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TC 59: 7 boxes

BOX 1 : CHILD SURVEY 1937 - 40

59/1/A: Studies of child behaviour 1937 - 40

Typed exploratory synopsis on children, 29.11.37 (FHC)

Typed QQ for children on family, friends, love and death etc, 11.11.37

Typed plan for study of children's behaviour, 1938

Typed memo - proposals for study of teacher 1.11.40 (JSF)

Handwritten list of panel members with children, undated

59/1/B: Observations of children 1937

Typed and handwritten observations of Bolton school children, 1937 (FHC, JS, JMW, PNH, WH and teachers)

Handwritten observations of school sports day, 1937 (JMW, WH)

Newspaper cuttings on finding work after school and catapults 1937

Printed pamphlet - Bolton schools educational visit to the Lake District, May 1937

Valentine card

59/1/C: Wall Chalkings 1937

Sketches of wall chalkings by children, Bolton 1937 (WH)

59/1/D: Child Survey 1938

Approx. 60 handwritten and typed responses to child survey, 1938 (volunteer panel)

59/1/E: Empire Day May 1938

Handwritten reports on Empire Day celebrations at schools, May 1938 (sent in by teachers); Derbyshire, Suffolk, Middlesex, Coston (County?)

59/1/F: Sunday Schools 1937

Part of a handwritten report on talk given to Sunday school teachers, undated

Handwritten observation of Sunday school class by teacher, undated

Handwritten interview with group of boys on religion, 1937 Bolton

Observation of children after attending show in a church hall, 1937 Bolton

59/1/G: Miscellaneous 1932 - 37

(Not M-O)

Handwritten results of physical training tests 28.11.32

Printed letter from Bolton Education Committee on introduction of a new senior school, August 1937

Typed report on Fourth of June celebrations at Eton College and printed programme, 1937

Typed and handwritten letters to Tom Harrisson - one from St Christopher School Letchworth Herts, and one from Frank H? - both undated

Four handwritten notes to teachers from parents, 1937


59/2/A: School life in war time 1939 - 40

Typed letter for schools asking for information on school life in war time 8.3.40 (BW)

Typed and handwritten letters from head masters and mistresses in response to letter, giving information about: - general effect of war on pupils, interests, conversation and outlook (some in response to advertisement - see 5 letters November 1939). Also copies of prospectuses, school magazines and other ephemera, February-April 1940

Handwritten analysis of contents of school magazines, 1939 - 40 (CP)

59/2/B: School life in war time 1942

Typed copy of letter to schools asking for information on school life in war time, March 1942 (HW)

Typed and handwritten letters from head masters and mistresses in response to letter about school life in war time. Also printed school annual reports, March - June 1942

Syllabuses - Beckenham and Penge 1942

59/2/C: School life in war time 1939 - 47

Miscellaneous typed and printed ephemera sent in by volunteer panel and full-time observers: - circulars on evacuation of schools, ARP, extended school in summer holidays, social activities in schools

59/2/D: Children and the war - miscellaneous 1940 - 43

Handwritten letters from evacuee 1940 - 41 (2 letters)

Typed observation of school play, Letchworth 22.2.40 (TH)

Typed interview with headmistress of evacuated school Seaton, Devon, 26.4.40 (PF)

Handwritten reports on school girls sent in by school teacher Roedean, February - March 1940

Handwritten report on overseas evacuation, Canada, August 1940 (panel member)

Handwritten letter from male (age 17) on attitudes to war at college, Cheltenham 25.5.40

Handwritten report on children in the war and after, February 1942 (EG)

Handwritten and typed correspondence between panel member and Glasgow Education Dept about Government evacuation scheme and transport for school children, Argyll 1940 - 42

Five typed observations of schools after air raid warnings, Romford, Middlesbrough 1940 (NM)

Typed report on Cheltenham College farming scheme - school boys helping farmers August 1940

Typed observation of conversation about harvesting camp for school boys and arrest of man from Daily Worker, Bolton 22.6.40 (BA)

Typed article on public schools and the war and letter to TH, undated

Typed correspondence and timetable for conference held by New Education Fellowship "What after 13" (TH gave a lecture), handwritten report of Conference (RF) November 1941 - January 1942

Typed extracts from listening reports for TH - schools' reactions to broadcasts including broadcast on finding a job 1942 - 43

Handwritten essays by children on war and peace terms 1940 - 41

59/2/E: Children's books and comics 1939 - 42

Typed description of contents of comic - Crackers 21.11.39 (TH)

Typed description of children's supplement in Christian Herald 9.11.39

Typed list of magazines for children including religious magazines and magazines for girls from organisations ie Federation of Girls' Clubs, YWCA

1940 copies of : - The Rover, The Skipper, The Wizard, two copies of Adventure, The Hotspur, The Magnet, Triumph and Gem, Playbox, Film Fun, Children's Newspaper, (CP)

Handwritten analysis of content of comics

Newspaper cutting on series of 'sixpennies' for young people 22.2.40 (BW)

59/2/F: Children's reading survey - Fulham 1940 - 41

Typed letter from the editor of The Junior Bookshelf about children's reading habits and the war 13.3.40

Handwritten report on children's reading habits at Fulham Library, 17.2.40 (CP)

Handwritten survey of books issued to children, Fulham Library 16.3.40 (CP)

Typed report on visit to children's library, Fulham 8.5.40 (SH)

Typed report on children's reading habits, Fulham 22.2.41 (DS)

59/2/G: Education QQ 1942

Six point QQ on "what social, political changes you would like to see or what changes you expect there will be after the war and ideas on post war education?"

Typed copy of QQ 6.10.42

120 typed responses to QQ from Kilburn, Paddington, Marylebone 1942

Handwritten analysis of QQs 6.10.42 (JF)

59/2/H: Education Indirects 1944

Typed and handwritten indirects on education from Chelsea, Hampstead, SW1, Albert Bridge, November 1944 (GST, RL?, CG)

Handwritten analysis charts, November 1944


59/3/A: Observations of children 1939 - 42

Handwritten report on survey of children's play 31.7.? (JSF)

Typed observations of children at play and general observations of children, Bolton, Fulham, Stepney, and Middlesbrough 1939 - 42 (RA, AH, NM, WRL, VT, CM)

Drawing of Hitler etc by four year old

59/3/B: Observations of children 1940

Typed observations of children at play and general observations of children, Worcester 7.10.40 (JA, DA)

59/3/C: Observations of children 1940

Typed and handwritten observations of children in Bethnal Green play centre and handwritten letters to TH, February - March 1940 (sent in by play leader)

59/3/D: Children's attitudes to war 1940 - 41

Typed and handwritten answers to QQ "What do you think of war?" April 1940 (LE, HP, NM, VW, RF)

Children's drawings and handwritten notes on children and the war 25.4.40 (TH?)

59/3/E: Children's attitudes to war 1940 - 41

Handwritten essays on war (Northern Ireland), three answers to questions on war and drawings of air raids by children (sent in by teacher), Huddersfield 1940 - 41

'Mock' letter, and list of contents of 'Westport Barracks' (toy fort) by 13 year old boy. 1940

59/3/F: Children's attitudes to war 1940 - 42

Handwritten essays by children on air raid warnings and letter from teacher, Alexandra Palace, June 1940

Handwritten essays by children on shelters, War Savings Week and holidays (sent in by teacher), Watford 1940 - 42

59/3/G: Miscellaneous observations of children 1942 - 47

Typed observations of social held in aid of The Basque Children's Fund, 10.5.42 (PJ)

Handwritten observation at a children's art exhibition, Cooling Galleries, Bond Street, London 14.1.43 (MS)

Handwritten observation of children outside a pub - The Crown, Cricklewood Broadway 23.5.43 (LB)

Handwritten observation of waiting room in children's hospital 17.4.45 (LB)

Typed special report on visit to Bernards Heath Junior Mixed School, St Albans, April 1947 (panel member)

59/3/H: Survey of Wickham Common School and Pound Park Nursery 1947

Handwritten survey of Wickham Common School and personal experiences of investigator (teacher at this school), 30.1.47 (EG)

Handwritten and typed report 'Going to the cinema on Saturday morning', Wickham Junior School July 1947

60 handwritten essays by children on going to the cinema, Wickham 1947

Handwritten charts on cinema going and analysis, Wickham 1947 (EG)

Handwritten report on Pound Park Nursery, Charlton, London 1947 (EG)

Handwritten report on visit to infant department of Wickham School 7.12.47 (EG)

59/3/J: Tables from survey on education 1947-48

BOX 4 : MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS BY SCHOOL CHILDREN (sent in by teachers) 1937 - 38


'The Royal Family' handwritten essays, Bolton? 1937


'Coronation Day' handwritten essays, Westhoughton 1937


'Winter and Summer' handwritten essays, Bolton 1937


'Spring' handwritten essays, Bolton 1937 (WH)


1 handwritten essay on a holiday in Blackpool, Bolton? 1937

1 handwritten essay 'A Short History of Deane', Bolton? 1937

59/4/F, G, H:

'The finest person who ever lived' handwritten essays, Westhoughton, Middlesbrough 1937 - 38

BOX 5 : MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS BY SCHOOL CHILDREN (sent in by teachers) 1937 - 38


'When I leave school' handwritten essays, Middlesbrough December 1937


'Cannibals' handwritten essays, 1937


Children's school exercise books - English literature and grammar, Middlesbrough 1937


'When I grow up' handwritten essays, Bolton 1937 - 38


Handwritten letters to Father Christmas and essays about a Christmas party, Watford (sent in by teacher also panel member) 1938

Handwritten essays about a Christmas party, London (sent in by teacher also panel member) 1938

BOX 6 : MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL BY SCHOOL CHILDREN (sent in by teachers) 1937 - 42

59/6/A: Essays 1937

Handwritten essays about a chosen person, Bolton 1937

'Good and Bad' handwritten essays, 1937

'Armistice Day' handwritten essays, Westhoughton 16.11.37

'Gala Day' handwritten essays, Westhoughton August 1937

Handwritten essays on presentation of school certificates, Middlesbrough High School for Boys 1937

59/6/B: Essays 1937 - 38

'The games I play' handwritten essays and handwritten analysis, Westhoughton 1938

'From school to bed' handwritten essays, list of class nicknames and analysis, Westhoughton 1938

'What I like best' handwritten essays and analysis, Westhoughton 1937

'What I'd like to do' handwritten essays, Salford 1937

'How I spent Saturday and Sunday' handwritten essays and analysis, Bolton 1937

59/6/C: Essays 1937

'God' handwritten essays, Westhoughton 1937

'Dick Whittington' and 'Robin Hood' handwritten essays, Bolton 1937 - 38

'Things I learn at home that I do not learn at school' handwritten essays and notes on essays, Bolton 1937 - 38?

59/6/D: Miscellaneous QQs

Handwritten and typed answers to miscellaneous QQs on general knowledge, hobbies and current affairs, Bolton 1937 - 40

59/6/E: Miscellaneous material

Handwritten poem 23.8.41 (VW)

Handwritten essay 'The Child' (undated)

Handwritten miscellaneous short stories by boys and letter from teacher, 23.7.40 (includes 'autobiography of Hitler') (RF)

Handwritten essays on post-war improvements for the world and letter from teacher, Eastham, April 1942

Handwritten letter to BW from teacher and member of panel, Watford, March 1942


59/7/A: Essays 1938

'My Home' handwritten essays and letter from teacher, Greenford 1938

'My Home and Who Lives There' handwritten essays and typed copies, Twickenham 1938

'My Home and Who Lives There' handwritten essays and typed copies, Watford (undated)

'My Home and Who Lives There' handwritten essays, typed copies and letter from teacher, Birmingham 1938

59/7/B: Essays 1938

'My Home and Who Lives There' handwritten essays, some typed copies and letters from teacher, Bishop Auckland 1938

59/7/C: Essays 1938

'My Home and Who Lives There' handwritten essays, some typed copies, letter from teacher and handwritten notes on essays, Bishop Auckland, Wirral, Bugbrooke, London, Murton (County?), 1938

59/7/D: Miscellaneous magazines and publications 1937 - 52

Printed pamphlet Forty Years On (Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools) 14.12.37

Printed pamphlet Charity and the Law, published by the National Council of Social Service 14.3.50

Printed pamphlet Intelligence Testing - Its use in selection for secondary education. Special articles from The Times Education Supplement, 1952

Ministry of Education Pamphlet Number 1 The Nation's Schools: Their Plan and Purpose, published by HMSO 1945

Social Work - printed, quarterly review of family casework, published by the Family Welfare Association April 1946

Printed pamphlet The Social Background of Infancy - The Domestic Environment of 471 Oxford Babies, published by the BMA June 1930

Magazine The World's Children, published by Save the Children Fund, Winter 1941 - 42

LGS - Journal of NALGO, November 1946

Picture Post, Volume 33 Number 5, 2.11.46

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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