
Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Researcher School

Summer Graduation 2015-16

Congratulations to the 132 doctoral researchers named below, whose doctoral degrees were conferred at the summer graduation ceremonies that took place Monday 18th - Friday 22nd July at the Brighton Dome.

School of Education & Social Work

Doctor of Education

Stephen Adu - The role of headteacher leadership and community participation in public school improvement in Ghana 

Christopher Akwaa-Mensah - Policy development and implementation in a Ghanaian public university

Hilda Eghan - A study of the role and professional identity of District Directors of Education (DDES) in Ghana

Sara Maria Camacho Felix - Fostering criticality within neoliberal higher education: a critical action research study with first year students in Kazakhstan

Mark Stewart Irwin - Teaching the way we learnt: a study in popular music education

Christian Koramoah - Financing secondary education in Ghana: managing subsidies to promote equitable access and participation

Thomas James Lunt – (Dis)engaging students: the role of digital literacy in Higher Education learning communities

Ellen Louise Olu Fagbemi – Pedagogical renewal and the development of teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Ghana

Mohammed Zia-Us Sabur – State-non-state relationship within the context of education decentralisation: Understandings of school level actors in Gopalpur sub-district, Bangaladesh

Keiko Takei – The production of skills for the agricultural sector in Tanzania: the alignment of technical, vocational education and training with the demand for workforce skills and knowledge for rice production

Doctor of Philosophy

Shaibu Bukari – Parts unknown: a psychosocial exploration of Fishers’ social constructs of child labour in Ghana

John Alexander Cash – School leaders and the implementation of education management information system (EMIS) in the Bahamas: a case study of six principles

Jessica Gagnon – Born to fight: the university experiences of the daughters of single mothers who are first-generation students in the United Kingdom

Padmini Iyer – Risk, rakhi, and romance: learning about gender and sexuality in Delhi schools

Joanna Channah Persoff – The reading prism: questioning literary texts within a reading community to develop active independent readers

Doctor of Social Work

Jacqueline Margaret Shepherd – Experiences of transition from special school to mainstream college for young people with autism

School of Global Studies

Sajida Zareen Ally – Sri Lankan migrant women between Kalpitiya and Kuwait: aspirations for wellness (suham). Re-constructions of ‘migrants’ health

Suhas Ramesh Bhasme – The politics of participation: a study of water users association in Western India

Aleksandar Dimitrovski – Reclaiming dependence, personhood, class and the remaking of labour in post-socialist Macedonia

Neil Dooley – Beyond immaturity and victimisation: the European periphery and the Eurozone crisis

Paul Robert Gilbert – Money mines: an ethnography of frontiers capital and extracting industries in London and Bangladesh

Eva Hilberg – Intellectual property and the genetic dispositif of life – the changing role of intellectual property law in governing participation and knowledge in the bioeconomy

Richard Lane – The nature of growth: The postwar history of the economy, energy and the environment

Narciso Antonio Mahumana – Rethinking indigenous medicine: illness (mis)representation and political economy of Health in Mozambique’s public health battlefield

Enrique Restoy – Global norms – domestic practice. The role of community-based organisations in the diffusion of HIV and human rights norms

Santiago Ripoll Lorenzo – Food sovereignty and campesino moral economies: market embeddedness, autonomy and solidarity in the Matagalpa Highlands of Nicaragua

John Spall – The ethics of manhood in post-war Huambo, Angola

Wen-Ching Ting – The everyday practices of weaving shan home territory along the Thai-Burma border

Nancy Turgeon – Revisiting imperial China’s trajectory in the context of the ‘rise of the west’. The Eurocentric legacy in historical sociology

Hannah Marie Warren – Situated meanings: understanding gender work in Ghanaian NGO’s

Steffan Wyn-Jones – Rethinking early cold war United States foreign policy: the road to militarisation

Smita Yadav – Labouring families: Work and life of Gonds in India


School of History, Art History and Philosophy

Darryl Barthé – Becoming American in Creole New Orleans: family, community, labour and schooling, 1896-1949

Timothy Robert Carter – Self-comprehension and personhood: an examination of the normative basis of Hegel’s political philosophy

Neil Churchill – Depictions of power in the imperial art of the early Macedonian Emperors: Basil I, Leo VI and Alexander

Christos Hadjioannou – The emergence of mood in Heidegger’s phenomenology

Maria Khuzam – “A black play can take you there”: the question of embodiment in African American women’s drama

Christophe Brandon Van Der Hogan Landry – A Creole melting pot: the politics of language, race and identity in southwest Louisiana, 1918-45

Noah Gabriel Martin – Husserl and Derrida – the origins of history

Spela Mocnik – Cosmopolitanism as critical theory: an analysis of the ethics, methodology and practice of critical cosmopolitanism

Carin Peller-Semmens – Unreconstructed: slavery and emancipation on Louisiana’s Red River 1820-1880

Dafydd Huw Rees – Translating the sacred: religion and postsecularism in the recent work of Jurgen Habermas

Eksuda Singhalampong – From commissions to commemoration: the re-creation of King Chulalongkorn and his court, and the Thai monarchy through westernised art and western art collection

Richard Andrew Weir – Plural bodily subjects: a radical account of thinking and acting together

Arthur Willemse – The motif of the Messianic: law, life and writing in Agamben’s reading of Derrida

David Alexander Geiringer – The Pope and the pill; exploring the sexual experiences of Catholic women in 1960s Britain

Oliver Richard Charles Hill-Andrews – Interpreting science: J G Crowther and the making of interwar British culture

Andrew Stewart King – The folk-song society wax cylinder recordings in the English folk dance and song society wax cylinder collection. Context, history and reappraisal

Institute of Development Studies

Maria Djolai – When the rooftops became red again: post war community dynamics in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ricardo Jorge Moreira Goulao Santos – Three essays on the economics of education in post-conflict settings: the case of Timor-Leste

Ana Evanisi Solorzano Sanchez – Linking social protection and resilience to climate change: a case study of the conditional cash transfer programme Oportunidades in rural Yucatan, Mexico

Shilpi Srivastava – Rule(s) over regulation: the making of water reforms and regulatory cultures in Maharashtra, India 

School of Business, Management and Economics

Theodora Bermpei – The impact of risk, fees, corporate governance and unconventional monetary policy on investment bank performance

Antonios Kallias – Managing uncertainty in the process of going public

Konstantinos Kallias – Political connections of new business ventures

Chrysoula Karli – Socioeconomic factors that determine the phenomenon of migration in current Greece: a quantitative approach

Johannes Rauch – Discretisation-invariant swaps and higher-moment risk premia

Saoud Humaid Al Shoaili – An investigation of technology transfer and technological learning through intermediaries: the case of intermediaries in the Omani oil and gas sector

Jacob Peter Barnes – The local embedding of technologies through community-led initiatives: the case of sustainable energy

Chux Daniels – Organisational capabilities for science, technology and innovation policy formulation in developing countries: the case of Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Science and Technology

Pedro Paulo Orraca Romano – Essays on development and labour economics for Mexico

Grazia Pacillo – Market participation, innovation adoption and poverty in rural Ghana

Randalah Rawas – Online lead users and social change in Arab conservative societies: the case of Saudi Arabia

Sangwoo Shin – Power, policy and conflict: the politics of regional system of innovation in Gyeonggi province, South Korea

Ani Rudra Silwal – Three essays on agriculture and economic development in Tanzania

Malgorzata Sulimiersra – The impact of capital account liberalisation on productivity growth. The evidence from Poland since 1995

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Kathryn Alice Burrows – Non-adiabatic losses from radio frequency dressed cold atom traps

Glauber Carvalho Dorsch – The Electroweak phase transition in two-Higgs-doublet models and implications for LHC searches

Andy Heung Wing Chung – Novel mathematical and computational approaches for modelling biological systems

Charlotte Louise Clarke – The distant, dusty universe: finding star-forming galaxies with the Herschel space observatory

Amy Anna Stirling Gardner – Experiments toward high resolution spectroscopy of N+2

Andrew Granger – The flavour of warped extra dimensions

Robert Old – Asymptotic safety and high-energy scattering at the Large Hadron Collider

Pascal Stiefenhofer – Stability analysis of non-smooth dynamical systems with an application to biomechanics

José Antonio Vázquez Mata – Statistical characterisation of galaxies in groups and isolated galaxies. Luminosity function 

School of Engineering & Informatics

Rossano Barone – A cognitive model of the roles of diagrammatic representation in supporting un-practiced probability problem solving

Miroslav Manov Batchkarov – Evaluating distributional models of compositional semantics

Stuart Mark Trimby – Engine cylinder pressure reconstructions using crank kinematics, block vibration and time-delay neural networks

Tengfei Yin – Advanced ultrawideband imaging algorithms for breast cancer detection

Weida Zhang – Advanced electrode models and numerical modelling for high frequency Electrical Impendence Tomograph (EIT) systems

School of Life Sciences

Nicola Jayne Allen – Damage repair mechanisms in sensory hair cells

Robert Baldock – Characterisation of selected post-transitional modifications mediating the response to stress in mammalian cells

Nicholas James Balfour – Helping agricultural pollination and bees in farmland

Terri Desmonds – Mechano-electrical transduction in cochlear hair-cells: channel blockers, and anomalous mechano-sensitive current and TRPC knockout mice

Thomas Etheridge – Application of photoactivated localisation microscopy to visualising eukaryotic DNA replication processes

Peter Hornyak – Structural and mechanistic studies of DNA repair proteins

Laurence Humphrey – Transcription initiation in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)

Peter Francis Kasigwa – Studies on the genetics and reproductive performance of the Biomphalaria snails (pulmonata planorbidae)

Andrew William King – The stability of small atoms and molecules: A quantum mechanical three-body study

Citlalli Morelos Juarez – Using agent-based modelling to focus conservation of the critically endangered brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles Fusciceps Fusciceps) in NW Ecuador

Jasmine Parkinson – The dynamics of biological Russian dolls: investigating the causes and consequences of variation in symbiont density in citrus mealybugs

Pedro Miguel Queiros Do Patrocinio Patraquim – Molecular and developmental impact of RNA processing on mammalian Hox genes

Tanya Pennell – The evolutionary dynamics of intralocus sexual conflict

Sarah Phelps – Analysis of the les6 subunit in the IN080 chromatin remodelling complex

Sunny Kumar Singh – Biophysical characterisation of LcrH, a class II chaperone of the Type III Secretion System

Dijue Sun – Characterising the regulation and function of ZIP1 in saccharomyces cerevisiae

Christopher Traylen – To elucidate the Epstein-Barr virus replisome

School of Psychology

Kate Arnold – The influence of parental depression, interparental conflict and parent-child hostility on the development of psychopathology in children and adolescents

Hani Al Nabulsi – The crowd psychology of The Hajj

Aaron Brace – Induced impulsiveness? Eating behaviour and the modulation of behavioural sub-types of impulsivity

Diego Alonso Carrasco Ogaz – Multivariate approaches to school climate factors and school outcomes

Geoff Davies – A metacognitive account for the relationship between neurocognition and functional outcome in first-episode psychosis

Lewis Forder – The time course of the influence of colour terms on visual processing

Zoe Hopkins – Language alignment in children with an autistic spectrum disorder

Georgia Crowther Leith – ‘Overlapping spheres’: factors related to children’s home learning and school experience

John James Maule – Ensemble perception of hue

David Joseph Mawer – Investigating the effects of dopamine and 3’, 5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein, 34 kDa (DARPP-32) deletion on adaptive reward-based learning and performance

Lucy Gianna Fitzgerald Morgan – Professional caregiving and prosocial behaviour: an exploration within self-determination theory and beyond

Victoria Frances Ratcliffe – How dogs hear us: perception of the human voice by domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)

Thomas Ridley-Siegert – Understanding the impact of food-associated stimuli on intake in humans

School of English

Jennifer Lucy Greenshields – Nancy Cunard: collector, cosmopolitan

William Greenshields – Lacan: the topological turn

Thomas Richard Houlton – Using monuments

Maria Kirk – Performing consumption and consuming performance: a 17th century play collection

Marianna Kyriakou – Language attitudes and ethnic identity in a diglossic setting: the case of Greek-Cypriot sudents

Divya Mehta – Expressive states: the gendered nation as literary text and narrative

Reem Maria Perysinakis – Shifting targets in Reformation allegory. Five case studies 1515-1575

Zachary James Rowlinson – Dismantling the face in Thomas Pynchon’s fiction

Robin Shochat Bagon – The vertigo of the beast: thinking animals in literature

Warwick Smith – War and space in English fiction – 1940 to 1950

Nozomi Uematsu – Monstrous happiness: a comparative study of maternal and familial happiness in neoliberalism in Japanese and British women’s writing in the 1980s

School of Law, Politics and Sociology

Gentian Elezi – Explaining policy implementation: challenges for Albania in preparing for EU membership

Bartosz Napieralski – Political Catholicism and Eurosceptism – the deviant case of Poland in a comparative perspective

Beatrice Faye Myers – The hypoplasia of the defence in international criminal law: critical analysis of fair trial and equality of arms

Ahmet Fatih Ozkan – The review of the law on abuse of a dominant position through soft law in the European Union and Turkey: the commission’s guidance on Art 102 TFEU and implications for the guidelines on Art.6 in Turkey

School of Media, Film and Music

Suk Jin Chae – Negotiating precarious lives: young women, work and ICTs in neoliberal South Korea

Alan Dennis D’Aiello – Communicating in the local. Digital communications use in Brighton’s gay pub scene

Russell Glasson – The impact of digital technologies on reading, readers and the book

Ae Jin Han – The aesthetics of cuteness in Korean pop music

Sarah Gay Johnston – ‘Won’t somebody think of the children?’ The discursive construction of ‘childhood’: Marketing, expert knowledge and children’s talk

Hai Tang – The politics of blogging in China

Marian Tsegah – Making a difference: A study of the ‘social marketing’ campaign in awareness creation of gender based violence in Ghana



Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk