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TC 54: 1 box only

54/1/A: Police Reports 1939-41

Typed copies of summaries of police reports made to Home Office, amalgamation of reports received from Chief Officers and Regional Staff Officers. Reports concern public order, adherence to blackout regulations, censorship, "subversive activity", and industrial conditions. These papers are apparently confidential and there is no indication of how they might have come into the possession of M-O

34 summaries covering the period 15.10.39 to 1.2.41

54/1/B: Crime and Accidents in the Blackout

Typed note giving sources of material on this topic

Us No. 3 (page 2).Printed extract from diary describing an attack on a young girl during the blackout M-O publication 17.2.40

Typed diary extract from Portsmouth, undated

Typed diary extract describing blackout experiences in Liverpool 27.11.39

Typed diary extract describing blackout experiences in Liverpool 13.12.39

Typed diary extract about driving in the blackout, Burnley 18.10.39

Typed report on "Alleged Hooliganism in Raphael Park", Romford 25.6.40 (NM)

54/1/C: Law and the Courts

Typed note detailing reduction of initial War Restrictions 2.11.39 (TH)

Typed results of interviews consisting of 3 questions about proposed "War Zone Courts". Analysis of replies 17.7.40 (CP)

Handwritten informal interviews on the subject of "War Zone Courts", London 17.7.40

Typed informals on War Courts, 10 replies, Bolton 17.7.40 (BA)

Typed reports of selected cases of prosecutions under defence regulations, various locations 29.7.40

Typed report of unsuccessful attempts to attend court sittings London 14.8.40 (HP)

Press cutting describing court sitting in cellars during air raid warning. Evening Standard 21.9.40

Typed description of legal ceremonial procession in Worcester 24.10.40 (DA)

54/1/D: Analysis of Journals

Handwritten extract from "Obiter Dicta" column in the Law Journal 16.3.40

Typed copy of editorial, "Legal consequences of war", The Solicitors Journal 9.9.39 (VMD)

Typed copy of editorial about Finland and International Law The Law Times 30.12.39 (VMD)

Typed copy of item from The Law Times about war legislation 30.12.39 (VMD)

Typed copy of item about Law Society's offices being evacuated. Law Journal 30.12.39 (VMD)

Handwritten answers on printed sheets detailing items in various journals relevant to wartime regulations

Analysis of Law Journal 4.11.39 to 16.12.39 and 6.1.40 to 2.3.40

Analysis of Philatelic Magazine 10.11.39 to 1.3.40

Analysis of Publisher's Circular 30.12.39 to 17.2.40

Analysis of World's Press News and Advertiser's Review November issues 1939

54/1/E: Curfew, Evacuation and Invasion Plans

Typed report of conversation with a policeman about curfew 31.7.40 (RP)

Printed copy of The Defence (Evacuated Areas) Regulations Statutory Rules and Orders 1940 No. 1209

Legislation dealing with suspension of rents and hire purchase payments during periods of enforced evacuation

Press cutting about World Review 's change of editor and staff The Star 1.8.40

Typed results of interviews about newspaper reports of invasion plans. 17.7.40 (CP)

Typed note referring to display of place names on fund-raising posters. 6.9.40 (LE)

Handwritten report of public meeting held in Bookham village hall, Surrey to discuss invasion preparations. 3.8.42 (VT)

Wandsworth Borough Council 'Invasion Plans' 1942: traced maps, leaflet

54/1/F: Invasion Leaflet Questionnaire July 1940

Printed leaflets, "If the Invader comes. What to do and how to do it." Issued by Ministry of Information. Three copies 1940

Printed leaflet, "First Aid in Brief". Issued by the Ministry of Health 1940

Typed 4 point questionnaire about reactions to the leaflets with instructions to interviewers 20.6.40

Typed note. Observers opinion of the Government leaflets 23.6.40 (HP)

Typed and handwritten replies to questionnaire from various areas of London. 22-23.7.40. Approx 60 replies (CF, NM, DH, HP, SS, CP, HN, LE)

Typed 5 page report from M-O on Invasion leaflet 20.6.40

Typed report, "Further Air raid and Invasion notes" 17.9.40 (M-O)

54/1/G: "Beating the Invader": 1941

Printed leaflet, "Beating the Invader", issued by the Ministry of Information, May 1941

Letter from Ministry of Information to TH, commissioning investigation into public reaction to invasion leaflet 9.6.41

Handwritten pilot studies using 5 point questionnaires about reaction to and levels of understanding of Invasion leaflet: with impressions and criticisms from interviewers 10.6.41 (JS) and 11.6.41 (NN)

Handwritten pilot study using question, "What did you think about Churchill's message?". With notes by interviewers 11.6.41 (JS, NN)

Copies of draft 10 point questionnaire about invasion leaflet 11.6.41

Copies of final 11 point questionnaire about reactions to leaflet and "test" of understanding the leaflets instructions, with particular emphasis on who to take orders from during invasion conditions. 11.6.41

Handwritten data from News Quota surveys on attitudes to and possibility of an invasion 25.5.41 to 10.6.41 (JSF)

54/1/H: Invasion Leaflet Questionnaire Replies Oxford and Letchworth

Typed replies to 11 point questionnaire about invasion leaflet and knowledge of its contents, Oxford and Letchworth Approx 80 replies 13.6.41 (BW, HH)

54/1/I: Invasion Leaflet Questionnaire Replies. London

Questionnaire replies as above from various areas of London Approx 120 replies 12-13.6.41 (JS, DH, NN, VT, CF)

54/1/J: Results of Questionnaire and Final Report

Handwritten notes and comments by interviewers working on the Invasion Leaflet Survey

Handwritten detailed analysis of questionnaire replies including totals, percentages, quotations and correlations of data 17.6.41 (JSF)

Handwritten analysis of questionnaire replies including totals, percentages, quotations and correlations of data 17.6.41 (EL)

Handwritten notes on conclusions of survey 13.7.41 (EL)

Handwritten analysis of Invasion leaflet questionnaire material 12.6.41 (HP)

Typed final report on "Third Invasion Leaflet" (M-O); 19.6.41

54/1/K: Invasion Leaflet Questionnaire Results

Tabulation sheets of questionnaire results

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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