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TC62: 4 boxes


62/1/A: Reports on East End Study 1939

Typed report: "East End Preliminary Survey", 23.1.39 (LT)

Typed report: "Anti-semitism" - contains opinions collected in Stepney, Poplar and Limehouse (KB)

Typed report: "Weekend Surveys" - contains opinions collected in:

  • Poplar 11-12 February
  • Limehouse 18-19 February
  • Stepney 25-26 February

Hand-drawn map of Whitechapel area (E8 and E9)

Typed letter to TH from Kathleen Box (investigator) on East End Survey

62/1/B: Correspondence and notes on Anti-semitism Study 1939

Typed report: "Outline of Projected Psychological Study of Jews in relation to Wider Investigation of Anti-semitism" - duplicate and carbon copy, February 1939

Typed report: "Liking and Disliking the Jews" -contains summary of opinions on characteristics of Jews

Typed report with attached letter to TH from J Sommerfield (investigator) on his experiences and progress re 1939 survey

Correspondence with various organisations including Jewish organisations and other material related to 1939 survey

Typed report on the Jewish Agency for Palestine with draft of speech given by Dr. Weizmann at 22nd Zionist Congress at Basle, undated.

62/1/C & D: School essays on Negroes and Jews 1939

Essays sent in by teachers who were part of M-O's panel of volunteer observers, early 1939

File C from assorted schools in various areas. File D from a school in Keswick

62/1/E: Making of BBC TV documentary June - July 1939

Page from Radio Times 7.7.39, indicating programme relating to 1939 survey

Typed letter to TH from Andrew Miller Jones, TV producer

Typed draft script, final script and handwritten notes

62/1/F: Feelings towards Jews/Jews and Cockneys in East End, March 1939

Typed prefatory letter from TH to Neville Laski (member of Jewish Board of Deputies) in relation to funds for continuation of 1939 anti-semitism study

Typed preliminary interim report (79 pages) contains comprehensive account of 1939 anti-semitism study

62/1/G: Responses and findings from questionnaires on Anti-semitism 1939

Typed indirect interviews on anti-semitism, 31.1.39 (AH)

Typewritten responses to a 4-point questionnaire on ideas acquired about Jews and opinions on effects of Jewish refugees in England

Handwritten report on results of questionnaire on Jews, February 1939 (JL Deuchar)

Typed report: "Anti-semitism in London Area", (Mrs O Smith)

62/1/H: Anti-semitism survey 1940-43

Typed and handwritten responses to a 5-point questionnaire on feelings towards Jews

Handwritten "Special Report - Dominating Feelings about Post-War Politics", 18.4.41 (from volunteer observer)

Typed overheard conversations containing spontaneous anti-semitic remarks, 23.6.41 (BW)

Typed tabulated analysis: "How Do You Feel About the Jews?", 18.3.43


62/2/A: Working class Jews in Whitechapel 1939

Handwritten report: "A Week in the Life of a Group of Working Class Jews of Whitechapel", 25.2.39 - 3.3.39 (LT) describes leisure activities at a dance hall, party, cinema, card games and conversations in private houses and at Joe's Cafe

62/2/B: Observations of Cockneys and Jews: Leisure activities

Handwritten overheard conversations on reactions to pictures in Whitechapel Art Gallery 1939 Exhibition 16.2.39(LT); includes tabulations of findings

Typed report of Whitechapel Art Gallery 1939 Exhibition including observations on reactions to pictures, pictures receiving special attention and time spent there, 16.2.39 (NC, LT)

Handwritten cinema counts amongst Jews and Cockneys using four different East End cinemas, 16.2.39 (LT)

Handwritten library counts in Reading Room 7.15 pm, 21.2.39 (LT); includes tabulated results

Typed counts and tabulated results in Queen's Music Hall, Poplar, 23.2.39 (NC)

Observations and overheard conversations mainly about fascism at Whitechapel Art Gallery and games arcades in Whitechapel area, 3.12.39 (DG)

Printed card advertising "1939 Exhibition" at Whitechapel Art Gallery 9.2.39 - 7.3.39

Two booklets on Whitechapel Art Gallery 1939 Exhibition

Printed pamphlet from Artists International Association: "The First Five Years 1933 - 1938"

Newspaper cutting from The Star, 15.2.39 referring to pen and ink sketches shown at the Whitechapel 1939 Exhibition

62/2/C: Stepney questionnaires

Handwritten draft notes of responses to 5 questions on Stepney

Typed report on findings to questions on Stepney as a place to live - good and bad points - with results

Indirect interviews on residents' views of Stepney and anti-semitic feeling there, (26.2.39 and undated) (PF, JB, EF, KB)

Handwritten draft notes on pub counts and pub games

Typed pub counts and tabulated results of activities including games facilities in several pubs in Stepney area (originals and carbon copies)

Diagram of pubs in E1, E2 and E14 areas

Booklet: "Quinn Square Tenants' Rent Strike Victory", received 3.12.38 (JS)

Typed words of song connected with Stepney Tenants' League

Printed leaflet from a Catholic church, E1, announcing "A Meeting of Parishoners", received Feb 1939

Printed leaflet by the Socialist Christian League, received March 1939

Printed poster from St Augustine's Church

Handwritten draft notes on church counts

Typed church counts outside churches of various denominations, undated (KB)

Typed church counts at St Mary's Church (C of E), with informal interviews on anti-semitism, 26.2.39 (PF)

Typed observation of church service at St Mary's Church, 26.2.39 (PF)

Typed report on 11 o' clock church service at St Mary's Church, 26.2.39 (DS)

Typed account of observations at Salvation Army Hostel for Women, 25-26.2.39 (KB)

62/2/D: Poplar questionnaires

Typed responses to 4 questions on Poplar as a place to live, and further question "Do you think the Archbishop of Canterbury is good at his job?", 11-12.2.39 (KB)

Handwritten responses to above questions on Poplar, (undated)

Handwritten report on results of house-to-house questionnaires about living in Poplar, 12.2.39 (SS); includes tabulated results

Typed indirect interviews with report and tabulated results on residents' views on Poplar and anti-semitic feeling there (KB, DG, SS); includes separate handwritten and typed pub and pub activity counts and church counts (DG)

Handwritten account and notes of pub and pub activity counts, 11.2.39

Handwritten coded church counts of Methodist, Congregational and Roman Catholic churches

Typed church counts (Church of England) (KB)

Handwritten notes on church attendances, 12.2.39

Handwritten report on church attendances, (S Smith)

Typed observation of Salvation Army activities (KB)

Handwritten account of dance at St Stephen's Church Hall

Typed account of dance at East India Hall (KB)

Typed report on the "Eastern Boarding House", Bed and Breakfast establishment (KB)

Two typed copies of an interview with Mr Regan Ward, Secretary of Labour Party (KB)

Handwritten account of interviews with a doctor, Army & Navy Surplus Stores assistant (women's wear store manager and a Church of England vicar)

62/2/E: Limehouse questionnaires

Handwritten accounts of interviews on anti-semitism; with a doctor; in pubs; door-to-door

Handwritten direct door-to-door and pub interviews, 18-19.2.39, (BJ)

Typewritten informal interviews about foreigners, 31.3.39, (KB)

Typewritten responses to 4 questions about Limehouse as a place to live and its amenities

Typewritten responses to 4 questions about Limehouse as a place to live, including question about Archbishop of Canterbury (KB)

Handwritten indirect interviews about political parties (KB)

Observations of church and pub attendances (KB)

Typewritten observations and informal interviews in public lavatories and with the Salvation Army

Typewritten informal interviews on anti-semitism among working-class people, 18-19.2.39 (KB, BJ)

62/2/F: Bethnal Green questionnaires

Typewritten responses to 5 questions about Bethnal Green as a place to live, including question about the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1-2.4.39 (KB)

Typed account of indirect interview on politics and anti-semitism with proprietor of workmen's cafe (KB)

Typewritten notes on church attendances (KB)

Log and weather report, 1-2.4.39 (KB)

Handwritten notes on pub attendances (KB)

Handwritten account of weekend spent at Salvation Army Hostel, including original receipt (PS)

Handwritten door-to-door interviews and responses to 5 questions about Bethnal Green as a place to live, including question on the Archbishop of Canterbury, carried out during weekend stay by investgator at Salvation Army Hostel (PS)

Handwritten notes on church and pub attendances (PS)

62/2/G: Definition of East End/Petticoat Lane, 10.7.39 (EBC)

Booklet depicting history of silk weaving industry in Spitalfields, by Virgoe Middleton & Co. Ltd

Handwritten account, including observations and overheard conversations, on history of Petticoat Lane

Handwritten notes on: definition of the East End; Jewish and clothing areas; history of the Globe Theatre; history of Curtain Road Theatre; St Mary's Church, Whitechapel

62/2/H: Ephemera

Booklet "Peace Alliance" by Starkey Jackson, published by Militant Labour League, bought at Jewish Newsagent, E1, 14.2.39 (LT)

Booklet "The Jews in Italy" (Nr. 2) by Suzius, 1936, with typed letter from Italian Embassy, London, 16.12.36

Card with printed leaflet/form: "Portraits for Spain" contains details and prices of various art work 12.3.39

Leaflet on London Foodship Campaign for Spain 12.3.39

Card advertising "Exhibitions and Lectures in Aid of Czechoslovakian and Jewish Refugees, Wl"

Leaflet "Boycott Nazi Goods" published by Empire Boycott League, E3

Leaflets "Walkers (Dyers and cleaners) Ltd" - price lists of boot and shoe repairs, found on floor at Aldgate East Tube Station, 24.2.39 (LT)

Card "The Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Laundry Ltd" - price list and 2 cards for details of work to be done, 13.2.39

Typewritten two-sided paper "Propaganda Art Course" and "Syllabus and Timetable of Lectures", Christchurch Parish Halls, E1

Leaflet advertising "Distressed Areas Exhibition" at Christchurch Hall, E1 with enrolment form for Propaganda Art Course, 10.3.39

Leaflet from "Distressed Areas Exhibition" about the "Left Book Club Spanish Foodship", 10.3.39

Printed sheet from the "Distressed Areas Exhibition": "Christ and Unemployment - A Call to a Crusade", with covenant tear-off slip

62/2/I: Newspaper and magazine cuttings

Articles from Time magazine (USA) on Freudianism (26.6.39) and Freud's book Moses and Monotheism - a psychoanalytic approach to the Semitic and anti-semitic "neuroses", and on anti-semitism in a Baltimore school

Articles from World Press News about Jewish influence in the Press, 18.5.35

Daily Express report: Mosley's speech, November 1939

Two bookjackets: "The Jews - are they human?" by Wyndham Lewis (George Allen & Unwin); "The Shortest Way with the Jews" by Peter Harlow, (George Allen & Unwin)

Article The Star, 10.2.39 "Jew Offers to Buy Boy Bicycle"

Article Evening Standard, 5.12.38: "Court Apology for Saying Father and Son were Jews"

Article Evening Standard, 8.12.38 : "Hitler's Creed and Others"

Article Evening Standard, 18.8.38 : "No Such Thing as a Jewish Race" (torn)

Article News Chronicle, 7.12.38 : "Priest Defends Anti-Jew Editor"

Article News Chronicle, 10.2.38 on Lord Baldwin

Loose in Box

Song sheets: The Jewish national anthem and other Hebrew songs

Copies of The Jewish Chronicle, 3.2.39 and various East London newspapers


62/3/A: Anti-semitism and free speech 1946

Typewritten 22 page report on "Anti-semitism and Free Speech", 25.7.46 (PV)

Typewritten 21 page report, original and carbon copy, based on 180 direct interviews made between 25.7.46 and 24.8.46

Typewritten copy of Directive for July 1946, Part I, relating to people's feelings towards Jews, the Jewish problem and Palestine

Analysis sheets on censorship on books and newspapers

62/3/B: Palestine questionnaires 1946

Typewritten 17 point questionnaire on censorship, fascism, religion, atheism, nationalism, political behaviour generally, 25.7.46

Handwritten and typewritten responses to above-mentioned questionnaire, London areas, June - Aug 1946 (JMK, PH, TT, LB, UP)

Typed report on findings from questionnaires on attitudes towards Palestine and Arab countries

62/3/C: Palestine questionnaires 1947

Handwritten account of a young woman arrested at a fascist meeting at Dalston and background to case, 24.10.47

Typed 11 point questionnaire on Zionism, Palestine, Arabs, Balfour Declaration and voting in the last General Election, 30.6.47

Handwritten responses to above-mentioned questionnaire, London areas, July 1947 (NM, HG, LB, JB, DH, AHL)

Handwritten jottings on findings from questionnaire on Palestine and Zionism

Two informal interviews, handwritten and typewritten, on Jews and Palestine, June 1947

62/3/D: Palestine questionnaires 1947

Handwritten responses to 11 point questionnaire on Zionism, Palestine, Arabs, Balfour Declaration and voting in the last General Election, London areas, July-Aug 1947 (MM, JB, AHL, HG, LB, DH, AS)

62/3/E: Results/analysis of questionnaires 1947

Handwritten notes of possible responses to 11 point questionnaire on Palestine

Various analysis sheets for 1947 survey


62/4/A: Printed material on the Jewish Question

The Jewish Problem by S Brodetsky (Jewish Agency for Palestine, London Nov 1944)

Jews, Arabs and the Middle East by Ephraim Broido (Jewish Socialist Labour Party, London, Dec 1944)

Jews in the Family Of Nations by Dorothy Thompson (Jewish Agency for Palestine, London, May 1944)

Where Can Refugees Go? by James G McDonald, published by Jewish Agency for Palestine, London WC1, July 1945

Palestine Yesterday and Tomorrow by James Parkes ( British Association for Jewish National Home in Palestine, London, July 1945)

Palestine Can Take Millions (Jewish Agency for Palestine, London, Nov 1944)

Jewish Palestine Fights Back, published by Jewish Agency for Palestine, London WC1, Nov 1945

Appeal to British Labour (Palestine Labour Political Committee, London, undated)

JPA News (Joint Palestine Appeal, London) 2 copies

Zionist Review 13.6.47 (Zionist Federation, London)

62/4/B: Results of survey on attitudes to Jews March-April 1951

Typewritten explanation and tabulated results of survey

Typewritten draft for questionnaire on attitudes to Jews, March 1951

Correspondence between Reynolds News (London) and Commentary (New York) and Len England (investigator) on the possibility of publishing articles from the findings of the survey, 6.11.50 - 19.4.51

Typewritten letter from Board of Deputies of British Jews requesting copies of survey, 7.5.51

Handwritten letter criticising aspects of survey, 7.5.51 (Major SC Speelman)

Subsequent correspondence to and from Len England with Commentary, Major S.C Speelman, Reynolds News, Board of Deputies of British Jews, Jewish National Fund, Liverpool Jewish Gazette and Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith (New York) offering criticism of survey and requesting copies on report

62/4/C: Questionnaires on attitudes to Jews March-April 1951 (M-O Survey 95)

Duplicated 5 point questionnaires with responses on feelings about Jews

Handwritten notes from questionnaires on 'best things' and 'worst things' about Jews

Handwritten responses to above questionnaires, carried out in Golders Green, (AS)

Analysis sheets and notes from findings of questionnaires

62/4/D: Questionnaires on attitudes to Jews March-April 1951 (M-O Survey 95)

Duplicated 5 point questionnaires with responses on feelings about Jews

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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