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YOUTH 1937-43

TC 51: 3 boxes

BOX 1: 1937-40

51/1/A: Youth Peace Movements

Observations at a Young Britons Garden Fete and ticket, handwritten, July 1937, Bolton (WH)

Observations at Labour League of Youth Meeting July 1937 handwritten, WH, extract on League of Youth from unknown publication; typed ms "Notes for League of Youth Lectures"; typed ms of Draft Policy for the League of Youth; list of the League of Youth membership 1935-37 (Bolton)

Membership booklet for Economic Youth Movement, Bolton 1937-38; invitations to meetings of the Economic Youth Movement (Lancs & Cheshire) 29.3.38 & 12.4.38; handwritten & typed observations at meetings 23.11.37 (WH & ZB) and 19.1.38 (JS)

Observations at TUC Conference 23.4.38, handwritten, 2 leaflets encouraging membership of union; 18th Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 1937, Lancs & Cheshire Federation of Trades Councils & Trades & Labour Councils, (pamphlet)

Observations at a meeting of the Pacifist Youth Group, handwritten, Highams Park, 3.1.40 (AFC); observations of meeting at the Highams Park Peace Pledge Union and the Walthamstow Young Communist League 4.1.40 (AFC), printed leaflet from the above meeting published by the Communist Party, typed report of conference on "Youth in War-Time" called by the British Youth Peace Assembly, 9-10.12.39

National Youth Peace Aims Conference 2-3.3.40 ticket, typed letter to delegates, leaflets given out at the conference, pamphlet Youth News Feb 1940, typed report of conference (JC)

Observations at Public Meeting organised by the National Peace Council, typed, London 13.3.40, leaflets sold and distributed at the meeting (6)

Report of West London Youth Conference, handwritten 16-17.3.40, leaflets distributed at the above (4)

Under 30 Movement Meeting handwritten report 21.5.40 and ramble 20.5.40 (RF); handwritten report on Spanish Youth Fiesta 12.4.40 (RF)

Handwritten report on International Youth Rally 11.11.41 (JS). Letter and copy of pamphlet from the Young Communist League of Great Britain, Jan 1941


Typed ms, Leeds Student Congress, March 1940, 13 reports (AH)

51/1/C: Correspondence

From RC Codner to TH Oct 1940, including Sept Directive; from Dr Gertrude Wagner re Youth Study and reply Oct 1940; from FD Klingender re Youth Study and reply Nov 1940, including typed draft memo"Plan to Discover the Effect of the War on the Youth of Britain"; personal report from EG, Dec 1940; from G Martin Dec 1940; from Margaret Coutts, Jan 1941 (MOI); to R Gauntlett Jan 1941; to B Henriques, Jan 1941; from D Boyd (BBC) Jan 1941; to/from G Martin, (Church of England Temperance Society) March 1941

51/1/D: Newspaper cuttings Oct 1940-March 1941

Including article by TH "The Hope of Youth" in an unknown publication

51/1/E: Pamphlets and ephemera

7 tickets for London Night Clubs 1940; The Economist 23.11.40 article "The Supply of Brains"; Christ's Hospital Roll of Service Sept 1939-Oct 1940; article in Nature "Welfare of Youth" Nov 1940; Rechabite Magazine article "Children and the Law: Past and Present" Nov 1940; Us number 12 April 1940; St Stephen's Church Review Jan 1941; 3 copies of Challenge-Britain's Youth Weekly Oct & Nov; Social Welfare (published by the Manchester & Salford Council of Social Services) article "Report of the Second Youth Survey"; Starting Young Workers Safely in Industry (The National Safety First Association)

51/1/F: Youth Questionnaire, The Effect Of War, Future Life, Oct-Dec 1940

Typed notes "The Problem of the 18-20 Age Group", 7.10.40 (RF); handwritten and typed notes on the questionnaire (JS); youth indirects Nov 1940 (JS); questionnaire and replies Streatham (LE), Mill Hill, Burnt Oak, Golders Green, Shepherd's Bush (JS, WH, GH), Notting Hill Gate (DH); notes (JS); handwritten extracts from AE Morgan The Needs of Youth; Youth interviews (CF); analysis sheets (JF); conclusions (JF), Jan 1941 handwritten


51/2/A: Introduction and conclusions of Youth Survey, Jan 1941

Instructions to Observers (3 copies typed) Jan 1941; note on youth material (LE) (2 copies typed) summary; corrected copy of M-O "Young People" (A Social Survey in London) Jan 1941 typed; miscellaneous notes by TH and JS on study Dec 1940-Jan 1941

51/2/B: Analysis of Youth Survey 1941

Handwritten notes and analysis sheets for Paddington & Bermondsey (JF)

51/2/C: Employment 1940-42

Notes and interviews, handwritten, on attitude to jobs and to unemployment of young women and a comparison with older women (CF), Nov 1940; notes and interviews, handwritten, on attitude to jobs and unemployment of young men (CF), 1940; handwritten notes on Camden Town Labour Exchange (CF); typed observations 'Going to Work', Bermondsey, (LE) Jan 1941; Juvenile unemployment returns for Bermondsey typed, (LE) Jan 1941; typed extracts from newspapers, publications and diaries: Schuil diary Nov 1941; Newsletter Sept-Oct 1941 "Young Wage Earners" 4 extracts The Star "Wages" Jan 1942; Tribune "Training of Youth" Jan 1942; TES (Times Educational Supplement) "High Wages for Juveniles" Jan 1942; Labour Monthly "Wages and the War Effort" Feb 1942; The Economist "Juvenile Earnings and Registration" Feb 1942; diary of a housewife Jan 1942; Daily Mirror Feb 1942; memo sent from D Tate "The Relation Between High Wages and Juvenile Delinquency" including 2 tables from the Ministry of Labour Gazette; typed ms "Excessive Wages of Boys-National Association of Boys' Clubs" H Llewellyn-Smith, Feb 1942; pamphlet Parliamentary Debates-House of Lords Official Report "Children in the Pottery Industry" Feb 1942; interviews with shop-keepers in London on juvenile wages, (VT) Feb 1942. 2 diary extracts re juvenile wages. 3pp ms on "Juvenile Wages", Coventry 13.2.42 (VT)

51/2/D: Reading Jan 1941

Observations in Porchester Road Library (CF); observations in Bermondsey Central Library and Rotherhithe Public Library, typed (LE); counts of newspaper buyers, Paddington, (JS); observations in various bookshops in Paddington (CF) and Bermondsey (LE) typed and handwritten; summary of Bermondsey typed interview with Mr Davidson, Borough Librarian, Bermondsey; Free Reading for Shelterers, Bermondsey Public Library leaflet

51/2/E: Clothes and Shopping Jan 1941

All typed, general remarks on clothes (CF); descriptions of what people were wearing, Paddington (CF), Bermondsey (LE); shops and shopping Paddington (JS, CF), Bermondsey (GH, LE); handwritten summary in note form

51/2/F: General 1940-41

Observations on street corners, follows and overheards, Paddington (CF, JS) Bermondsey (LE, GH), Notting Hill Gate (DH) Nov 1940

51/2/G: Recreation: Paddington and Bermondsey 1940-41

Paddington: cinema count, handwritten, (CF); pub counts (JS), handwritten; blackout activity, handwritten (CF); observations in billiard halls, recreation grounds and dance halls (JS), handwritten; observations of youth at night (JS); observations at Clarendon Youth Centre (GH); roller-skating (JS); group counts (HP). Jan 1941

Bermondsey: outdoor/indoor activities (GH); pub count (GH), typed; blackout behaviour (LE); cinema count handwritten, (KT); smoking (GH), typed; group counts

Comparisons of Paddington and Bermondsey; juvenile leisure time July 1940 questionnaire form; children's play in the East-End, Oct 1940 (CF)

51/2/H: Shelters: Paddington and Bermondsey 1940-41

Observations in undergrounds Sept 1940 (HP), typed; East End children in shelters, typed, Dec 1940 (CF); copy of questionnaire on shelters and youth; shelters in Paddington and Bermondsey, observations and general impressions, Jan 1941, (KT, GH, LE, JS); copy of Shelter and Youth Report by the Church of England Temperance Society, Feb 1941

51/2/I: Clubs: 1940-41 (and Church)

Typed ms of Youth Organisations in Bermondsey, Aug 1940; letter sent to parents from 66th North London Rovers, Scouts and Cubs, Dec 1940

Observations counts and follows at various churches in Paddington and Bermondsey (CF, LE); magazine from Holy Trinity Church Paddington Jan 1941

Interviews with people associated with youth through clubs, the church and various youth committees, (RF) Jan 1941

51/2/J: Leisure and Clubs Questionnaire Jan 1941: Bermondsey

Typed and handwritten replies to the questionnaire, (GH, DH)

51/2/K: Leisure and Clubs Questionnaire Jan 1941: Paddington

Typed and handwritten replies to the questionnaire (JS, CF, BW)


51/3/A: Boys' Clubs: Nov 1940

All typed, interviews and observations (JA)

Clarendon Youth Centre (2 copies); Boys' Brigade (2 copies); London Federation of Boys' Clubs (2 copies); Salvation Army; Boy Scouts HQ; 62nd London Boys' Brigade; Southwark Youth Committee (2 copies); Mary & Acland Club (2 copies); summary of position (2 copies); summary of statistical information

51/3/B: Boys' Clubs ephemera 1938-40

Pamphlet and leaflet from Bolton YMCA 1937-38; London Federation of Boys' Clubs Annual Report 1938-39; Boys' Brigade leaflets, reports and gazettes 1940

51/3/C: Girls' Clubs Questionnaire Dec-Jan 1942

Questionnaire typed, replies handwritten

London (MS, CG, DH); Bolton (FM), general impression, questionnaire among women working in a factory; Roehampton (MH, CM); Fordingbridge (JH); Westbourne, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­; Rolands Castle (MT), Hants; Cornwall (VT); totals and analysis

51/3/D: Reports from St Francis Youth Club 1943

Various reports on the activities and the running of the youth club in West Wickham, Kent (EG)

51/3/E: Special Reports by the National Panel: 1941 & 1942

Replies to the Special Report on Youth Problems

51/3/F: Youth Questionnaire: The Running of the War, July 1942

Typed questionnaire, handwritten replies; Camden Town (EG), Bayswater and Shepherd's Bush (MS), King's Cross (CM), analysis sheets

51/3/G: Youth Questionnaire, June 1943: Paddington

Handwritten and typed (EG, LB, GT); analysis sheets

51/3/H: Miscellaneous

Handwritten extracts from surveys/reports on measuring intelligence in schoolchildren, achievement at school (both USA), and ILO report on work and health

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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