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TC 66: 24 boxes

BOX 1: ASTON 1946-47, ANGLESEY 1940, ALDERSHOT 1938, BIRMINGHAM 1939-41

66/1/A: Aston Survey 1946-47

Letter to TH from E A Goodland, Birmingham, and reply, October 1946

Letter to TH and Professor Florence about Birmingham Survey 1946-47

Letter to Woodrow Wyatt, MP from Christian Science Committee on Publication and statement on nursing legislation, Oct 1946, and slip 'from Woodrow Wyatt'

Christian Science leaflet 1946

Survey of attitudes to Aston and Birmingham, membership of organisations and societies, social activities, newspapers and voting

Typed instructions on interviewing for observers, unidentified and undated

2 Typed copies of QQ with handwritten notes, unidentified 14.10.46

Typed report on QQ, unidentified and undated

Typed and handwritten analysis of results, unidentified and undated

66/1/B: Aston Survey 1946-47

Typed report of visit to ICI Kynoch works Aston. Interview with joint managing director, being shown round, lunch with directors, conversation with works councillors, unidentified 18.9.46

Typed report of visit to J Wright works Aston (manufacturer of gas stoves) unidentified 23.9.46

Typed report of Aston Day Nursery for children of working women, unidentified 19.9.46

Letter to JM about Observer's plan of action for a 2 week study of Aston 01.10.46

Note from observer and handwritten report on Aston. Subjective report, pub counts, account of Aston Villa reserve match, 5 reports of churches visited and counts of the people there, indirects on aspects of Aston life (MM) 21-24.10.46

Typed letter from MM accompanying report 30.10.46

Typed collection of statistics of Aston and notes and information obtained from Birmingham rates department (MM) 19-29.10.46

Handwritten statistics of rateable values and number of hereditaments for Birmingham including Aston (MM) 14.10.46

Typed personal impressions of Aston, an account of Observer's first impressions, how she managed to get information and a comparison of things in Aston with London, and handwritten account, (MQ) 20.10.46

Handwritten report on Aston (VP) 22-28.11.46

Typed report on organisation membership in Aston, unidentified 4.6.47

Typed figures on membership of Co-ops in Aston, undated and unidentified

Collected list of girls and boys organisations in Aston (Aston and St Mary's Youth Advisory Committee) unidentified and undated

Typed report with handwritten corrections on organised leisure based on material collected in Paddington, Bermondsey and Birmingham (PV) 1947

Handwritten notes and statistics on membership of organisations, Paddington, Bermondsey and Aston. Unidentified and undated

Typed report and statistics from QQ on membership of organisations and voting patterns, Aston, March 1947, unidentified

Typed notes on "Relationship Between Political Apathy and Other Activities", Aston (BW) 14.3.47

66/1/C: Miscellaneous Printed Material, Aston and Birmingham

8 photographs of Aston by Michael Wickham, undated. (Negatives filed in Photographs Box 6/E)

Dyson Hall 1895-1945, Souvenir booklet of church social activities

Birmingham Boys Brigade 1944-45, booklet

Birmingham Illustrated, a magazine assessing the political situation in Birmingham 1946

Booklet on Aston Villa Football Club, 1946 and programme for Aston Villa, 23.11.46

2 Labour Party leaflets Aston Forward, July and September 1946

Aston Hippodrome leaflet, October 1946

Leaflet for Barlington Hall Neighbourhood Centre Aston, undated

Road map with 50 mile radius of Birmingham, undated

Newspaper cuttings of "The Story of Aston Villa", Evening Dispatch 1946

66/1/D: Anglesey 1940

Report on local attitudes to the war, morale 10-12.8.40. (AH)

66/1/E: Aldershot 1938

Handwritten account of travelling times to Aldershot and weather (AH) 3-4.12.38

Handwritten report of Observer's general impressions of Aldershot (AH) 3-4.12.38

Typed report on Aldershot (HP, AH, MC, MM, KB) 3-4.12.38

Handwritten 6 point QQ on attitudes to Aldershot, General Lushington and the Archbishop of Canterbury

About 70 handwritten responses to QQ and analysis

About 100 typed responses to QQ (KB, MM)

6 typed responses on attitudes to Aldershot, unidentified and undated

Typed and handwritten interviews with: Mayor and Mayoress, Doctor, Pastor of Baptist Church, and a list of people to interview suggested by Pastor, Cinema Manager, Councillor and a Labour Party activist 5.12.38. (KB)

Typed list of pubs in Aldershot and typed and handwritten pub counts 4-5.12.38. (KB, AH, unidentified)

Handwritten and typed church counts 3-5.12.38. (KB)

Typed observations of Salvation Army meeting 5.12.38. (KB)

Typed observations at Palais de Dance, unidentified and undated

Typed description of the barracks, unidentified and undated

Typed observations at Aldershot Home and Fashions Exhibition and Aldershot Caged Birds Society, also copies of notices advertising Aldershot at the station, unidentified and undated

66/1/F: Birmingham 1939-41

Birmingham Report 1939

Typed report on Birmingham (KB, BS) 7-8.1.39

Log and weather (KB)

Typed description of 4 jewellers shops and their contents, counts of customers and interested window shoppers, summary table of results of count and handwritten additional observations of 2 jewellers shops on Sunday (KB)

3 typed counts of headgear in the city centre on Saturday and Sunday, 7-8.1.39. (KB)

Typed pub counts and observations in pubs, table of counts, undated (KB)

Typed accounts of church services and religious meetings and church counts 8.1.39. (BS, KB)

Deritend, a slum area, typed counts and observations of children, counts of children and general impressions of Deritend, undated (BS, KB)

Typed QQ on residents attitude to the area and table of results, about 70 replies 8.1.39. (BS, KB)

Typed observations in cafe Deritend 8.1.39. (YB)

Typed observations in Savory's Milk Bar, central Birmingham 7.1.39. (KB)

Air Raids Birmingham 1940-41

Air Raid report-typed account of Observer's arrival at hotel and conversation with porter

Account of a visit to Erdington to assess damage in recent raids

Description of evening spent with soldiers in an air raid shelter

Observations of bomb damage at the Market Hall and Aston Road, Birmingham

Conversation with couple on train about air raid. 2.9.40 (JA)

Typed observations on reactions to air raids in the Sparkbrook/ Smallheath area which was the main area affected; account of damage, difficulties and morale 24.11.40 (GH)

Handwritten report on Birmingham during air raid; general impression, overheards, gas mask counts, pub counts and observations in pubs 10.4.41 (HP)

Handwritten observations on cards, unidentified and undated

Copy of The Birmingham Mail with account of bomb damage 10.4.41

Sociological Survey of Birmingham

A typed extract from a survey carried out by Birmingham Reconstruction Committee, studying an area of Birmingham containing about one eighth of the city's population, to assess the facilities and suggest improvements where necessary. Report dated December 1945, collected 27.3.47 (MM)

66/1/G: Birmingham Railway Survey

194 typed replies to a 6 point questionnaire on attitudes to the railway, a 'Square Deal' for the railways ; no list of questions (HDW, JH) (1939?)


66/2/A: Opinions of Brighton 1938

Typed and handwritten responses to QQ on attitudes to Brighton with questions on the Archbishop of Canterbury and Major Tryon-Brighton's MP, Brighton (KB, LT, DG) 10.12.38

Typed report on the survey with supplementary report, Brighton (HB, DG, LT, KB, MC, EC) l0.12.38

66/2/B: General information, observations and personalities in Brighton 1938

Handwritten report sent in by volunteer on various aspects of Brighton, including unemployment, crime, police force, schools and the public library, Brighton, unidentified 10.12.38

Typed report giving facts and figures on Brighton including unemployment, the town's income and expenditure, crime rate, churches and places of entertainment, Brighton, unidentified and undated

Handwritten extracts from The Brighton Directory on general facts about Brighton, including the police force, parliamentary voters, sports and clubs, Brighton (LT) 11.12.38

Typed and handwritten observations of shopping, Brighton, unidentified 11.12.38

Typed observations of people on the sea front with summary, Brighton, unidentified 11.12.38

Observations of demonstration to welcome the return of members of the International Brigade, Brighton, unidentified and undated

Typed observation at the Pavilion, Brighton, unidentified 11.12.38

Short typed account of hotels and tariffs, Brighton, unidentified, 11.12.38

Typed and handwritten results of church counts and observations in churches and Salvation Army meeting with summary, Brighton (KB, LT) 11.12.38

Typed account of interview with Lay Reader at Chapel Royal, North Street Brighton, unidentified and undated

Typed account of 'special interviews' with a former Mayor of Brighton, a surgeon at Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ County Hospital, Vokins store manager and managers of the Astoria and Savoy cinemas, Brighton (EC) 10.12.38

Precis of 'special interviews'

66/2/C: Leisure and entertainment 1938

Typed observation of the art gallery and museum, interview with attendant and outline of observers' aims, Brighton, unidentified and undated

Further observations of the art gallery and museum with overheards, Brighton, unidentified and undated

Observations of customers in various Brighton pubs and pub counts, Brighton, unidentified and undated

Observations in Sherry's and Regent Dance Hall with sketch plans of buildings and details of advertisements displayed outside, Brighton, unidentified 10.12.38

Details of advertisements on hoardings on the main South Western Station, Brighton, unidentified 10.12.38

Observations at the Theatre Royal, a performance of "People of Our Class" by St John Ervine and variety bill at the Hippodrome, Brighton, unidentified 10.12.38

Typed observation at the Aquarium, Brighton, unidentified 11.12.38

Typed and handwritten observations of a speed-skating match, Brighton, unidentified and undated

Newspaper cutting from the Sunday Graphic and Sunday News with details of everyday life in Brighton, 18.12.38

Photograph of couple next to Brighton's 'most popular rendezvous' the Clock Tower

66/2/D: Weekend town surveys 1938

Typed report on the weekend town survey, a comparative study of five towns, including public attitudes towards each town, details of churches, dances and places of interest, the Labour Party, and interviews with prominent personalities-Canterbury, Aldershot, Ipswich, Windsor and Brighton, unidentified and undated

Typed comparative study of pubs in the five towns mentioned above, unidentified, November-December 1938


66/3/A: Bristol Nov-Dec 1940

Typed reports: construction and conditions of shelters, BBC news bulletins, listening to Lord Haw-Haw, singing with war references. Handwritten report: Hot Wells Tunnel (air raid shelter). Handwritten short reports: defamation, BBC news bulletins, Lord Haw-Haw, rumours, shelters, reprisals, 17-18.12.40 (JS)

Typed reports and indirects: reprisals, local government, King's visit, rumours, peace feelings, defeatism, victoryism, humour, 18-19.12.40 (JS)

Handwritten reports, indirect and observations: general impressions, shelters, food, cigarettes, sweets, gas mask count, 16-18.12.40 (HP)

Notices and instructions: printed poster for "Users of ARP public and communal shelters"..."Provision of food"... "By Order of the Emergency Committee", 29.11.40; reference sheet "Daily Emergency Bulletin Issue No. 7", 3.12.40

Southern Daily Echo, 18.12.40

66/3/B: Bristol Jan-March 1941

Typed list of subjects covered, 15.1.41 (JS)

Handwritten reports: shelters (inc Hot Wells Tunnel), behaviour of and attitude to soldiers, sailors etc, firewatchers, 28-29.1.41; 18 page handwritten report covering morale, Hot Wells Tunnel (Clifton), firewatching (Knowle), shelters in general including plan of a shelter, also one page summary of report, 5.3.41 (JS)

Handwritten report on and programme for the Hippodrome including description of acts and audience reactions, 27.3.41 (JS)

Handwritten report covering gas mask carrying, dance halls, pub talk, counts and observations, notices, posters and instructions, local press, shopkeepers' difficulties, dominant talk topics, sightseeing and gazing at damage, 27.3.41 (HP)

Handwritten accounts on areas of Bristol: Fishponds: St Mary's Parish Hall (St Patrick's Ball), 20.3.41; Bedminster: shelters, Clifton: types of shelters and occupation, 27-28.3.41 (JS)

Handwritten 5 page report on and programme for Colston Theatre lunch-hour concert, 28.3.41 (JS)

Handwritten reports: war emergency engineering bureau, morale and general behaviour, housewives' difficulties, rumours and explanations, joke passing, night life, description of damage and casualties, canteens and rest centres, St Thomas' Parish Hall, Robert Bernay's speech, grumbles, Bevins's speech at Colston Hall, 28-29.3.41 (JS)

Handwritten notes on small white cards on Bristol survey, 27.3.41 (TH)

66/3/C: Cambridge 1939

Handwritten responses to 5-point qq on the railway, carried out in Chesterton, (undated)

66/3/D: Canterbury 1938-39

Typed 23 page summary report covering residents' views on the city and attitude to Archbishop of Canterbury, pub counts and observations, church counts and groupings, observations and counts of 2 dances, cinema queues, visitors to Cathedral, Saturday night shopping, public library, poster parade of Jehovah's Witnesses; interviews with leader of Jehovah's Witnesses parade and Mayor; politics, follows, general observation of town and people, 26-27.11.38 (LT, HP, MJ, KB)

Letter from Town Clerk's office to inv containing statistical information on estimated population, number of places of public worship, off-licences, registered clubs, 9.2.39

Typed and handwritten 106 page report as above

66/3/E: Canterbury 1938: Ephemera

Folded large scale street map of Canterbury, Austen's Hand-Book to Canterbury and the Cathedral, plan of Cathedral, Evensong service from the Cathedral, Pilgrim's Guide to Canterbury, St Gregory Parish magazine, city council election leaflet, 2 small posters advertising series of lectures by Judge Rutherford, small strips of paper bearing slogans dropped by fascists during a peace meeting, 24-27.11.38 (KB)

Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press, 26.11.38

66/3/F: Chelmsford 1942

Handwritten 33 page report covering importance of Chelmsford, main companies and industries, commuters, roads, local government and Borough Council, Tindal Square, Cathedral, amusements , newspapers, "Chelmsfordonianism", local events during 1941, impact of war, civil defence, sex, war and morality, analysis of informal organisations, youth organisations, 30.1.42 (SM)

Hand-drawn map of Chelmsford showing routes and rivers

Photographs: Tindal Square, Moulsham Street, Marconi Works

66/3/G: Cardiff 1941

Handwritten 3pp short report dated 4.7.41 (HP): general impressions, overheards count

Handwritten 33pp report dated 4-6.7.41 (HP), 2 copies: general impressions, overheards, pubs and cafes, dance halls, greyhound racing, poster and gasmask counts

3 cafe menus (1 pencilled, 2 printed)

BOX 4: CHESTER 1942; CHEPSTOW 1947; COVENTRY 1940-41

66/4/A: Chester 1942

Typed report: "General Background and Morale", 17.1.42 (CF)

Handwritten letter listing cost of billets, 22.1.42 (LS)

Handwritten accounts, overheards and indirects on women's war work (CF, MS), food supplies (CF), morale (DH, MS), feeding facilities (DH), supplies (CF) 7-13.1.42

Handwritten notes on housing problems, shopping centre, evacuees, population, political awareness etc (undated) (CF?)

Handwritten responses to qqs on working in industry, 9-11.1.42 (MS, DH, CF)

66/4/B: Chepstow 1947

Handwritten report on 54 local organisations; includes analysis of composition of membership, 1.10.47 (MC)

66/4/C: Coventry 1940: Air Raids, Food, Media

Typed account of indirects on rumours about Coventry in Albrighton and Wolverhampton: food, evacuees, air raids, 22.11.40 (BW)

Typed 4 page report on morale: optimism, fatalism, convictions of further attacks, billeting, mobile canteens, 22.11.40 (GH)

Typed letter to TH from Albrighton reporting on morale and food supplies, 23.11.40 (BW?)

Typed 2 page report on morale: disorganised public utility services, general inconvenience and discomfort (electricity and gas supplies, public transport), anti-war feeling, optimism, dissatisfaction aroused by defence, 25.11.40 (GH)

Typed report on food shortage, restaurants, clothing availability; opinions on reprisals against Germany, pub talk, political meetings, 26.11.40 (GH)

Typed 3 page letter to TH from prospective investigator in Evesham, Worcs on Haw-Haw stories, attitudes, rumours and the raid on Coventry, 25.11.40 (EM)

Typed letter to TH about obtaining resume of City Architect's talk, 27.11.40 (CS)

Typed 2 page report on communal feeding centre ("Public Cafe") at Technical College, 27.11.40 (GH)

Typed 1 page report on some aspects of daily life: food control office, postal delay, attitudes to reprisals against Germany, general, 27.11.40 (GH)

The Local Government Chronicle No. 3857, 16.11.40

The Midland Daily Telegraph, 26.11.40

Newspaper articles: cuttings from the Listener, 21.11.40: "How Coventry is recovering" and the Daily Express, 20.11.40: "Coventry's women cooked as homes burned"-(about residents trying to carry on life as normal)

66/4/D: Coventry 1940-1: Social Survey, Savings campaign

Typed reports from National Institute of Economic and Social Research-Wartime Social Survey: 33rd interim report listing tabulated percentages (as results from survey) on children under 16, the best use made of men and women in the war effort, investigator's general estimate of morale; 35th Interim Report on shop commodities, list of articles hard to obtain (Stoke and Acton included in this report); 38th interim report on dangers, evacuating possibilities and plans (Acton, Chiswick and Brentford included in this report)

Small poster: "Smash back!.....Give our fighting men the chance!" (issued by the National Savings Committee)

Handwritten account: National Savings-reaction to Sir Robert Kindersley's speech, 17.11.41 (DH)

Handwritten report and indirects (5 pgs) on the savings campaign, 22.11.41 (MS)

Handwritten summary: notes on grievances, 24.11.41 (DH)

Handwritten reports: Citizens Advice Bureau, Rest Centres, 22-23.11.41 (VT)

Handwritten indirects on evacuation, 23.11.41 (VT)

66/4/E: Coventry 1940: TH Broadcasts, Reprisals

Typed broadcast script by TH for BBC European News Service on Coventry, 2.11.40

Typed letter to TH after his broadcast "Postscript on Coventry", 18.11.40 (unsigned)

Typed report: Coventry-Factors in the bombing of individual towns, 18.11.40, (TH?)

Correspondence between TH and The News Chronicle referring to above-mentioned broadcast and reprisals against Germany, 25-27.11.40

Typed indirects, notes on prospective qq, copy of actual 5 point qq, tabulated analysis charts, handwritten and typed responses to qq, impression gained from results of qq on reprisals, 21.11.40-28.3.41 (AJC, JS, JA, CF)

Newspaper articles on reprisals: The News Chronicle, 8.4.40, The Sunday Express, 18.8.40

Typed extract from Daily Telegraph, 12.12.40: "Bishop upholds reprisals-morally justified"

66/4/F: Coventry 1941: War reports, Gas Masks

Handwritten overheards on the weather; gas mask carrying count, 10.4.41 (HP)

Newspaper articles on war progress: Coventry Standard, 5.4.41, Evening Dispatch and The Midland Daily Telegraph, 10.4.41

66/4/G: Coventry 1941: Women's War Work

Typed letter to Mr Savins on wartime saving and spending, 19.11.41 (HDW)

Handwritten general impression from ATS qq, tabulated results and explanation, 19-22.11.41

War work procession: handwritten accounts of procession to promote war work for women, overheards after procession, loudspeakers used in procession, 22.11.41 (MS)

Munitions work exhibition: handwritten overheards, informals and indirects on attitudes to munitions work; indirects on attitudes to exhibition, MOI film show and war work procession, 18-24.11.41 (MS, VT, CF, DH)

Handwritten indirects on attitudes to WAAFs, 20.11.41 (VT)

Typed reports: "Women's War Work-Coventry", "The Munitions campaign", "Response to propaganda", "Objection of women to munitions", 25.11.41 (CF)

Handwritten summary reports on women in industry; women and day nurseries, 26.1.41 (VT)

3 small posters: " War work exhibition, Central Hall Coventry" (Munitions), 20.11.41 (DH); "War work exhibition-MOI film shows.......20.11.41 (DH); "SS Training School" (undated)

Newspapers with marked articles and cuttings on bomb damage, war work, billeting, munitions factory strike in Daily Express, The Coventry Evening Telegraph and Coventry Standard, (April-Nov 1941)

66/4/H: Coventry 1941-42: Morale, Industry, Restaurants, Shopping

Handwritten reports and overheards on morale, 22-24.11.41 (DH)

Shops: handwritten indirects with shopkeepers and managers of shops of all kinds; report on Coventry shops, 25-29.11.41 (MS, DH, RF)

Industry: Typed notes from a Meeting held 18.1.42: "Points for a policy for the shops stewards movement"

Handwritten industry reports, includes Cornercrofts Aircraft Factory dispute, 22-26.1.42 (VT)

Leaflet from Cornercrofts workers: "Do we want planes?" 22.1.42 (VT)

Handwritten 3 page report: "Industry report", 17.2.42 (LB)

Handwritten indirects with factory workers about their work, 17.2.42 (LB)

Restaurants: Typed extract from Hansard Vol 337 No 25, 28.1.42: "British restaurants"

Handwritten reports on cafes and restaurants (DH), availability and prices of food in Coventry pubs and restaurants (VT), (Nov 1941-Jan 1942)

Newspaper article on "New British Restaurant" in The Coventry Evening Telegraph, 22.11.41

Shopping: handwritten responses to qq, report on women's shopping includes times of shopping, chief difficulties, suggestions for improvements, 11-13.2.42 (VT)

Handwritten account of life and attitudes in Coventry 25.4.42 (LB)


66/5/A: Dagenham 1939

Handwritten log of arrival in Dagenham, (EBC) 11.3.39

Handwritten responses to QQ on attitudes to Dagenham and attitudes to Jews, Dagenham (AH, EBC, KB, DS) 11.3.39

Typed summary of QQ, unidentified and undated

Directs on attitudes towards Jews, (KB, AH), Dagenham undated

Church counts and observations, Dagenham (DS, EBC, KB) 12.3.39

Pub counts and observations, Dagenham (AH, KB, DS) 11.3.39

Observations and sketch plans of lodgings and observations of landladies, Dagenham (AH, KB, DS) 11.3.39

66/5/B: Darlington and Derby 1947

Handwritten list of clubs and organisations, Darlington district unidentified 18.9.47

Short handwritten report about the Allerton district of Derby, with details of organisations sent in by volunteers, Derby 18.9.47

66/5/C: Deal 1938

Handwritten general report on Mass-Observer's arrival in Deal including observations, Deal (PS) 9.11.38

Observations, overheards and directs on the 'sea monster', Deal (LT, KB, HP) November 1938

Typed report on press response to the 'sea monster', interviews with people who had seen the monster and general reactions of the local people, Deal undated

Press cuttings about the 'sea monster' and drawings of where it was seen, unidentified November 1938

Handwritten observation of fishing from the pier with drawings and including indirects on the sea monster, Deal (PS) 20.11.38

Typed observation of the weigh-in at Deal and Walmer Angling Association's Boat Festival with drawing and further references to the sea monster, Deal, unidentified 19.11.38

Handwritten observation of weigh-in at Deal Museum with details of prize winners, Deal (LT) 21.11.38

Street map of Deal and angling leaflets

66/5/D: Doncaster 1940

Typed account of conversation on train to Doncaster about Germany's 'breaking point' and Hitler as a socialist (AH) 19.6.40

Typed observation of air-raid warning, Doncaster (AH) 19.6.40

Typed observation of the Civicorps march for recruiting purposes, Doncaster (AH) 20.6.40

Typed report of the Civicorps including directs on public attitude towards it, Doncaster (AH) June-July 1940

66/5/E: Dover 1940-41

Observation of the arrival of the British Expeditionary Force and the attitude of civilians, Dover 6.6.40

Typed report on the British Expeditionary Force, Dover, unidentified 10.6.40

Correspondence from TH and hotel receipt, September 1941

Leaflets from Dover Parish Church and the Southern Railway, September 1941

Dover press cuttings and copies of the Kent Messenger and Dover Express & East Kent News, September 1941

66/5/F: Farnham 1939

Typed observation of Farnham and district including evacuation and air-raid warning, Farnham (JA) 18.9.39

66/5/G: Glastonbury 1942

Typed report on changes in the economy of the peat-moor and other adjacent areas (EML) 1942

Handwritten responses to QQ on the railway system, Glastonbury (BEC) undated


66/6/A: M-O Correspondence with Observers in Luccombe 1944

Typed copy of instructions to Observers for survey of Luccombe 6.3.44

Typed list of points to be covered in survey, with suggested approaches, undated

Typed report from Linotype Institute, general remarks on a series of books. Luccombe survey is to form the basis for a book in this series 15.4.44

Handwritten and typed letters from M-O supervisor to DI and NM giving instructions and guidance to observers. Eight letters covering the period 27.3.44 to 25.4.44

Handwritten letter from BW to NM giving progress reports 26.4.44 and undated

Handwritten letters to JA and BW from DI giving progress reports, asking for instructions and making practical arrangements for survey 24.3.44 to 04.5.44

Handwritten copy of 7 point general questionnaire used by DI in Luccombe, undated

Handwritten pencilled map of Luccombe, undated

Miscellaneous pencilled drafts of counts, lists and data tables, undated

66/6/B: Houses, Gardens and Farms: Luccombe 1944

Hand drawn map of Luccombe; key giving names of occupants of houses, undated

Typed report on housing in Luccombe 10.4.44 (DI)

Typed report on fuel supplies to village 10.4.44 (DI)

Typed report on fuel, domestic hot water and cooking 5.4.44 (DI)

Typed description of village gardens , undated

Handwritten indirect on housing 26.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten description of exterior decoration of houses 3.5.44 (DI)

Typed description of exteriors, undated

Handwritten note about age of houses in village undated (DI)

Handwritten description of interior of four cottages with inventories of furniture, ornaments, contents of bookshelves, and detailed description of decoration April 1944 (DI, NM)

Handwritten observation on sporting trophies 5.5.44 (DI)

Typed observation on wallpapers, undated

Hand drawn pencil plans of cottage interiors with brief notes; some incomplete, undated

Typed detailed report on cottage interiors, undated

Handwritten list and analysis of curtains detailing colours, patterns and fabrics 28.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten report of cottage furniture sale 11.4.44 (DI)

Handwritten observations of street scenes at various intervals throughout one day 27.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten account of conversations on the subject of gardening, vegetable growing, self sufficiency and flower gardens during the period 26.4.44-3.5.44 (DI, NM)

Handwritten detailed account of a visit to Taunton market 29.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten report on farming around the village with accounts of methods, opinions and personalities of the farmers, undated (DI)

Handwritten account of Cloutsham Farm 12.5.44 (DI)

Handwritten account of the place of whortleberries in the local economy, undated (DI)

Handwritten detailed account of a Luccombe farm 15.4.44 (DI)

Handwritten account of conversations about animals 28.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten report on a hill farm 22.4.44 (DI)

Handwritten report on an arable farm 22.4.44 (DI)

Typed reports on five local farms, undated

66/6/C: General Information About Luccombe

Typed general report about Luccombe and its geographical area, with special reference to hunting 24.3.44 (DI)

Handwritten report. Statistics about Luccombe and general information 14.4.44 (DI)

Handwritten description of the village, undated (DI)

Typed report on the population of Luccombe between 1932 and 1944, undated

Typed report on communications with Luccombe, March 1944 (DI)

Handwritten copy of local bus timetable, undated

Typed report on local administration in Luccombe, including details of district and parish Councils, also recreational facilities, undated

Typed account of meeting of the local branch of the National Farmers Union, March 1944 (DI)

Handwritten account of conversation with village storekeeper 26.4.44 (DI)

Handwritten account of the postal service in Luccombe 28.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten account of church service and congregation 30.4.44 (NM)

Series of handwritten observations of clothing; includes special clothing ie for school or church, and washing line inventories 26.4.44-27.4.44 (DI, NM)

66/6/D: Luccombe People 1944

Typed draft report on occupations in Luccombe, undated

Handwritten report on occupations of Luccombe people 10.4.44 (DI)

Handwritten list of women who work outside their homes 5.5.44 (DI)

Handwritten list of origins of Luccombe people 4.5.44 (DI)

Handwritten lists of population movements and marriages beween 1932 and 1944

Typed note on villagers daily routines, undated

Handwritten observations on villagers' attitudes to work undated

Handwritten account of conversations about villagers' attitudes to work 28.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten accounts of the daily routine of two villagers 25.4.44 (DI)

"Who's Who in Luccombe", handwritten descriptions of appearance, character and occupations of Luccombe villagers, April 1944 (DI, NM)

Typed report, "Inter-relations in the village", undated

Handwritten replies to a 7 point general questionnaire about housing, newspaper reading, family circumstances and trips outside the village. Approximately 30 replies 17.4.44 (DI)

Typed note on daily newspapers, March 1944 (DI)

Handwritten reports on letting to visitors 16.4.44-6.5.44 (DI)

Handwritten observations on social relations and leisure activities, March 1944 (DI, NM)

Handwritten report on a domestic crisis 4.5.44 (DI)

Handwritten observations and indirects on health care in the village 26.4.44

Typed special report on the health of children's feet and survey of footwear in the village by D Berry. Includes pencilled data tables 12.4.44

Typed and handwritten report on children and schooling in Luccombe, undated

Handwritten and typed reports, indirects etc on church going habits and local opinions of the parson and his family. March and April 1944 (DI, NM)

Printed decorative list of the Rectors of Luccombe from 1311-1932

Typed report on village humour based on observations at a furniture sale, undated

Handwritten observations of street scenes and local gossip 25.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten reports of conversations about local events and people, March 1944 (DI)

Handwritten copy of inscription from Luccombe tombstone 16.4.44 (DI)

Miscellaneous pencilled drafts, incomplete

66/6/E: Health, Education and Children 1944

Handwritten observations and indirects on local superstitions 27.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten observations on Luccombe people's attitudes toward and experiences of hospitals in the region 26.4.44-26.4.44 (NM)

Typed report on health insurance and local Gps, March 1944

Handwritten conversation on child health, undated

Handwritten observations and personal impressions by the observer on local health provisions ie GP cover, district nurse etc March to April 1944 (NM, DI)

Handwritten observations on children's games and street activities 27.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten interview with village schoolmistress about her pupils' ambitions 30.4.44 (NM)

Handwritten note on individual children's ambitions undated

Handwritten report on children's pets 4.5.44 (DI)

Typed 7 page report on the education of Luccombe children, undated

Handwritten observations on education, undated (DI)

Twelve handwritten essays on Luccombe by children from the village school aged 8 to 13. 28.4.44

Handwritten overheard. Child's conversation with teacher, undated

Handwritten note on village reading habits, undated (DI, NM)

66/6/F: Outside Reactions to Exmoor Village 1947

The material in this survey was used as the basis for a book called Exmoor Village, edited by WJR Turner and published by Harrap in 1947. This file contains a wide selection of reviews from different sections of the literary, general and local press published during March and April of 1947. Many of these reviews comment on Mass-Observation as an organisation, and its approach to recording daily life

Press cuttings; reviews of Exmoor Village, from Tribune (reviews and correspondence ) , National Newsagent, Punch, English Digest, The Connoisseur, The Spectator, News Chronicle, Illustrated London News, Times, Somerset County Gazette, Farmer and Stockbreeder, West Somerset Free Press, The Western Mail, Birkenhead Advertiser, News Review

66/6/G: Luccombe Reactions to the Publication of Exmoor Village, 1947

Typed report with introductory note, "A report on the effects of the publication of the book Exmoor Village in Luccombe", 1947 (JGN)

Handwritten selection of indirects on the subject of Exmoor Village from Luccombe people, March to April 1947 (BS, TT)

Handwritten report of reactions of Luccombe people featured in the book, March 1947 (TT)

66/6/H: Exmoor Village Photographs

32 black and white prints of photographs taken by John Hinde in 1944 to illustrate the book, Exmoor Village. Subjects include portraits, cottage interiors, street scenes, landscapes, work scenes including farming, forestry and thatching. 10 of the photographs are not included in the final version of the book

Handwritten list of photographs with descriptions of the subjects and explanations, undated

66/6/I: "Doone Valley": Tourist views of Exmoor 1946-47

Monochrome postcard with photograph of 'Lorna Doone' Farm, North Devon

Printed illustrated guide book, Dunster Castle and its Environs by RG Bryant, published 1946

Printed guidebook with maps, The Lovely Lorna Doone Valley, by Lois Adcock, undated

Pamphlet, The Story of the Doones in Fact, Fiction and Photo , by LB Thornycroft. Published 1946, includes maps

Pamphlet, Guide to the Doone Valley, by Alfred Vowles. With maps and illustrations. 4th. edition 1947

Fragment of booklet with description and photographs of St Petrock's church, Parracombe, undated

Typed letter from RF to TH suggesting article on the Doone legend for The Countryman magazine 16.4.47

Typed letter from RF to TH about above article, enclosing extract from similar article for guidance 23.4.47

Handwritten letter from Porlock Rectory to TH describing Exmoor life and links with RD Blackmore (author of Lorna Doone) 17.5.47

Handwritten letter from RD Etherington, local authority on RD Blackmore and the Doone legend, 19.5.47

Note: 4 videocassettes of HTV's series "Exmoor Village" are located in M-OA: Tapes and Videos Box II:

  • Programme 1: 'The Survey'
  • Programme 2: 'Luccombe Past'
  • Programme 3: 'Luccombe Present'
  • Programme 4: 'Future'

BOX 7: FULHAM 1938-39

66/7/A: Fulham Borough Council and Trades Council 1937-38

Typed report on Trades Council with list of affiliated union branches and members and interview with the Secretary, Fulham (EB) 14.10.38

Typed report on journals available from the Fulham Library, Fulham (EB) undated

Typed summary of library statistics in Fulham and Finchley, unidentified 31.3.38

Pamphlets from Fulham Borough Council and Fulham Public Libraries 1937-38

Typed programme of proceedings for the opening of William Parnell House housing scheme, Fulham unidentified 17.9.38

66/7/B: West Fulham Politics and Voting Habits-38-39

Typed survey of voting habits in each polling district, West Fulham, unidentified and undated

Comparative tables of the rateable value of particular roads and Labour Party membership, West Fulham, unidentified and undated

Observation and drawing about a Labour League of Youth meeting, West Fulham (KLB) 23.9.38

Copy of West Fulham Labour Party's annual report 1939, leaflets for Labour Youth Week, the Labour Party and for a rally against fascism

66/7/C: War fears-Fulham 1938

Directs, overheards and observations on fears about the war and the crisis in Czechoslovakia, West Fulham (VM, JW, KLB) September 1938

Directs on the likelihood of war and whether people are more interested in home affairs, rough handwritten analysis on result of directs, West Fulham (KLB) 13.9.38

Directs on home affairs, the Labour Party and the likelihood of war, Fulham (JW) 13.9.38

Directs on attitudes towards Chamberlain and whether his visit to Hitler will help win peace, Fulham (PS) 16.9.38

Typed report on preliminary survey about Chamberlain and handwritten notes, (TH, RW) undated

66/7/D: Shops in Fulham and voting habits of shopkeepers 1938

Typed report on average food prices and price range in shops, Fulham, unidentified September 1938

Typed report of census of shops and voting habits of shop keepers, West Fulham, unidentified October 1938

66/7/E: Youth and social clubs-Fulham 1938-39

Observations of working-class youth, West Fulham, unidentified 23.9.38

Typed report of people under twenty in Fulham, including school life, leisure, evening institutes, social clubs and the YMCA, West Fulham, unidentified October 1938

Leaflets from social clubs and the YMCA, Fulham 1938

Directs on how young people spend their time, West Fulham, unidentified 20.10.38

Observations of children's games, Fulham (EB) 13.10.38

Typed summary report of youth organisations, Fulham (KB) November 1939

Typed account of interviews with proprietors of three social clubs on how the war affected membership, Fulham (KB) 1.11.39

Extract from article in The Listener? about Fulham. 22.9.38

66/7/F: Views on Russia and Germany and war fears 1939

Responses to QQ on the news of Russia making a pact with Germany, the effect on England and whether anything could have been done to stop it, Fulham (KLB, AH, LT) 22.8.39

Responses to QQ on the news of Russia and Germany, the likelihood of war and Chamberlain's policy, Fulham (AH, JA, KB, LT) August 1939

Summary of QQ results, August 1939

Correspondence with TH about QQ, Fulham August 1939

Responses to QQ asking people their feelings on the crisis, ARP arrangements, their knowledge of air raid signals and how to deal with an incendiary bomb, Fulham, unidentified 30.8.39

66/7/G: Fulham - miscellaneous

Typed, heavily annotated draft report "Fulham and the West Division", with 3 inserts

'Fulham Quotes'

Handwritten note on By-election results

Hand-drawn map of Fulham

2 newspaper cuttings: 22.9.38 and 9.10.38

BOX 8: FULHAM 1940-44

66/8/A: Fulham Observations and Overheards

Typed street observations and overheards, Fulham 22.7.40 to 29.7 40 (LE)

Typed observations and indirects from shops and market stalls Fulham 31.7.40 (CF)

Typed account of street incident; old man needing an ambulance 09.8.40 (CP)

Handwritten account of joke made on bus 3.9.40 (DH)

Typed letter from TH to The Spectator, on housing 29.9.41

66/8/B: News and Election Questionnaire

3 point handwritten questionnaire on whether people are satisfied with the amount of news they get and whether elections should be held in wartime. 30 replies. 14.2.40 (DH)

66/8/C: Local Government Questionnaire

Fulham inhabitants 6 point questionnaire to assess knowledge of local politics. 91 typed and handwritten replies and tabulation of results April to May 1944 (GST, EG, LB, RL)

Handwritten summary of Questionnaire and facts about Fulham 10.5.44 and 11.5.44 (EG)

Typed summary and analysis showing answers to the questionnaire in table form 6.6.44 (GM)

66/8/D: Railway Questionnaire

6 point questionnaire about a "Square Deal" for the railways; approximately 400 replies. Dated July (1939) (KB, PS, MC, BL, LT)


66/9/A: Gateshead/Gaitsgill


Printed card advertising wartime laundry demonstration at Co-operative Hall, undated

Gaitsgill, Cumbria 1947

NB These observations prepared by a volunteer observer living locally

Handwritten list of voluntary organisations in Gaitsgill district 18.9.47

Brief note on direct interviewing 18.9.47

Handwritten observation on drinking habits and pubs 18.9.47

66/9/B, C: Glasgow Public Transport Questionnaire 1939

Approximately 200 replies to a 6 point questionnaire about public transport from Glasgow, with apparent emphasis on railways, August to September 1939

66/9/D: News Questionnaire, Glasgow 1940

Approx 50 handwritten replies to a questionnaire about war news from Holland and Belgium, all from Glasgow 10.5.40 (DH)

Pencilled analyses of questionnaire replies 19.5.40 (JSF)

66/9/E: Glasgow: General Impressions 1941

Typed and handwritten table of chief industries by employment, undated

Typed breakdown of population by purchasing power index, undated

Handwritten observations and indirects on wartime supplies of food and tobacco 24.2.41 (HP)

Handwritten observations on pubs and graffiti 5.3.41 (HP)

Handwritten observations on public eating places 5.3.41 (HP)

Handwritten observations on visit of King and QuEen to Glasgow 5.3.41 (HP)

Handwritten overheards from Glasgow pubs 3.3.41 (HP)

Handwritten notes on political and religious notices 24.2.41 (HP)

Printed magazine, The Cathedral Church of St Mary and Mission Churches Magazine , issue for February 1941

Printed broadsheet, The Park Parish Magazine, issue for February 1941

Printed magazine, The Record of the Church of Scotland , issue for February 1941

66/9/F: Glasgow: General Impressions and Newspapers 1941

Pencilled tables: Gas mask counts for 24-25.2.41 and 27.2.41 (HP)

Typed extract from conversation about Dumbartonshire By-election 9.2.41 (GH)

Handwritten counts and observations of passengers on rush hour trams 4.3.41 (HP)

Pencilled notes, rough drafts of observations on cards, undated

News cutting about return of evacuees to Glasgow, Evening News, 27.2.41

Newspaper: Copy of the Evening Citizen , Glasgow 3.3.41

66/9/G: Glasgow: Entertainment 1941

Handwritten observations of posters for cinemas, dances, theatres and music halls 24.2.41 (HP)

Press cutting of local gossip column, publication unidentified. Undated

Printed card with rules and dates for "Mecca All-Britain Jitterbug Championship" February 1941

Handwritten report of visit to Taj Mahal restaurant 24.2.41 (HP)

Printed menu for Taj Mahal restaurant, Glasgow 1941

Typed menu from James Craig's Tearooms, Glasgow 4.3.41

Printed and illustrated menu, carrying advertisements; from Mecca ballroom Glasgow 1941

Handwritten observations of two visits to Playhouse Dance Hall Glasgow 24.2.41 and 3.3.41 (HP)

Handwritten observations of visits to billiard hall, 25-26.2.41 (HP)

Handwritten observations of visits to art galleries in Glasgow 24.2.41 (HP)

Handwritten observations of visit to Glasgow Empire Music Hall, show featuring George Formby 24.2.41 (HP)

Printed and illustrated programme for Glasgow Empire 24.2.41

66/9/H: Glasgow Air Raids Questionnaire 1941

Handwritten copy of an 11 point questionnaire with questions about rest-centres, knowledge of local provisions for help, and plans for ARP, war work and wage levels 4.3.41 (GH)

Approximately 70 handwritten replies to above questionnaire from Glasgow, 4-5.3.41 (GH)

Pencilled data tables; results and analyses of questionnaire replies 4.3.41

66/9/I: Air Raids and Glasgow Apprentices Strike: March 1941

Pencilled note describing overheards collected

Handwritten notes and observations on shelters; state of repair, construction and position 4.3.41 (HP)

Approx 20 handwritten overheards from Clydebank about air raids, food supply and prices 3.3.41 (GH)

Typed report and overheards from Clydebank, the most heavily bombed area of Glasgow 15.3.41 and 22.3.41 (GH)

Letter to TH, enclosing letter report on the subject of the Clydebank air raids 17.3.41 (PV)

Letter from observer to TH 20.3.41 (GH)

Typed copy of joke, "Equipment to be carried by Firewatchers", 19.3.41 (GH)

Typed accounts of air raids 14.3.41 and 15.3.41 (GH)

Typed account of visit to blitzed area following heavy air raids 15.3.41 (GH)

Typed copy of poem about air raids 17.3.41

Typed reports of visit to a rest centre and a feeding centre 18.3.41 (GH)

Typed notes on evacuation and supply of essential services to blitzed areas 18.3.41 (GH)

Typed document with details of emergency aid organisation in the Burgh of Clydebank 21.3.41

Copy of official certificate for persons made homeless by air raids 21.3.41

Printed official booklet, Emergency Relief Organisation for Persons Rendered Homeless by Enemy Attack, published by HMSO Edinburgh 1940

Copy of the Burgh of Clydebank official memo on billeting, 1941

Approximately 50 typed overheards on subject of raids from various areas of Glasgow collected during 14.3.41 to 23.3.41 (GH)

Typed report on Clydebank morale 23.3.41 (GH)

Copy of Intelligence Report (Secret) for the fortnight 10-24.11.41. Produced by the Public Relations Branch, Edinburgh. Giving details of morale, evacuation, war production in various areas of Scotland

Press cutting about end of Scottish Apprentices strike from Glasgow Evening Times 18.3.41 with observers note

Printed handbill circulated among apprentices, "The Policy of the Clydeside Apprentices Committee", March 1941

Printed handbill, "Clydeside Apprentices Appeal to the Glasgow People", published by the Apprentices Committee March 1941

Duplicated strike bulletin, "Clyde Apprentices Bulletin", issued 8.3.41

Printed pamphlet/magazine of members of Clyde Apprentices Organisation. December 1940 issue

66/9/J: Cost of Living and Newspaper Reading 1942; Entertainment and Newspapers 1949

Handwritten interviews and indirects about cost of living in Glasgow, with price lists. June 1942

Typed copy of M-O bulletin on the cost of living and possible effects on prices of future war events. July 1942

Handwritten raw data on cost of living with statistics on expenditure, economies, type of person most affected by rising prices, undated

M-O machine analysis sheets of cost of living survey. Pencilled data tables. May 1942

Handwritten interviews about newspaper preferences and newspaper sales, undated

Typed summary of Glasgow informals on cost of living and newspaper reading. May 1942

General impression (DH) Glasgow 4.2.42

Printed illustrated handbill advertising concert by Paul Robeson at St Andrews Hall, Glasgow 10.3.49

Printed handbill advertising charity concert at St Andrews Hall, Glasgow 27.2.49

Printed handbill advertising Glasgow Philharmonic Choir concert at St Andrews Hall, Glasgow 23.2.49 and 25.2.49

Printed theatre handbill with details of future performances on 25-26.2.49

Programme of plays for January to July 1949. Glasgow Citizen's Theatre

Copy of the Bulletin and Scots Pictorial , Glasgow newspaper, 22.2.49

Copy of (Glasgow) Evening Times 21.2.49

Copy of Noon Record , sporting newspaper 22.2.49

Copy of Evening Citizen 21.2.49

Copy of Evening News , 21.2.49

BOX 10: HORNCHURCH 1939; HULL 1941-42

66/10/A: Hornchurch weekend survey, 28-29.1.39 (?)

Brief handwritten notes on observer's arrival in Hornchurch, 28.1.39

Typed general observation of Hornchurch including a note on door to door interviewing (KB) January

Responses to QQ on likes and dislikes about Hornchurch with summary, (PS, KB) January

Handwritten observations at the Red Cross Society's dance in the Masonic Hall, Hornchurch (PS, PJ) January

Handwritten and typed observations in two pubs, Hornchurch (PS, PJ, KB) January

Handwritten observations at St Andrews Church with notes on attendance figures, Hornchurch (PJ) January

Handwritten counts at pubs and churches, Hornchurch, unidentified January

Handwritten observation at the Railway Hotel with details of decor, Hornchurch (PS) January

Typed interview with the Town Ward Labour Party Secretary, Hornchurch (KB) January

66/10/B: Hornchurch murder 1939

Directs and overheads on the murder of a nine year old girl in park, Hornchurch (JR) 1939

Report of an interview with shop and cinema managers, a parson and a doctor, mentioning the murder, Hornchurch, unidentified 1939

Collection of newspaper with articles about the murder in Hornchurch, January 1939

66/10/C: Hull 1941-42

Handwritten account of the background of observers in Hull, unidentified and undated

Typed report on the effect of war on industry, the Hull blitz, billeting, evacuation, ARP, recreation and dockers, Hull (GS) 23.8.41

Copy of typed report by the Chief Air Raid Warden on the working of the warden service during heavy bombings on the city, Hull May 1941

Typed report on the "Port of Hull" looking at security amongst officers and seamen, leakage of information, police patrols and security propaganda Hull (TH) 17.4.42

Map of Hull docks, undated

Typed commentary and explanatory note on the Hull docks map (TH) 17.4.42

Brief handwritten notes on the docks and air raids, Hull (TH) April 1942

Handwritten notes on leisure facilities for Merchant Seamen, Hull, unidentified 16.4.42

Brief handwritten observation of shop notices Hull (HP) 8.4.42

Brief handwritten observations of air raids, Hull (HP) 13.4.42

Overheards and observations, pub talk, Hull (HP) April 1942

Letters, general correspondence handed to TH by the officer on ship to avoid the dock censor, April 1942

General correspondence between TH and various people in Hull, April 1942

Typed extracts from The Observer and the Manchester Guardian on planning for more ships and the importance of the industry in the war, April 1942

66/10/D: Hull ephemera 1942

Newspapers, military souvenir pamphlets, pamphlet on royal visit and miscellaneous ephemera, Hull 1942

BOX 11: IPSWICH 1939-41; KENT 1941-47; LEEDS 1940-41; LEAMINGTON SPA 1947; LEEK 1940-41; LEICESTER 1941; LETCHWORTH 1940; LIVERPOOL 1938-40; MAIDENHEAD 1947; KENT VILLAGES 1941

66/11/A: Ipswich Survey, January 1939

Typed and handwritten responses to 5 questions on residents' likes and dislikes including 2 questions on the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Vicar of Haughley. Interviews carried out in various Ipswich streets (KB and others), in pubs (KB, RW), in churches (KB and others) and at the Salvation Army (KB)

Handwritten description of dance at St Lawrence Hall

Typed observation of hoarding near Railway Station

Typed direct interviews with local dignitaries, Vicar, Mayor, doctor, cinema manager, store manager, secretary of local Labour Party, Hon Secretary of the WEA

Lists of books in W H Smiths window

Typed observations at Christchurch Mansions

Typed report on results of Ipswich Survey (15 pages) (RW, CW, DE, EC, KB)

66/11/B: Ipswich: Reactions to war news May-June 1940

Letter to TH from PNM

Handwritten responses to questions on the invasion of Holland, 10-11.5.40 (PNM), approx 25

Handwritten responses to questions on the news from France, 29.6.40 (PNM), approx 47 (some missing)

Handwritten analysis charts (JSP)

66/11/C: Ipswich: Reactions to war news, July 1940

Handwritten responses to questions on Hitler's invasion of Roumania, 1-6.7.40 (PNM), approx 72

Handwritten analysis charts (JSP)

66/11/D: Ipswich: Reactions to war news, October 1940

Handwritten responses to questions about news that day 10-29.10.40 (PNM), approx 115

Letter from PNM to TH about sirens and shelters, 16.10.40

66/11/E: Ipswich: Reactions to war news, January 1941

Handwritten responses to reactions to day's news, 13-18.1.41 (PNM), approx 150. With analysis charts

66/11/F: Kent Survey 1941, 1947

Hop-picking in Kent: typed and handwritten drafts for a report on the experience of hop-picking including people's comments about life in the countryside, 18.9.41 (EL)

Handwritten letter and draft introduction to report on hop-picking, 30.9.41 (MW)

Typed report "Hop-picking in Kent" (11 pages) including general atmosphere, the attractions of the countryside, a new class, attitudes of hop-pickers to the war, labourers and local inhabitants, 30.9.41 (MR)

Handwritten list of local organisations in Kent with emphasis on the arts and music and when talks and discussions take place, 27.10.47 (AC)

Handwritten account of road accident, Sevenoaks, Kent 1946

66/11/G: Leeds 1940-41

This material was collected by observer HN who was stationed at the RAMC Depot in Leeds, and his wife PN who was living nearby. Additional material from the same source may be found in the Forces Topic Collection (TC 29)

Typed reports and diaries on army life, war talk, morale etc with correspondence, December 1940-February 1941

Typed reports, diary and correspondence on Leeds: 4pp general atmosphere and war talk, 18.12.40 (PN)

66/11/H: Leamington Spa 1947

Typed notes on local organisations 4.9.47

66/11/I: Leek 1940-41

Handwritten informal reports/letters to M-O on reactions to German bombing attacks, on Chamberlain's resignation, reprisals, lack of information to "the man in the street", Churchill's speech, naval attack on Cherbourg, general morale, attitudes to news and leisure, August 1940-July 1941 (JW)

66/11/J: Leicester 1941

Handwritten report on a heavy air raid on Leicester (11 pages), 19.11.40 (LE)

Typed version of above: covers official and trade reaction, public reactions etc 26.11.40 (LE)

66/11/K: Letchworth 1940

Correspondence with TH on planning the Letchworth survey, March and April 1940

List of factories and workshops, list of trades taught from Letchworth Training Centre (FGC)

Draft letter to Chairman of Letchworth UDC from the residents of Whitethorn Lane (undated) (CBO)

Report: aspects of life in Letchworth, historical, social, political etc (26 pages), undated

Letter with accounts of public dance and social evening at private house, undated (RWP)

Account of League of Nations Union meeting at Icknield Hall, undated

Report on local organisations: CWS (Co-op), Trades Council, Folk Dance Society, Women's Luncheon Club, Health Society, Allotments, Unionist Club, Peace Pledge Union, Peace Council, Guild of Help, British Legion, Chamber of Trade, (16 pages) with various notices, March 1940

66/11/L: Liverpool 1938-40

Report on leisure, industry and unemployment (18 pages)

Observation of people waiting for trams at Stafford Street and Lime Street. undated

Observations at Lewis' store, hat count of men passing Empire Cinema, Art Gallery exhibition, Bear's Paw Bar, 22-23.11.38 (HP)

Counts and short reports: elementary schools, teachers and craft instructors, secondary schools, unemployment, licensing statistics, (Watch Committee Report), libraries (stock, borrowers, branch libraries etc), Liverpool Museum, Walker Art Gallery, sport , milk bar; one line responses from 4 people about whether they liked Liverpool, 23.11.38 (GT)

Report on aspects of Liverpool: The Liver Bird, Post Office, especially number of postal orders sent for Football Pools, Pools promoters, football attendances, The Playhouse Theatre, Music, 7.12.38 (GT), (8 pages)

Typed report (11 pages) as synopsis for Sunday Graphic mentions most of above and includes repertory theatre movement, pubs, roller skating, Lewis' store window gazing, hat counts and extracts from Social Survey of Merseyside by D Caradog Jones (1934), on rent and mortgage restriction, analysis of expenditure, retailing, baths and gardens in working class dwellings, also list of 19 points on photo angles for Sunday Graphic photographer in Liverpool, 29.12.38 (TH)

Typed letter to TH from LMS Hotel Services about the history of the Adelphi Hotel, 3.1.49

Observation on Christmas Day (undated)

Observations in Bootle: bomb damage, shopping crowds, posters, billeting, rest centres, essential services, food supply, rumours, political activity, transport, gas, electricity, water, 27-29.12.40 (GH)

66/11/M: Maidenhead 1947

Newspaper cutting on floods, undated

Report: "A journey to flooded Maidenhead", 20.3.47 (AS)

Articles from Maidenhead Advertiser on floods, 21.3.47

66/11/N: Kent Villages 1941

Handwritten answers to qqs on government leaflets from the villages of Ryarsh, West Malling and Birling plus 2 analysis charts, 4.9.41-5.9.41 (DH, CF)


66/12/A: Kilburn and Hampstead 1939-40

Typed report on preparation for war, knowledge of air signals and treatment of incendiary bombs, Kilburn (HDW) August 1939

Observations and indirects on bombs dropped in Kilburn (CF) August-September 1940

Observation of warden post, Kilburn (CF) 28.7.40

Memo on interviewing during air-raids (CF) 31.8.40

Observation of people listening to news bulletins in a radio shop, Kilburn (CF) 29.7.40

Directs asking shopkeepers about trade in household goods, Kilburn (CF) 23.8.40

Observation of salvage procedure in Kilburn and Hampstead (CF) 30.7.40

Interviews with shopkeepers about trade in household goods, Kilburn (CF) 23.8.40

Typed report on the Hampstead Housewives Service, Hampstead (CF) 20.7.40

66/12/B: Hendon 1940

Typed report on the Rout-the-Rumour rally, a propaganda technique to appeal to the British people, Hendon (CF) 26.7.40

66/12/C: Putney 1938

Handwritten report of an incident at Kingsmere Pool where a cyclist's body was found, Putney (AMH) 20.11.38

Press cuttings on Kingsmere Pool incident, November 1938

66/12/D: Streatham 1940

Observations and indirects on reactions to the news, Streatham (LE) July 1940

Typed observation of a local church, Streatham (LE) 21.7.40

Typed observation of fire-fighting demonstration (LE) 22.7.40

Directs on clothes in Streatham (LE) 1.8.40

Indirects on attitudes towards 'aliens', Streatham (LE) 2.8.40

66/12/E: Hyde Park Observations 1940

Observations of Hyde Park speakers, London (BB, JS) March-June 1940

Observation of Hyde Park meeting: Ministry of Information platform, London (HN) 19.6.40

66/12/F: Return of Eros 1947

Observations of the return of Eros to Piccadilly Circus, London (EG, CMA, ML) 28.6.47

Press cuttings on the return of Eros, June-July 1947

66/12/G: Local Organisations-London 1947

Handwritten reports on local organisations and societies in SW1 and SW9

66/12/H: London-Miscellaneous 1940-42

Street incidents, London (BW, JS, NM, CF) 1940

Typed observation of a 'march of triumph' through London with extracts from the Evening News, 23.2.40

Responses to QQ on the "Silent Column" giving people's views on the advertisement, London (CF) June July 1940

Handwritten observation of Piccadilly Circus including shopping, uniforms, conversations, London (DH) l0.8.40

Handwritten report on attitudes to the war in Maida Vale by a volunteer observer 28.8.40

Handwritten account of a provincials first visit to London since the war, sent in by volunteer, Portsmouth 3.1.41

New Year's Eve, obs in West End and London area (EL) 5.1.42

Handwritten observation of Portobello Market London, (DH) 14.4.42

Overheards in London, unidentified 23.5.46

Handwritten observation of visitors at Kensington Gardens, London (LB) 23.4.42

Typed observation in a popular cafe in Soho, London (PJ) 5.5.42

Handwritten observations at the opening ceremony of the Serpentine fishing season, London (VT) 16.6.42

BOX 13: Middlesbrough AND MANCHESTER 1940

66/13/A: General Background: Middlesbrough 1941

Typed general report on Middlesbrough including local information and statistics. 15.8.40 (AH, NH)

Handwritten tracing of map of Middlesbrough with key, 27.9.40 (AH)

Typed lists of counts of window protection (3.10.40)

Gas masks (22.8.40 to 3.10.40 ) (AH, NH)

Typed report on "war atmosphere" in Middlesbrough 19.8.40 (AH)

Typed atmosphere report No Gl, 19.8.40 (AH)

Typed atmosphere report No G2, 19.8.40 (AH)

Typed morale reports at weekly intervals from 24.8.40 to 13.10.40 (AH, NH)

Draft lists of files for Middlesbrough material 24.9.40

Typed draft letter from AH to TH giving proposed outline of survey 10.9.40

66/13/B: Shelters in the News

Approximately 100 press cuttings about shelters; provision, construction, events. From the Manchester Guardian and the North Eastern Gazette . Collected daily during September 1940 as part of Middlesbrough town survey

66/13/C: War News

Approximately 100 press cuttings from Manchester Guardian, Daily Express and North Eastern Gazette. Topics include air raids, ARP, war production. Collected during September 1940 as part of Middlesbrough town survey

66/13/D: Shelters and the Sheltered

Typed observations of names painted on shelters by regular users August to October 1940 (AH, NH)

Typed report on construction and design of shelters, including diagrams, plans and sections. 15.9.40 (AH)

Typed report of effects of air raids on sleeping habits of 15 Middlesbrough families 15.9.40 to 21.9.40 (AH, NH)

Typed and annotated biographies of regular users of the shelter featured in observers reports. Very detailed studies of members of approximately 20 households in the period from 23.8.40 to 24.9.40 (AH, NH)

66/13/E: Draft Reports on Shelter Life

Approximately 50 typed and annotated reports of individual air raids during August to October 1940 (AH, NH)

66/13/F: Shelter Life, August to September 1940

Approx 60 detailed reports on sheltering, including conversations during the frequent air raids on Middlesbrough during the period from 15.8.40 to 16.9.40. Final copies (AH, NH)

66/13/G: Shelter Life, September to October 1940

Approx 40 typed reports as above for the period 19.9.40 to 20.9.40. Final copies (AH, NH)

66/13/H: War Talk

Approx 120 typed indirects and overheards concerning general wartime subjects. All from Middlesbrough covering period 15.8.40 to 22.10.40 (AH, NH)

66/13/I: War Talk-Duplicates

Approx 50 carbon copies of above overheards covering period from September to October 1940. Numbered with handwritten code (AH, NH)

66/13/J: Air Raids; General Material

Typed report of air raid damage. Middlesbrough 14.10.40 (NH)

Typed report of visit to rest-centre for raid victims, Middlesbrough 14.10.40 (NH)

Typed report of follow-up visit to rest centre 16.10.40 (NH)

Typed report of air raid damage, Middlesbrough and Billingham 25.8.40 (AH)

Typed news quotes about Spitfire collections in Middlesbrough 22.8.40 (AH)

Typed note on Middlesbrough raid victims relief fund 19.10.40 (NH)

Typed report of railway journey from Middlesbrough to Worcester 23.10.40 (NH)

Press cutting about air raid damage in Teesside from North Eastern Gazette 7.10.40

Typed letter from NH to TH about progress of survey 15.10.40

Typed personal letter from AH to NH 16.10.40

66/13/K: Manchester 1940

Typed message from Chairman of Emergency Committee to all involved in air raids on Manchester in December 1940. With pencilled annotations 23.12.40

Typed instructions for conduct during air raids issued by Manchester office of Ministry of Information 23.12.40

Typed draft report on Zion rest centre by R Macdonald and WT Cownig 22.12.40

Typed confidential survey of air raid shelters and emergency rest centres in the North-West region by field officers of the Lancashire and Cheshire Community Council 12.11.40

Typed observations of notices in Manchester 3.1.41 and 4.1.41 (HP)

Carbon copy of typed report on air raids by volunteer observer from Manchester 18.3.41

Manchester war talk. Approximately 25 indirects and overheards 24.6.40 (AH)

Copy of typed report on newsreels and film, "Birth of a Baby", shown 23.7.40 (AH)

Handwritten report on urban district of Denton (Lancs) near Manchester, by volunteer observer 18.9.47


66/14/A: Newcastle and Outlying Areas 1940

Typed report on attitudes of Tynesiders and local press to withdrawal of BEF from Dunkirk, 9.6.40. (SS)

Typed account of Observer's visits to Heaton, North Wylam and Jarrow to observe air raid damage, account of searching for digs in Jarrow, morale and special evidence of war activity, plus carbon copy 13-14.8.40. (AH)

Typed indirects on air raids with clerks in employment exchanges, waitresses and ARP warden-Newcastle, Jarrow and carbon copy 14-15.8.40. (AH)

Typed description of air raid damage on train journey from Newcastle to Middlesbrough and overheards, carbon copy 15.8.40. (AH)

Typed account of air raid in Jarrow 15.8.40. (AH)

Booklet Tyneside the Social Facts, social statistics on health, education and regional planning and assessing the effects of social conditions on the inhabitants of Tyneside, first printed 1940

66/14/B: Oswestry 1947

Handwritten report on organisations in the Oswestry district

Political, cultural clubs and the ratepayers association, sent in by volunteer, September 1947

66/14/C: Oxford and High Wycombe Refugees 1939-40

Handwritten letter to TH from RH accompanying M-O material 16.9.40

Typed information on evacuees arriving at Oxford 14.9.40. (SS)

Typed information on evacuees at Oxford 15-20.9.40. (TH)

Typed account of unidentified speaker addressing evacuees 19.9.40. (LE)

Handwritten account of evacuees in temporary shelter at Majestic cinema and at Salvation Army headquarters and billeting office. Observations, overheards, indirects, follows, counts 22.9.40-02.10.40

Handwritten reply to news question, Oxford 13.6.40. (GS)

Handwritten report of evacuees in High Wycombe and assessment of morale 11.10.40. (BA)

Handwritten account of arrival of refugees in High Wycombe 21.10.40 (JF)

Copy of Reading Mercury and Oxford Gazette 21.1.39

66/14/D: Oxford Report 1941

Telegram to TH 17.2.41

Correspondence between TH and Ann Harrisson. 9 typed and handwritten letters, February to March 1941

Typed and handwritten report on Oxford in wartime, reports directs overheards counts and observations. Some correspondence and notes in the body of the report 17.3.41-12.5.41. (HH)

'Clubs and Organisations', Typed report on clubs and organisations in Oxford, their activities, membership, accounts of meetings and any particular wartime difficulties. April to June 1941 (HH). Notes and memos on report (JF)

Typed list of Oxford clubs and leisure organisations 30.5.41. (HH)

Leaflet The Christian Democrat published by the Catholic Social Guild, May 1941


66/15/A: Pembrokeshire 1941-47

Correspondence: handwritten letter to Bob Willcock from TH (undated), typed letter to the Editor of the Spectator about the planning of housing, 29.9.41, handwritten letter to TH from Norman Banfort, 5.4.42

Typed 4 page list of local and national organisations operating in Pembrokeshire, 11.10.47 (WGD)

66/15/B: Plymouth Jan-March 1941

Handwritten accounts: general impressions-of bomb damage and morale, pubs, evening entertainment (Paramount Dance Hall etc), shelters, supplies (food etc), communal feeding, gas and electricity, gas mask carrying counts, overheards about air raids, pub talk, 18-19.1.41; also accounts similar to above but including local press, gazing at damage, sport outlets, YMCA cafe, notices, posters and instructions, 26-27.3.41 (HP)

Typed reports (short): use of shelters at night, communal feeding canteens, services, impressions; overheards about gas, air raid damage, 22-24.1.41

Typed extracts (2) from Western Morning News about WVS and communal feeding arrangements, 25.3.41 (GH)

Overheards about air raids, bomb damage and food supply, observation of military control of traffic, words of signs, posters and wall chalking reports: behaviour in central Plymouth, behaviour during 'Alert Period', damage and casualties, public utilities, canteens and communal feeding, pub observation, air raid shelters, general morale, 26-30.3.41 (GH)

Handwritten accounts and reports: shelters-opinions about and investigation of shelters, behaviour at siren, 9 rumbles, evacuation and children, rest centres, canteens and communal feeding, nightlife, behaviour of and attitude to soldiers, sailors etc, dominant talk topics, rumours and explanations, sightseeing and gazing at damage, description of damage and casualties, general morale and behaviour, Citizens Advice Bureau, 26.3.41 (JS)

OHMS envelope containing "reference sheet" from Director of Naval Intelligence to Commander-in-Chief/Portsmouth and Plymouth about asking TH to visit Portsmouth, Plymouth and Devonport "with a view to making certain investigations in connection with enemy air attacks....", 15.1.41

Entertainment: programmes from the Palace Theatre 13.1.41 and Alhambra Theatre 26.3.41; 2 posters advertising the Palace 13.1.41 & 20.1.41

Menu card from the Grand Hotel, Plymouth-Breakfast, 19.1.41 (HP)

White cards with handwritten notes on them, 26.3.41 (TH)

66/15/C: Plymouth April-May 1941

Newspapers: Western Evening Herald, 29.4.41, 30.4.41, 01.5.41 & 2.5.41

66/15/D: Plymouth May 1941

Newspapers: The Western Morning News, 1.5.41 & 2.5.41

66/15/E: Plymouth April-May 1941

Typed counts: pub counts 30.4.41 & 1.5.41, gas mask carrying count 2.5.41 (GH)

Typed indirects about bomb damage, casualties, air raids, eggs, Churchill's speech, 30.4.41-3.5.41, (GH)

Typed overheards (23 pp)-general and war talk, 30.4.41-2.5.41, (GH)

Typed observations: "The evening exodus, Plymouth-Tavistock Road", public utilities, communal feeding, mobile canteens, 1-2.5.41, (GH)

Typed reports of CPO Finnecy on his visit to Plymouth 1-3.5.41 and short handwritten report on morale 01.5.41

Correspondence: telegram to TH from G Hutchinson, 30.4.41; letter to TH from Intelligence Division, Naval Staff, Admiralty, 1.5.41 re visit to Plymouth

Printed matter: "Government Evacuation Scheme Form of Certificate" (circ. 2245); "Appendix B-Form of Certificate B" (circ. 2170), found at Devonport Information Bureau, 2.5.41

Official forms (2): from Assistance Board relating to government compensation scheme for war damage to property; large 4pp form, 2.5.41 (VOW1) re war damage

Information sheets (2) from MOI: "New Announcements"; "Help and how to get it", 5.5.41 (TH)

Newspaper cutting from Evening Standard about Churchill touring Plymouth, 3.5.41

Typed list of streets in Plymouth evacuable area, (JMB)

3 small menu cards from the Grand Hotel, Plymouth: 2 lunch menus and 1 breakfast menu, 1-2.5.41 (TH)

66/15/F: Plymouth Sept-October 1941

Handwritten reports: 38 page report on "Welfare services in Plymouth", 30.9.41 (TH); 5 page report on "Organisations for Servicemen", (undated)

Correspondence from Inv: 3 handwritten letters with reports on morale, attitudes to last fortnight's news, reactions to air raids, political opinion, 4-18.10.41 (JWM)

66/15/G: West Somerset 1939

11 page handwritten analysis of answers to qq; includes diagrams showing distribution, (undated)

Typed notes: 2 pages on farming with map showing population density per acre; 1 page on water transport, railways, buses, (undated)

Typed tabulation of occupations, (undated)

A4 size maps showing population density, railway companies, location of industry, town and other bus services and routes, areas using regular bus services and number of people interviewed in each town or village, (undated)

Large printed street map of Bridgwater; large Ordnance Survey map of Bridgwater showing Quantock Hills, (Sheet 120 Popular Edition)

66/15/H: Somerset Towns 1939 (being processed)

BOX 16: PORTSMOUTH 1939-41

66/16/A: Portsmouth Survey 1941

2 typed letters from TH to MT, instructions on Portsmouth survey; 1 undated, 1 dated 18.2.41

2 handwritten letters from MT to TH, 18.2.41 and 4.3.41

Handwritten and typed lists of the questions for the Portsmouth Survey, undated (MT)

Typed report based on QQ, showing the effect of the blitz on the inhabitants of the area covered by the QQ and Portsmouth in general, also how people view the future of the town and the war. January to March 1941 (MT)

Typed summary of general report

Typed report on dockyard workers' reaction to work under war conditions based on QQ. February to March 1941 (MT)

Handwritten and typed drafts of report March 1941 (MT)

66/16/B: Responses to Questionnaire

15 point QQ (many questions subdivided) on aspects of life during the blitz. QQ carried out from door to door mainly in 4 streets in Portsmouth approximately 50 replies

5 handwritten replies to a QQ collected variously; reported conversation and a note from Observer 8.2.41. to 11.2.41. (MT)

Handwritten survey of the 4 roads in which the QQ was carried out showing bomb damage to houses, dwellers' occupations and numbers of houses evacuated February 1941 (MT)

Handwritten description of Meyrick Road and collected replies to QQ 19.2.41-4.3.41. (MT)

Handwritten description of Cranleigh Road and collected QQ replies 17.2.41-18.2.41. (MT)

4 additional handwritten questions and analysis on locations of citizens advice and communal feeding centres, estimations of the length of the war and gasmask count 9.2.41 (MT)

66/16/C: Responses to Questionnaire

Handwritten description of Moorland St and collected replies 24-28.2.41 (MT)

Handwritten description of Silverlock St and collected replies 28.2.41-1.3.41 (MT)

Hand drawn table of questionnaire replies, all four streets February 1941 (MT)

66/16/D: Portsmouth Survey 2

Typed list of 6 questions with subdivisions for the second Portsmouth questionnaire, July 1941 (MT)

Typed report based on questionnaire covering same themes as first report, July 1941 (MT)

Typed and handwritten replies to questionnaire, approximately 50, April to July 1941 (UB)

66/16/E: Evacuation and ARP/Ephemera

Evacuation and ARP

Duplicated letter from City Engineer to Mr Rickard on waterproofing Anderson shelters 3.10.41

Typed general observations after air raids in Portsmouth 15.7.40 (TH)

Hand drawn map of part of the Portsmouth area, showing streets covered by questionnaire and bomb damage

Handwritten observations of Portsmouth after a night of heavy air raids 11.3.41 (MT)

Handwritten general assessment of the damage to houses and public utilities after raids 14.3.41 (MT)

Handwritten report on people evacuating to neighbouring towns at night. Count of cars leaving the town at a specified time one evening; numbers of passengers and numbers giving lifts 15.3.41 (MT)

Handwritten summary of evacuation conditions, Portsmouth 24.3.41 (MT)

Handwritten report of blitz in Portsmouth, night evacuation, what schools have done since outbreak of war, list of places where public information posters are displayed and observations of 'V' for Victory signs 1.9.41. (BK)

Typed overheard on night evacuation, unidentified and undated

Handwritten and typed copy of report of remarks from Ministry of Information committee and Chief Librarian on post blitz arrangements in Portsmouth, unidentified 17-18.8.41


Handwritten copies of headlines and leading articles in Evening News 1-26.8.39

Articles from Evening News on war problems, June 1941

Leaflet Help for the Homeless January 1941

Leaflet on the use of emergency centres, April 1941

Evacuation postcard (blank) to notify authorities of people evacuating, undated

Poster listing administration centres, 25.8.41. (MT) (Removed to poster folder, No 128)

BOX 17: PORTSMOUTH 1939-41

66/17/A: Shops and Shopping

Typed report on shops and shopping in Portsmouth. Analysing the effect of the war on trade in general and in particular the changes in shops since the bombing, 17.9.41. (MT)

Typed carbon copy with handwritten additions of part of the above report, August-September 1941

Typed report on the small shopkeeper , based on a QQ later incorporated into shops and shopping report, unidentified August 1941

Typed 3 point small shopkeeper QQ, 20 replies from small traders in Portsmouth about trade and the war 10.8.41. (ET)

66/17/B: Religion

Typed report on churches in Portsmouth to assess changing patterns of church going and the role of the church in wartime, August 1941 (MT)

Handwritten copy of contents of religious report, unidentified. August 1941

Typed copy of The Shrine of Light parish magazine for the Spiritualist Church, February 1939

Handwritten list of Sunday services in Portsmouth, unidentified, 26.8.39

Handwritten doctrinal messages seen outside Portsmouth churches, unidentified and undated

66/17/C: Special Organisations for War Conditions

Typed letter to TH, from the organising secretary of Citizens Advice Bureau Portsmouth, about MT. 4.9.41

Typed report on Citizens Advice Bureau, Emergency Centres and incomplete copy of report August 1941 (MT)

Typed instructions from Public Assistance Committee for supervisors of emergency centres (plus copy), November 1940-September 1941. Used in report on Special Organisations (MT)

Typed report and copy from Portsmouth Social Service Council, on work carried out from 1.1.41-30.6.41, used in the report on Special Organisations

66/17/D: Leisure and Social Activities


Handwritten letter to MT on Boys Clubs in Portsmouth from the Portsmouth Brotherhood, 9.10.41

Handwritten letter to MT from JI on football match attendances, 23.8.41

Typed letter to MT from City Librarian with information about libraries, 1.10.41

Typed letter to MT from Secretary of district association of Cyclists Touring Club, 27.8.41


Report on leisure and social organisations in Portsmouth assessing the effect of the war on these organisations

Typed report on conversation topics in Portsmouth and handwritten and typed conversations and overheards, Portsmouth, August-September 1941 (MT, BK)

Typed report on libraries with statistics given in table and graph form. Hand drawn graph of book borrowing in public libraries, August 1941 (MT)

Typed report on evening classes with numbers of people attending, and subjects studied, August 1941, (MT)

Typed report on cinemas; interviews, effect of bombing and popular programmes August 1941 (MT)

Typed and handwritten report on dances and dancehalls. List of dance posters, observations and interviews at dancehalls, August and September 1941 (MT, BK)

Handwritten report on music halls in Portsmouth, undated

Typed list of cultural organisations in Portsmouth and whether they have continued since the war. August 1941 (MT)

Handwritten interview with chairman of the Portsmouth Brotherhood 3.9.41 (BK)

Handwritten interview with Secretary of Portsmouth Literary and Philosophical Society. August 1941

Handwritten account of the Writers Circle, Portsmouth, undated

Handwritten report on the Workers Educational Association, Portsmouth, August 1941

Handwritten incomplete report and note on Toc H, Portsmouth undated (BK)

Handwritten report on Boys' Clubs and typed details of Kingston Boy's Club issued by club leader 6.9.41 (BK)

Handwritten report on YMCA and YWCA in Portsmouth, August to September 1941 (BK)

Handwritten account of a football match, unidentified, September 1941

Handwritten account of greyhound racing at Portsmouth Sports Stadium, undated (BK)

Handwritten observations in Milton Park and indirect from park keeper, unidentified 27.8.41

Political Meetings

Handwritten account of a meeting of Cosham Communist Party, unidentified September 1941

Handwritten account of a meeting of the People's Convention, unidentified 08.10.41

Handwritten interview with Secretary of Conservative Social Club, unidentified August 1941

Handwritten report on the Radical Association 1.9.41 (BK)

Handwritten interview with Portsmouth JP, James Lacey, undated (BK)


Miscellaneous handwritten and typed notes on material for the leisure report, 1940-41, unidentified

Notebook belonging to MT, undated

Envelope addressed to MT

66/17/E: Portsmouth General 1941-47

Handwritten and typed questions on news, savings and income tax, November 1941, unidentified

Typed instructions to Observers about what kind of questions are to be put to visitors at Ministry of Information touring exhibitions, undated

Typed notice from the Women's Employment Federation about jobs with Sainsbury's 22.8.41

Incomplete typed report on the Curran Group (family business). List of directorate and employees and family tree of Currans in the business, undated and unidentified

Handwritten Portsmouth report based on QQ with answers to news questions shown in table form and general summary of wartime life in Portsmouth compiled from indirects and overheards December 1942, (MT, MS)

Draft typed report on the attitude to colour prejuduce (including black American troops in Portsmouth?) and generally assessing the level of racial intolerance, compiled from directive replies 14.1.44. (GM)

Typed list of organisations for social activities in Havant, Hants, from volunteer 18.9.47



6 issues of The Portsmouth Reader , a quarterly magazine devoted to the interests of book lovers and museum visitors from July 1939-April 1941

The second Annual Report of Portsmouth Social Service Council, October 1940-October 1941

Annual Report from Portsmouth Libraries and Museums 1939-40

Copy of the Cyclists Touring Club magazine August 1941

Booklet about the Cyclists Touring Club

Leaflet giving details of evening classes at Drayton Road School Portsmouth 1939-40

Cuttings from the Evening News on various social events in Portsmouth , August 1941

British Israel World Federation publications:
copy of weekly journal of BIWF The National Message
leaflet, A Challenge to Thinking People
booklet, Britain's Place in Prophecy by RG Studd
booklet, Youth Message
2 copies of leaflet advertising British Israel meetings


66/18/A: Southend as a Resort 1939

Handwritten description of the resort 17.6.39 (DS)

Handwritten account of Southend 18.6.39 (DS)

Handwritten description of excursion posters 18.6.39 (DS)

Overheard and interview, touts. 18.6.39 (DS)

Overheard (rock seller) 18.6.39 (DS) from Kursaal amusement arena

Description of posters for sideshows and zoo, Kursaal 18.6.39

Interview with secretary and statistics about Kursaal 18.6.39 (DS)

Counts of people and deckchairs 18.6.39 (DS)

Description of Kursaal; dance hall, pin-table saloon, 'Octopus Crane Competitive Machine' 18.6.39 (DS)

Handwritten report on Southend as a resort; Observations, counts and follows on amusements; Observations and counts on boats, clothes, groups, paper hats and the cinema 17.6.39 and 18.6.39 (LT)

Typed description of life in a village near Southend by volunteer panellist, undated

66/18/B: Southampton 1941

Typed 11 page report on air raids on Southampton 4.12.40 (LE)

Handwritten survey of Southampton, undated

Observations, overheards and counts on royal visit, shopping, shelters, gasmasks, bombing, food supplies, church going and transport 6.12.40 and 11.12.40 (JS)

Handwritten general impressions of Southampton; overheards, indirects, observations and counts. Subjects include reprisals, food and cigarettes, entertainment, shops, gasmasks and wall chalkings . Comparison with Bristol. 18.12.40 (HP)

Two typed letters to TH about survey of Southampton 1941 (PN)

Typed 39 page report of Southampton survey with handwritten corrections 3.3.41 (PN)

Typed overheards and indirects on evacuation, bombing, shelters, the war, food, night life, shopping 19.2.40-1.3.41 (PN)

Typed account of two air raid incidents 1.3.41 (PN)

Typed description of shelters in Southampton 20.2.41 and 1.3.41 (PN)

Typed gas mask counts 20.2.41 and 2.3.41 (PN)

Typed indirects and overheards in shops, on supplies and effects of bombing 21.2.41 and 28.2.41 (PN)

Typed observations and overheards on shop notices and war posters 20.2.41 and 1.3.41 (PN)

Typed observations and counts in dance halls, greyhound stadium, cinemas, cafes and restaurants, pubs and libraries 19.2.41 to 1.3.41 (PN)

Handwritten analysis (TH)

Printed entertainment guide for Regal and Plaza cinemas February 1941

Printed leaflet, Southampton Emergency Business Directory 21.2.41 (PN)

Picture postcard of Southampton

Printed leaflet, The Last Will and Testament of Adolf the Murderer 1.3.41 (PN)

Postcard with doggerel, "Hitler's Dream" 1.3.41 (PN)

66/18/C: Stratford-on-Avon 1941

Typed observations on Stratford in wartime; general impressions, attitudes to the war, food situation, the theatre 26.5.41 (VW)

Typed overheards from cafe and street on progress of war, letters and food

Typed description of breakfast and other guests at boarding house where Observer was staying 25.5.41 (VW)

Copy of Stratford Upon Avon Herald, local newspaper 25.5.41

Printed programme from Shakespeare Memorial Theatre 25.5.41

Two printed leaflets covering events in the Shakespeare Festival at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre 25.5.41

Printed leaflet advertising piano recital at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on 1.6.41

Printed leaflet advertising the 'Shakespeare Gallery' restaurant 25.5.41

Two envelopes advertising shop

66/18/D: Stevenage and Tottenham Questionnaire 1946

Describes the plan to develop Stevenage as a satellite town doubling the population by encouraging people to move there from the inner city

Letter from Observer VP on work

Handwritten summary of questionnaire results 24.10.46 (VP)

Handwritten replies to questionnaire about whether people in Tottenham view the development scheme favourably; 384 replies. June to July 1946 (VP, ML, JK, LB)

Typed replies to questionnaire posed similarly in Stevenage 52 replies 10.4.46 (TT, GST)

Analysis of questionnaire presented in Stevenage

Press cuttings related to the development 1946


66/19/A: Suffolk Village 1940-41

Typed and handwritten indirects, overheards and observations from Hollesley, a village in Suffolk: mainly war talk and grievances. April 1940 to May 1941 (RP)

Typed correspondence between RP and TH covering period April to August 1940. In date order in body of report

66/19/B: Windsor 1939

Letter to K Box from Windsor Town Clerk

Typed summary of Windsor survey carried out 21.1 39 and 22.1.39

Typed and handwritten analyses of 224 replies to a questionnaire about living in Windsor 21.1.39

Typed pub counts and reports of conversations; Saturday evening 21.1.39

Typed and handwritten church service counts; Sunday 22.1.39 (KB)

Typed count at dance, Saturday 21.1.39

Typed interviews with public figures and business people in Windsor

Handwritten account of visit to the castle and chapel and conversation with the verger 21.1.39 (HH)

Description of Charles St and Guildhall Market, Windsor 21.1.39

Conversations with insurance agent, man behind the counter in a fish and chip shop about Windsor. 21.1.39


Menu from cafe

Card advertising the 'Red House' Guest House

Guide to Windsor and Eton

Guide to Windsor Castle

Street map of Windsor and Eton

Windsor Parish Magazine for January 1939

Newspapers: The Windsor, Slough and Eton Express 20.1.39. Slough, Eton and Windsor Observer 20.1.39


66/20/A: Alnmouth (Northumberland) 1940 and Andover (Hants) 1938

Handwritten report on the village of Alnmouth, sent in by volunteer, 31.7.40

Letter from volunteer to TH about her report Alnmouth, 31.7.40

Handwritten report on conversations with locals from the village of Andover on various topics such as housing, farming, sent in by volunteer, August 1938

Letter from volunteer to TH about his report, Andover, August 1938

Handwritten account of life in Appleshaw, village near Andover, Hants. June 1938

66/20/B: Barton-on-Humber (Humberside) 1940 and Bishopbourne (Kent) 1939

Typed report on Barton-on-Humber, including how it has been affected by the war, local agriculture and industry and attitudes of locals to the war, (SS) 28.3.40

Typed report on the village of Bishopbourne including topography, key buildings, inhabitants, animal and plant life, sent in by volunteer, January 1939

Correspondence between TH and volunteer about report, Bishopbourne, 1939

Copy of Parish Magazine, Bishopbourne, January 1939

66/20/C: Burwash (Βι¶ΉΣ³»­) 1948 and Bugbrooke (Northants) 1939-40

Handwritten report on local organisations in Burwash, sent in by volunteer, 1948

Handwritten report on the village of Bugbrooke, including buildings, social relationships, structure of families and the village economy, sent in by volunteer, February 1939

Correspondence between TH and the volunteer about the report, 1939-40

66/20/D: Great Baddow (Essex) 1939 and Firle (East Βι¶ΉΣ³»­) 1940

Typed report on the village of Great Baddow, including topography, key buildings and inhabitants, animal life, the village economy, social relationships, class structure and superstition, sent in by volunteer 29.12.38

Correspondence between TH and the volunteer about report, January-May 1939

Short typed general report on the village of Firle (CF) 10.11.40

Typed report on the individual inhabitants, including attitudes towards sighting of a vision, Firle (CF) 10.11.40

Interviews with witnesses of the vision and indirects, Firle (CF) 9.11.40

Indirects on the vision, general attitudes of locals, Firle, (CF) 8-9.11.40

Typed observation of reporters in Firle and extracts from national newspapers, Firle (CF) 11.11.40

Typed account of the attitude of outlying villages, Glynde, Sommersted, [Selmeston?], Wilmington, (CF) 10.11.40

Postcards of Firle

66/20/E: Roncombe (Devon) 1939 and Seaton (Devon) 1940

Handwritten account of the village of Roncombe written in diary form and including an account of the working and social lives of the inhabitants, sent in by volunteer in Women's Land Army November-December 1939

Extract taken from a letter written by a headmistress of an evacuated school on life in the village of Seaton, including a description of the trenches and barbed wire on the beach, (CF) 6.7.40

66/20/F: Ynysybwl 1947; East Coast Village 1940

Handwritten report on local organisations in Ynysybwl, sent in by volunteer 1947

Interviews with women on queuing, housing and the government, sent in by volunteer, Ynysybwl 24.9.47

Short typed report on an unidentified East Coast village, giving details of political composition, class and employment (PC) 7.10.40

Handwritten report on Heswall in the Wirrall (being processed)

66/20/G: "Historic England" (undated)

Book manuscript (unpublished) with descriptions of people from various areas and backgrounds with details of where they live, their houses and work places, collected from the viewpoint of how the political and social systems of the past influence present life. [Identified as a result of the responses to the June 1937 Directive sent to Day Survey writers (Panel) asking for a 300 word description of where they live and work].

Hand-drawn map of a town, unidentified and undated.

66/20/H: Cheshire Village 1945 and Sherborne, Dorset 1941

Handwritten general description of village in the Wirral, Cheshire by volunteer Observer 7.5.45

General description of effects of war in village of Sherborne, Dorset 22.8.41

BOX 21 WORCESTER 1940-41

66/21/A: Worcester May-June 1940

Typed reports outlining survey: "Work to be done"-discusses alternatives to direct interviews, 7.6.40; "Synopsis of Work"-list of meetings, public buildings and events to attend for purpose of survey

Typed accounts: "Estate Agents"-short summary of accommodation shortage, 31.5.40; "Citizens' Advice Bureau" enquiries on accommodation shortage plus account of overheard conversation of woman seeking advice, 3.6.40

Miscellaneous reports and observations: "Impressions" summarises awareness of local people to current war situation, interest in BEF and experiences of local youth, attitude of Italy and fear of outcome; contrasts of attitudes to those found in London; "Sale of Work": describes a sale of commodities held in small, wooden hall; description of digging operations in progress; behaviour at a barber's shop; short description of shopping expedition; "Worcester Youth Organisations": describes cancellation of meeting held at YWCA; "Games Week": describes games held in playing fields, 3-13.6.40

Pub observations at "The Holly Bush", "Saracen's Head" and "Royal Exchange" 15-22.6.40

Churches: descriptions of churches and services: handwritten description of morning and evening services at a Congregational Church and at St Nicholas Church; description of interior of St Nicholas Church, Elim Tabernacle, St Paul's Church; cathedral service, 9-23.6.40

Public library: list of books exhibited in case outside library, interview with Deputy Librarian, description of library, 17-22.6.40

Gheluvelt Park: description of park, people there and activities, 19.6.40

Worcester signs: observation of success of effort to erase word "Worcester" from signs throughout city, (undated)

Notices: forthcoming events and wartime slogans observed at bus stops, YWCA, theatre, cinema, post office etc, 3-25.6.40

Correspondence between investigator and TH, 3-14.6.40 (survey invs: JA, DA)

66/21/B: Worcester May-June 1940: War reactions and experiences

Overheards and indirects mainly in pubs and street from civilians and military; general and war reactions, typed and handwritten (JA, DA)

66/21/C: Printed material from Worcester Churches, June 1940

Leaflets and booklets from St Mary's Church, Worcester Cathedral, St Nicholas Church, Elim Tabernacle

66/21/D: Printed material: cooking, sport, hobbies etc, June-July 1940

Leaflets (5): Advice on cooking and housekeeping in war time, found at Co-op Hall and Electricity Showrooms, 26-28.6.40; "Cake Baking Competition", Worcester New Gas Light Co, Co-op Hall, 28.6.40

The Doctors' Cookery Book, 26.6.40

Racing card: Worcester June Meeting, 5.6.40

"Football", 8.6.40

"How You Can Save", The Economic League (2), 13.6.40

Programme from Bertram Mills Circus, 18.6.40

"Gardens", 20.6.40

Quarterly Magazine, Public Libraries, 27.6.40

Bingley Building Society (2), 2.7.40

McCall Style News, Simes' (shop), 2.7.40

"Selo" War Photography brochure (undated)

Growmore Leaflet No. 1, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 15.7.40

Berrow's Worcester Journal: extract on Voluntary Land Club, 15.7.40

Poster from Dr Barnardo's Homes, 16.6.40

66/21/E: Social gatherings, exhibitions and outdoor events, June 1940

Accounts and reports of social and cultural events, exhibitions, public lectures, cookery demonstrations, circus, concerts (JA, DA)

66/21/F: Women, WVS, domestic life, June-Aug 1940

Observations of and overheards amongst women; accounts, overheards, observations of WVS meetings; reports on domestic life and school canteen (JA, DA)

Gas mask counts (JA, DA)

66/21/G: Observations, posters and notices, architecture, July-Aug 1940

Reports: "Architecture"; "Poster Defacement"; "Publicity": analysis of posters (JA)

Observations in street, shops, pubs (JA)

Accounts of wording of notices (JA)

BOX 22: WORCESTER 1940-41

66/22/A: Air raid patrol wardens, warnings and precautions, June 1940

Handwritten accounts: application for air raid patrol work, public lecture on air raid precautions, 20-21.6.40 (JA, DA)

Typed account of air raid warning, 25-26.6.40 (JA, DA)

66/22/B: Worcestershire Village, June-July 1940

Handwritten indirect on air raids, 26.6.40 (PF)

Typed reports of overheards and atmosphere in village, 29.6.40 (HN, PF)

Typed observation and indirects on Local Defence Volunteers and war talk, 26.6.40-3.7.40 (JA, PF)

Typed accounts of impressions and indirects on air raid patrol, air raid precautions, Hitler and general, 3-31.7.40 (PF, HN)

Typed report: "Fire Demonstration in Worcestershire": report of MOI fire demonstration, 22.7.40

Handwritten indirect on air raid precautions, 24.7.40 (CF)

66/22/C: Worcester July 1940: Overheards

Typed overheard (general), 9-26.7.40 (JA, DA)

Typed account of impressions. 25.7.40 (JA)

66/22/D: Worcester August 1940: Overheards

Typed statistics of main topics of overheard with actual overheard, 23-28.8.40 (JA, DA)

66/22/E: Worcester July-Sept 1940: Agriculture and Dog Show

Printed pamphlet advertising "Clensel" (Timothy White, chemist, 13.7.40) (DA)

Typed accounts: agriculture in Hollesley, market agriculture and morale of farming community; river trip, 29.7.40-12.8.40 (RP, JA)

Typed reports and observations: allotments, salvage, Worcester Farmers' Sale, 12.8.40-20.9.40 (JA)

Printed catalogues: "Worcester Farmers' Sale", Worcester Market 16.9.40; "Worcester and District Canine Society" 26.9.40 (JA, DA)

Typed 7 page report on Dog Show, 26.9.40 (DA)

66/22/F: Worcester July-Sept 1940: Air raids, protection, weekly morale reports

Typed weekly morale reports: 7 reports, 27.7.40-28.9.40 (JA)

Typed report and indirects on impressions of Duff Cooper's popularity, 4-5.8.40 (JA)

Typed indirects on invasion, 9-12.8.40 (JA)

Air raids: typed indirects and 2 reports; Local Defence Volunteers, typed indirects, 26.8.40-24.9.40 (DA, JA)

Typed reports and statistics on windows counts showing type of protection used against splintering, 2.9.40-30.9.40 (JA, DA)

Typed indirects and overheards on war talk, 14.9.40-30.9.40 (JA)

66/22/G: Worcestershire Village, Aug-Sept 1940

Typed weekly morale reports: 10 reports, 28.7.40-29.9.40 (HN, PF)

Typed indirects on supplies, weapons, war talk and Local Defence Volunteers, 1.8.40-30.9.40 (HN, PP)

Typed accounts of Home Guard activities, 21.9.40-29.9.40 (HN)

Typed 8 page report on Ombersley, a small village, 19.8.40 (JA)

Typed accounts of air raids and air raid patrols, 5.8.40-24.9.40 (JA)

66/22/H: Worcester June-Oct 1940: Local events, news items, counts

Typed items on cinema news; newspaper items, 17.6.40-22.10.40 (JA)

Tabulated handwritten and typed counts: colour of clothing observed, smoking, gas masks, pubs

66/22/I: Worcester July-Oct 1940: Children

Typed overheards, observations and follows in street and park, 23.7.40-22.10.40 (DA, JA)

BOX 23: WORCESTER 1940-41

66/23/A: Worcester July-Oct 1940: Soldiers

Typed observations of soldiers, counts of groups of soldiers, relations between soldiers and civilians; includes summary "Impressions-Soldiers and Civilians", 13.7.40-21.10.40 (JA, DA)

66/23/B: Worcester & Worcs Village Sept 1940: Overheards

Typed statistics of main topics of overheards with actual overheards, 4-25.9.40 (JA, DA)

66/23/C: Worcester & Worcs Village Oct 1940: Overheards

Typed overheards on varied subjects, includes tabulated subject headings for Worcester and analysis of overheards, 1.10.40-26.10.40 (JA, DA, HN, PF, AH)

66/23/D: Worcester & Worcs Village Oct 1940: Evacuees

Typed and handwritten indirects on availability and prices of rooms for evacuees; overheards at billeting offices; summary and impressions, 10.10.40

Typed extracts from News & Times (1-3.10.40): "City's Growing Population", "Temporary and Otherwise", "Growing Population Question", "Housing Problems", "School Accommodation", 1-21.10.40 (JA, DA)

66/23/E: Worcester July-Oct 1940: Shops & Shopping

Typed and handwritten observations and overheards of customers, sales assistants and shopkeepers; counts and descriptions of notices in shop windows, includes explanations: "Shop Fronts", "Shopkeepers and the Budget", 24.7.40; small illustrated poster for "Blackmore" dressmaking patterns, 13.7.40; analysis of notices: "Shop Notices", 7.8.40; study of goods on display: "Shops", 6.9.40. Observations and descriptions include drapers, milliners, pet food shops, shoe shops, Scotch Wool Shop, Boots the Chemist, Smiths Bookshop (W H Smith), 24.7.40-25.10.40 (JA, DA)

66/23/F: Worcester Aug-Oct 1940: Clothes

Typed observations of women's clothes in the street and in shop windows, 1.8.40-24.10.40 (JA, DA)

BOX 24: WORCESTER 1940-41

66/24/A: Worcester Aug-Oct 1940: Public places, church services

Typed observations in street, library, markets, pubs, cafes, cinemas and descriptions of church services, 3.8.40-10.10.40 (DA, JA)

66/24/B: Worcester Sept-Oct 1940: Morale

Typed account: "Accident in Blackout", 22.9.40 (JA, DA)

Typed 13 page report: "Morale": describes food difficulties, overcrowding and general feeling about war; includes indirects, 10.9.41 (CF)

Typed indirects on air raids, war talk and shelters, 7-26.10.40 (HN, PF, AH)

66/24/C: Worcester Oct 1940: Air raids

Typed indirects and overheards on air raids, 3-11.10.40 (JA)

Typed 7 page account of an air raid warning, 25.10.40 (DA)

66/24/D: Worcs Village Oct-Dec 1940: Weekly morale reports, Home Guard

Typed weekly morale reports: 12 reports, 6.10.40-29.12.40 (HN, PF, AH)

Typed account of Local Defence Volunteers parade, 13.10.40 (HN)

Home Guard: 3 typed accounts of Home Guard watches, 13-29.10.40; typed indirect on Home Guard, 17.9.40 (HN)

Village transport: typed account of indirects and overheards on bus about village transport, 19.10.40 (HN)

Typed account of overheards at Whist Drive, 18.10.40 (PF, HN)

Typed account and overheard on evacuees, 12-13.10.40 (HN, PF)

66/24/E: Worcs Village Oct-Nov 1940: Air raids, war talk, morale

Typed overheards, 1.10.40-23.11.40 (PF, HN)

66/24/F: Worcester & Worcs Village 1941: Weekly morale reports, fire-fighting

Typed weekly morale reports: 9 reports, 5.4.41-25.3.41 (BW)

Fire-fighting: handwritten letter to B Willcock about fire-fighting , instructions in the Press; typed indirects (2 sets) on firefighting and fire-watching advertisements plus conclusions, 28.1.41-2.3.41 (BW); typed indirect on fire-watching advertisements in Sunday newspapers, 2.3.41 (YL); typed indirects on reactions to fire-fighting advertisements, 3.3.41 (YL)

Handwritten indirect on thoughts of Hitler's proposed tactics, 17.2.41 (BW?)

Typed memo to B Wilcock about salary and working conditions with M-O, 18.12.41 (YL)

Typed overheard on evacuees, 19.2.41 (YL)

66/24/G: Worcester March-April 1941: War talk

Typed and handwritten indirect on war talk, 05-23.4.41 (BW)

66/24/H: Worcester Aug 1941: Morale, evacuees and billeting

Typed and handwritten indirect on billeting, evacuees' problems and general morale, 15-20.8.41 (DH, MS)

66/24/I: Worcester Aug 1941: Government leaflet qqs

Typed and handwritten responses to 6-point qq on attitudes to government leaflets; includes results, summary and general impression gained from this survey, 18-20.8.41 (VT, DH, MS)

66/24/J: Worcester Health

Sixty-fifth Annual Report on the Health of the City, by AJB Griffin, Medical Officer of Health, City of Worcester, 1938

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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