tape 5 in. 3¾ i.p.s. Side 1. Talk by H.M.M. Incomplete. 31/5

12.04.52 Tape containing miscellaneous material etc. 1 tape 7 in 3¾ i.p.s. Side la. N.B.C. radio station WING ...Out of the red..... H.M.M. answers questions, b. Radio WMCA, New York The Barry Gray Show, 21.06.52 H.M.M. interviewed on communism in the U.S, 2a. The Barry Gray Show (continued), b. Ohio Un-American Activities Commission Hearings ... No date, c. Hotel New Yorker Private meeting of Communist Party union leaders: Harry Bridges and others, ?.10.51. Poor section of tape. Tape includes other unrelated material. 31/6

?.4?.52 Ohio Un-American Activities Commission Hearings on communism in Dayton, Ohio. 1 tape 7 in. 3¾ i.p.s. Side 1. Evidence of witnesses: Harry McGill, Vassel Thamel, Pearl Hupman, Side 2. Evidence of Melvin Hupman, D. Dunn and John Mitchell. 31/7

?.4?.52, etc. Tape containing miscellaneous material. 1 tape 5 in. 3¾ i.p.s. Side 1. Ohio Un-American Activities Commission Statement of Asbury Turner to H.M.M., ?.02.52, Side 2a. Ohio Un-American Activities Commission Harry Bridges wire-tap, Dayton, ?.02.52, Side b. Herbert Romerstein talks to H.M.M. on communism and youth, New York, ?.3?.52, Side c. Ohio Un-American Activities Commission Statement of Asbury Turner (continued). Tape includes other unrelated material. 31/8

?.06. 52 Dumont Network. Out of the red... 1 tape 5 in. 7½ i.p.s. Conversation on communism in the U.S. between Howard Rushmore and H.M.M. Test tape. Tape includes other unrelated material. 31/9

21.06.52, etc. Tape containing miscellaneous material. 1 tape 5 in. 3¾ i.p.s. Side 1. Radio WMCA New York The Barry Gray Show, 21.06.52. H.M.M. interviewed on communism in the U.S., Side 2. Ohio Un-American Activities Commission Hearings... testimony of J[ohn] M[itchell], 04.52. 31/10

26.08.52 , etc. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Speech by H.M.M. sponsored by the McCarthy for Senator Club and broadcast by Radio WDUZ. 2 tapes 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. 32/1-2

26.08.52 , etc. [Another copy] Tape containing miscellaneous material. 1 tape 7 in. 3¾ i.p.s. and 7½ i.p.s. Side 1. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Speech by H.M.M...3¾ i.p.s, Side 2a. Green Bay, Wisconsin Speech by H.M.M. (continued) 3¾ i.p.s, Side b. N.B.C. radio station WING Out of the red...No date. Incomplete. 7½ i.p.s. Tape includes other unrelated material. 32/3

28.08.52 Madison, Wisconsin. Speech by H.M.M. , with introduction by Governor Walter Kohler and address by Mrs. E.W. Holmquist. Sponsored by the Wisconsin State Republican Party. 2 tapes 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. 32/4-5

[Another version]. Incomplete. 1 tape 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. 32/6

10.10.52, etc. Broadcast talks by H.M.M. on behalf of the Republican Party. 1 tape 7 in. 3¾ i.p.s. Side la. Radio KSEI, Pocetello, Idaho, 10.10.52, with introduction by R. Max Whittier, Side b. Radio KJRL, Pocetello, Idaho, 10.10.52, with introduction by R. Max Whittier, Side c. Radio KXLQ, Bozeman, Montana, 12.10.52, with introduction by James H. Morrow. 32/7

12.10.52 Radio KXLQ, Bozeman, Montana. Political broadcast by H.M.M. on behalf of the Republican Party. Sponsored by the Ecton for Senator Club. 1 tape 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. 32/8

13.10.52 Radio KXLQ, Bozeman, Montana. H.M.M. talks to James A. Morrow. Broadcast sponsored by the Ecton for Senator Club. 1 tape 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. 32/9

13.10.52 High School, Pocetello, Idaho. Speech by H.M.M., with introduction by Mr. Bennett. Sponsored by the Republican Party of Pocetello. 1 tape 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. Tape includes other unrelated material. 32/10

15.10.52 Cut Bank, Montana. Speech by H.M.M., with questions and answers. Sponsored by the Montana Citizens for Americanism. 1 tape 7 in. 3¾ i.p.s 32/11

25.10.52 Roundup, Montana. Speech by H.M.M. , with questions and answers, introduced by V.O. Overcash. Sponsored by the Montana Citizens for Americanism. 1 tape 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. 32/12

11.05.54, etc. Tape containing miscellaneous material. 1 tape 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. and 3¾ i.p.s. Side la. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations .. Hearings: testimony of the Secretary for the Army Robert Stevens, questioned by Senator J. McCarthy and Roy M. Cohn: extract, 11.05.54. Testimony relates to order of 1945 about the commissioning of members of the Communist Party in the U.S. Army, Side b. Madison?, Wisconsin. Speech by H.M.M. 28.08.52?: questions and answers. Incomplete. Tape includes other unrelated material. 31/11


12 tapes 7 in. 7½ i.p.s. H.M.M. talks to Albert E. Kahn about book by H.M.M. to be published by Cameron & Kahn, i.e. False witness, 1955.

16.11.54 Being a witness; H.M.M.'s first testimony before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in executive and public session; motives; the press. Poor tape. 33/1

16.11.54 Senator McCarthy; U.S. Information Service Libraries. Poor tape. 33/2

18.11.54 The staff of strife: the inner working of the McCarthy subcommittee and some of its staff; Don Surine; Dan Buckley; Fulton Lewis; Roy M. Cohn; George Sokolsky. 33/3

?.11.54 Hearings of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Salt Lake City, 06-09.10.52, on the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers; Don Connors; Elizabeth Bentley; Senator McCarran; Hank Greenspun; psychology of testimony. 33/4

1?.12.54 Paul Crouch; the Federation of Former Communists; Alfred Kohlberg; psychology of witnesses. 33/5

No date H.M.M.'s motives in writing book; his work for the Ohio Un-American Activities Commission; procurement of witnesses. 33/6

07.12.54 H.M.M.'s first appearance before the House Committee on Un-American Activities; his motives. 33/7

8.12.54 Larry Johnson; the Veterans Action Committee of Syracuse Supermarkets; Counterattack; the blacklist. 33/8

9?.12.54 Counterattack; American Business Consultants Inc.; Red Channels; blacklisting. 33/9

No date Counterattack; H.M.M.'s work for Counterattack; blacklisting; the Radio Writers Guild. 33/10

11?.12.54 The presidential election campaign of 1952; H.M.M.'s tour of the West to support Republican candidates 09-23.10.52; meetings in Pocetello, Idaho, and Bozeman, Montana; the Farmers Union of Montana. 33/11

14.12.54 The trial of Clinton E. Jencks in El Paso; H.M.M.'s personal finances; publicity. 33/12

[Another set, incomplete]

18.11.54 Another copy of 33/3 and 33/4 above.

?.11.54 1 tape 5 in. 3¾ i.p.s. 31/12

1?.12.54 & no date Another copy of 33/5 and 33/6 above. 1 tape 5 in. 3¾ i.p.s. 31/13

08.05.69 The Matusow Collection. 1 tape 7 in. 3¾. Remarks by H.M.M. on books, periodicals, etc. in the Matusow Collection. 31/14


Please note: this material has been transferred to the South East Film & Video Archive. Please ask staff for further information.

Interviews with H.M.M. [1955]. 20 mins (All times are approximate)., sound, black & white, 16 mm. Interviewed by Don Goddard. On H.M.M.'s motives in becoming a witness; his connections with the Communist Party. 34/1

Interviews with H.M.M. [1955]. 55 mins., sound, black & white, 16 mm. Interviews with various journalists, etc. Edited version from various sources. On H.M.M.'s lies; his affidavit admitting perjury; as a willing informer; his connections with Senator McCarthy; the presidential election campaign 1952; motives for confession; 'False witness'; as adviser to Senator McCarthy; election tour in the West; Montana and Senator Mansfield; the beginnings of H.M.M.'s public career; his affidavits; the Justice Department. 34/2

U.S. Senate. Subcommittee to investigate the administration of the Internal Security Act....Committee on the Judiciary Hearings [1955]....testimony of H.M.M. 130 mins., sound, black & white, 16 mm. Edited version with some defective passages. On 4 reels:

  1. Includes some personal material on H.M.M. 25 mins. 34/3
  2. The Jefferson School; the New York Times. the presidential election campaign 1952; the Communist Party; H.M.M.'s motives in recanting; his false testimony against Clinton E. Jencks and others. 60 mins. 34/4
  3. Giving testimony; Bishop Oxnam; presidential election campaign expenses. 30 mins. 34/5
  4. Defective copy: vision and sound overprinted. 15 mins. 34/6

American Civil Liberties Union of North California. Operation correction. 70 mins., sound, black & white, 16mm. Comments on 'Operation abolition', official film of disturbances at sittings of House Committee on Un-American Activities in San Francisco 12-14 May 1960. Introduced by Ernest Besig, Executive director A.C.L.U.N.C. 34/7

Appendix: Printed Books, etc.

AMERICAN BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, INC. Red channels: the report of communist influence in radio and television. New York: Counterattack, 1950.

ANDERSON, Jack. McCarthy: the man, the senator, the "Ism", by Jack Anderson and Ronald W. May. Boston: Beacon Press, 1952. Signed presentation copy.

APTHEKER, Herbert. The era of McCarthyism. Prometheus ed. New York: Marzani & Munsell, 1962.

APTHEKER, Herbert. History and reality. New York: Cameron Associates, 1955.

BESSIE, Alvah. The un-Americans. New York: Cameron Associates, 1957.

BLOCK, Herbert. Herblock's here and now. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1955. Cartoons.

BUCKLEY, William F. jr. McCarthy and his enemies: the record and its meaning, by William F. Buckley jr. and L. Brent Bozell. Chicago: Regnery, 1954. Signed presentation copy.

BUCKLEY, William F. jr. Up from liberalism. New York: Hillman Books, 1961.

CALOMIRIS, Angela. Red masquerade: undercover for the F.B.I. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1950.

COGLEY, John. Report on blacklisting. [New York] : Fund for the Republic Inc., 1956. 2 vols. 1 Movies 2 Radio, television.

DE TOLEDANO, Ralph.Spies, dupes and diplomats. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1952.

DILLING, Elizabeth. The red network: a "Who's Who" and handbook of radicalism for patriots. Kenilworth Ill.: The author, 1934.

DONNER, Frank. The un-Americans. New York: Ballantine Books, 1961.

ERNST, Morris L. Report on the American communist, by Morris L. Ernst and David Loth. New York: Holt, 1952.

FACTS on file: weekly world news digest with cumulative index...1952. New York: Facts on File Inc., 1952. Loose-leaf binder.

FAULK, John Henry. Fear on trial. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1964. Signed presentation copy.

FORSTER, Arnold. The trouble makers: an Anti-Defamation League report, by Arnold Forster and Benjamin E. Epstein. Garden City: Doubleday, 1952.

FUCHIK, Julius. Notes from the gallows. New York: New Century Publishers, 1948.

GOODMAN, Walter. The Committee: the extraordinary career of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1968.

GRISWOLD, Erwin N. The 5th amendment today; three speeches. Cambridge Mass. - Harvard U.P., 1955. Presentation copy.

HAYS, Arthur Garfield. City lawyer: the autobiography of a law practice. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1942. Signed presentation copy.

HISS, Alger. In the court of public opinion. New York: Knopf, 1957. Signed presentation copy.

KAHN, Albert E. High treason: the plot against the people. New York: Lear Publishers, 1950. Signed presentation copy.

KAHN, Albert E. The Matusow affair: memoir of a national scandal. Mt. Kisco NY: Mayer Bell, 1987

KAHN, Arthur. Brownstone: a novel of New York. New York: Independence Publishers, 1953. Signed presentation copy.

KEMPTON, Murray. America comes of middle age: columns 1950-62. Boston: Little, Brown, 1963.

LARDNER, Ring jr. The ecstasy of Owen Muir. New York: Cameron & Kahn, 1954.

LATTIMORE, Owen. Ordeal by slander. New York: Bantam Books, 1951.

LIFT every voice ! The second people'' song book; edited by Irwin Silber. [New York ?] : People's Artists, 1953.

LIPSET, Seymour Martin. The politics of unreason: right-wing extremism in America, 1790-1970, by Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab. London: Heinemann, 1971.

McCARTHY, Joe. The story of General George C. Marshall. [n.p.]: 1952.

MATUSOW, Harvey Marshall. False witness. New York: Cameron & Kahn, 1955

[Another copy]

MATUSOW, Harvey Marshall. False Witness. New York: Cameron & Kahn, 1955. 2nd printing.

[Another copy]

MATUSOW, Harvey Marshall. False witness. Sydney: Current Book Distributors, 1955.

[Another copy]

MATUSOW, Harvey Marshall. False witness. Russian translation 1955

[Another copy]

MATUSOW, Harvey Marshall. Der Zweifingermann: Bekenntnisse eines FBI-Spitzels. Berlin: Rütten & Loening, 1955.

[Another copy]

MILLER, Merle. The judges and the judged. Garden City: Doubleday, 1952.

MORGAN, Thomas B. Self creations: 13 impersonalities. New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1965. Signed copy.

The PEOPLE'S song book; editor-in-chief Waldemar Hille. New York: Boni and Gaer, 1948.

PHILIPPINES. Special Committee on Un-Filipino Activities. Report on I The illegality of the Communist Party of the Philippines; II The functions of the Special Committee on Un-Filipino Activities. Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1951.

POTTER, Charles F. Days of shame. New York: Coward-McCann, 1965. With 2 reviews.

A QUARTER-CENTURY of Un-Americana; edited by Charlotte Pomerantz. New York: Marzani & Munsell, 1963.

RORTY, James. McCarthy and the communists, by James Rorty and Moshe Decter. Boston: Beacon Press, 1954.

ROVERE, Richard H. Senator Joe McCarthy. London: Methuen, 1960.

SOMERVILLE, John. The communist trials and the American tradition: expert testimony on force and violence. New York: Cameron Associates, 1956.

STONE, I.F. The haunted fifties. London: Merlin Press, 1964.

THIRTY years of treason: excerpts from hearings before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1938-68; edited by Eric Bentley. London: Thames, 1972. With 3 letters 09.12.71-14.01.72 relating to publication of the English ed.

U.S. CONGRESS. Official Congressional directory. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1952.

[Another ed.]. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1953.

[Another ed.]. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1965.

U.S. SENATE. Special committee to investigate organized crime in interstate commerce. Third interim report. New York: Arco Publishing Co., [19??]. Cover title: Senator Keefauver's crime committee report.

WEXLEY, John. The judgement of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. New York: Cameron & Kahn, 1955. Signed presentation copy.


THURLOW, Richard C. Congressional committees and the informer's testimony (with reference to Harvey M. Matusow 1952-55). University of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ M.A. Thesis, 1969.

List of Additions

Ad.1: Gift of BBC Timewatch 17.11.92

Extracts (in 4 lever arch files) from Harvey Matusow's FBI file

16mm film entitled "Stringless Yo-Yo". This consists of out-takes of newsreel material on Matusow from the 1950s.

A VHS cassette of the above film

VHS cassette copies of the films already in the archive. Total 2

A VHS cassette of the full unedited interview BBC filmed with Matusow in June 1991 in which he reflects on his activities in the 1950s

VHS cassette copies of series The Un-Americans:
Part 1: Five Minutes to Midnight
Part 2: No Place to Hide
Part 3: To Hell with Truth (Matusow appears in Part 3 only)







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